Status: Active

The Screeching Banshees

Not Myself Tonight

It had been almost two weeks since Josie was attacked and since she ended the blossoming relationship with Nikki. It was difficult seeing him every night backstage and not talking to him or engaging in a kiss or two but Josie remained firm in her stance that she wasn’t gonna get involved with a taken man no matter how much it hurt. It didn’t help the fact that he openly hit on the numerous groupies that would be backstage though she suspected it was more to get her jealous and to once again use someone for his own gratification.

The Banshee’s continued to pick up steam now they had just as many sometimes more fans running to them after the shows asking for autographs and pictures. All the attention was new, exciting, and a little scary for them but it wasn’t completely unwelcome.

As for getting signed the rest of the Banshees talked it over with Josie about still going with Electra considering the tension between her and Nikki they didn’t want her to see him more than she have too. Josie simply stated that they would have to work alongside people they either didn’t like or get along with so they decided to stick with going with Electra.

Of course the rest of the Banshees flocked around their sister after the attack. They always made sure she was okay and was up for doing the shows and performing. Josie appreciated her bandmates and managers concerns but it was starting to get a little annoying. She wasn’t made out of glass and she had been through worse things than this. Plus the soreness of her body and her bruised face were getting less and less evident. The Banshees still hung out with the Crue after shows but now it was a little awkward given the tension between Nikki and Josie. Whenever he tried to catch her eye she simply diverted her glance and talked to someone else.

Josie hadn’t completely ignored him she still exchanged pleasantries with him but as far as any kind of conversation like the ones they had before the attack that had all but ceased much to Nikki’s disappointment.

Though it bothered her when Nikki would vanish with multiple women and she had on more than one occasion heard noises of passion coming from his dressing room she buried her feelings by her writing which occupied her mind to the point she could put up with it.

Still though she did her best to keep it from getting to her Josie was a little annoyed how indifferent and nonchalant Nikki was acting about her ceasing things. As if those conversations and the time they shared meant nothing to him. If he really wanted her as much as he claimed he should be fighting tooth and nail for it. The fact he wasn’t only reinforced Josie’s thoughts that she was just another woman for him to toy with to make her think she meant something more to him than she actually did.

Josie was tired of lingering on what could have been, those moments, and those kisses with Nikki Sixx. Her conversations with the others the morning after her attack had been replaying through her mind. Brooklynn, Lyra and the others were right. She was a beautiful, attractive young woman. She wasn’t gonna dwell on Nikki anymore she was gonna enjoy their increasing popularity and everything it had to offer.

Josie was gonna take what the others said to heart about having fun. Did that mean she was gonna sleep with anything that had a dick between its legs every night? No, but it did mean she was gonna let loose and enjoy the company of a man even if for one night. It had been a while since she had had sex and she missed it. She missed the feeling of a warm inviting body next to and against her. She missed the feeling of pure euphoria during that blissful moment of release. She missed feeling desired and wanted by a man. Nikki had made her feel something she hadn’t felt in a while but he was off the tables since he was involved with another but that didn’t mean she was gonna deprive herself of the pleasure of sex no matter how much she wanted it to be with Nikki.

It was one night in Washington during another off day that Josie approached Lyra who was sitting on the bench engaged in the current month’s cover of Revolver magazine.

“Sup Josie?” Lyra said not even looking up from the magazine.

“I want to get a tattoo.” Josie said bluntly.

Lyra glanced at her before shrugging. “Okay.” She said in a nonchalant indifferent tone.

“Like right now.” Josie said more firmly.

“Okay.” Lyra said once again in that same indifferent tone.

Josie sighed deeply thinking about her next words. “And after I get the tattoo how about we go out and paint the town red?”

Lyra looked up over the magazine making eye contact looking vaguely interested.

Josie then smiled with a hint of mischief. Blood red to be specific.”

Lyra slowly pulled the magazine down revealing her own mischievous grin. “Now you’re talking.”

Josie dressed in one of the tight little black dresses she had purchased that day her, Lyra, and Brooklynn had went out shopping. It was a firm fitting bodycon that enunciated her curves and bosom and ended right above her knees showing off her legs which ended in a pair of sexy stilettos. Her lips as usual were in her favorite black cherry lipstick while her almost waist length black hair was in some curls.

She turned as there was a wolf whistle at the door seeing Lyra standing there dressed in a corset top and some tight jeans.

“Looking good Josie.” Lyra said. “You ready?”

“Hell yeah.” She said grabbing her own jacket before they exited the bedroom.

Bexlee who was sitting reading a book as usual glanced up at them. “Going somewhere.”

“Going to raise a little hell don’t wait up for us Bex.” Lyra said grinning big.

“Okay, just don’t get your asses thrown in the big house.” Bexlee said before returning to her book.

“Okay Josie first things first after the tattoos a new makeover.” Lyra said as they walked their arms linked down the strip.

“I still don’t see how that’s gonna make me feel better.” Josie said.

“You’ll see you’ll look so damn good other guys will be drooling over you, you’ll forget all about Nikki.” Lyra said.

“Who said this had anything to do with Nikki?” Josie asked stopping briefly.

“Josie, I’ve known you ever since high school I can tell you’re still hung up on Nikki otherwise you wouldn’t look like you want to shot laser beams out of your eyes at the groupies he’s around.” Lyra said.

Josie sighed looking away she wasn’t as discrete as she thought she was at hiding her emotions about that.

“Look I get you’re still sad about him lying but don’t let that spoil your mood.” Lyra said wrapping an arm around her friends’ shoulders then smirking. “Tonight we’re gonna paint the town red and show that you don’t need his ass.”

Josie met her eyes and grinned before relinking her arm with Lyra’s.

“Let’s do it.”

They entered the tattoo parlor where the sound of hard rock and metal music hit their ears. There was scuffling behind the black curtain as a heavyset bald guy covered in tattoos stepped from behind the curtain.

“Evening ladies.” He said with a friendly smile. “My name’s Dexter how can I help you?”

“Looking to get some new ink can you take us?” Lyra asked.

“Sure can considering you’re my only clients right now.” Dexter said maintaining the friendly smile before gesturing for them to follow him.

Josie and Lyra walked behind the curtain seeing pictures of Dexter’s other clients as he lead them to a black reclining chair where his needles and ink were already prepped and cleaned waiting for use.

“What are you looking to get?” Dexter said sitting on his stool grabbing a sketch pad.

“I have no idea.” Josie said shyly.

“Well, she doesn’t know what she wants but I know what I want.” Lyra said plopping down in the chair. “I want a heart with angels wings on my lower back.”

“Awesome, how low do you want it to go?” Dexter asked.

Lyra smirked. “As low as you can get it.”

It was about an hour and a half later and Lyra was getting the finishing touches on her tattoo.

“You’ve decided yet Josie?” She asked looking up from where she was laying. “And it better not be any butterfly tattoos you already have two of those.”

“It’s not it’s kinda stupid actually.” Josie said fiddling with her notepad.

“What is it?” Lyra asked curiously.

“Well you know I like to get tattoos that have some kind of meaning or significance to me so I decided to get just some random tattoo for once.” Josie said. “I only hope it doesn’t look tacky.”

“What’s it of?” Lyra asked.

“It’s of two bows which are gonna start here.” Josie stood up showing right under her asscheeks. “Then it’s gonna be lacing all the way down to here.” She then ran her fingers all the way down her legs till she reached her ankles.

Lyra and Dexter blinked at her before they smiled. “That is gonna look so hot.”

About an hour later Josie lied on her stomach in the chair occasionally flinching as the needle sometimes pricked hard on her skin. Lyra who sat nearby sipping a beer chuckled.

“With as many tattoos you have you should be used to the pain by now.” Lyra said.

“You would think but I’m not.” Josie said. “How’s it looking so far?”

Lyra looked at what was tattooed so far. “It’s gonna look so damn gorgeous.”

This made Josie smile as she laid her head back down as Dexter continued.

“So, what you ladies up too tonight?” Dexter asked wiping some excess ink away.

“Going to raise some hell.” Lyra said with a smirk. “And then some.”

Dexter chuckled. “A couple of good looking ladies like yourselves going to raise some hell?” “Sounds about right.”

Lyra and Josie laughed as Dexter finished tattooing the back of Josie’s legs.

“All done sweetheart.” Dexter said with a proud smile.

Josie got up carefully before turning to look in the full mirror looking at her fresh ink.

“It’s beautiful.” She whispered.

After paying for their new ink Lyra and Josie walked down the street again until they stopped in front of a hair salon. Lyra grinned at her before dragging her into the salon.

“What are you planning on getting?” Lyra asked.

Josie shrugged. “I was thinking of getting a trim and some color.”

“What kind?” Lyra asked.

“Red but I want the top of my hair to stay black then it fades into the red.” Josie said running her hand through her hair to demonstrate.

“Never heard of that but it sounds awesome.” Lyra said as they walked to an open chair.

“Hey, my name is Dixie I’ll be your stylist for tonight.” Dixie said giving a bright smile. “Who’s going first?”

“This one is.” Lyra said giving Josie a small push towards the chair.

Josie sat in the chair as Dixie put a hair apron on her before she turned the chair till she faced herself in the mirror.

“What you have in mind sug?” Dixie asked.

After explaining to Dixie what she wanted Josie sat patiently as Dixie snapped on some gloves before mixing the hair dye. She painted the middle like Josie indicated all the way down to the tips before leading her to the sink. Josie closed her eyes as the water was turned on and Dixie began rinsing the dye out her hair. Feeling breath on her face she partially opened her eyes to see Lyra staring down at her with a smile.

“It’s looking so good.” She said squeezing her fingers which Josie returned.

After being under the hair dryer and Dixie cut Josie’s hair till it was a little over her shoulders. She curled the ends and pulled back looking at Josie with a smile.

“Check out your new look sug.” She said turning the chair till she looked in the mirror.

“Whoa.” Josie whispered to herself the red and the black mixed perfectly. She stood up not recognizing herself as she ran a hand through her new do.

“Wow, who’s that sexy woman in the mirror?” Lyra said making her snort with laughter.

Lyra ended up getting some blonde highlights after they were done at the hair salon the two friends walked down the boulevard just looking at the sights. Josie slowed down as they came across a piercing place.

“I want to get my belly pierced.” She said.

Lyra stopped then smirked. “Feeling really adventurous tonight Josie?”

“This night is about us letting loose and forgetting about a certain someone who won’t be mentioned.” Josie said. “So, let’s let loose.”

“Let’s.” Lyra said opening the door and held her hand out. “After you.”

Though she wanted her belly pierced Josie now laid nervously in the chair her dress lifted to just above her navel as her belly button was lathered with alcohol and the guy came closer with the needle. She swallowed nervously as she felt the coolness of the tip of the needle on her navel.

“Just relax Josie it’s gonna be so quick.” Lyra said holding her hand nearby.

Josie looked at her friend then looked at the guy who gave her a reassuring smile. She nodded before closing her eyes as the needle pierced her belly.

“Josie I don’t know where this new bold and adventurous side of you came from but I like her!” Lyra exclaimed as she sipped her margarita. “What’s going on besides the obvious?”

Josie shrugged eating her nachos and sipping her Sex on the Beach. “I guess I just woke up and decided I’m tired of being sad and letting the past keep me from living life to the fullest and greatest.” “I just decided I’m done letting the past hold me back.”

“That’s not all what it’s about is it?” Lyra asked. “You’re doing this to forget about Nikki right?”

Josie sighed. “Yes I’m still hung up on him and I’m so sick of it.” “I mean we didn’t even really have a relationship so it shouldn’t bother me so much but…

“But it does.” Lyra finished for her and squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be like I said I should’ve known it’s my own fault for getting my hopes up that it could become something real.” Josie said smiling sadly. “That’s all on me.”


“I wanna go dancing.” Josie said cutting her off and finishing her drink.

“Are you sure?” Lyra asked watching as Josie quickly chugged down her drink without a pause.

“Positive.” Josie said grabbing her purse. “Let’s go.”
The two girls stood in the line outside the club the music booming inside. Eventually they were at the front of the line after showing their ID’s they entered the club greeted by loud rock music and strobe lights.

“Wow.” Josie said looking around.

“Yeah.” Lyra said in agreement. “You wanna dance or get another drink first?”

“Let’s dance while I’m still able to.” Josie said making her friend laugh.

Lyra grabbed her hand pulling her to the center of the dance floor as they began grinding against each other. Josie smirked grabbing her friends hips and squeezing them.

“Liquid courage Josie?” Lyra said with a smirk and raised eyebrow.

“That and then some.” Josie said. “I’m hoping to meet someone.”

“You’re hoping to…

Lyra’s eyes widen before she laughed and hugged her tightly. “Girl, I’m so proud you’re finally taking our advice to have fun.”

“Lyra…Josie said patting her friends back.

“Right sorry.” Lyra said quickly releasing her but still held her by the arms. “Well, let’s not waste time and make you look as available as possible.”

Lyra pulled her Josie’s jacket and removed her own throwing them to the side as they resumed their sensual grinding. Josie smiled softly throwing her head back as Lyra gripped her hips tightly before doing a slow shimmy down her body. The two then raised their arms above their heads their fingers briefly interlocking as they did a twist. Lyra spun Josie before pulling her close pressing them firmly against each other. Josie giggled as Lyra shimmied down again her hands going over her new ink before slowly removing the gauze. Lyra looked at the bow and laces on Josie’s legs with a grin before turning. They continued their grinding with Lyra’s back pressed against Josie. It was a little difficult due to Lyra being taller than Josie but they made it work.

Lyra then turned again facing Josie running her hands through her newly dyed hair. Josie pulled Lyra’s shirt up slightly before removing her gauze and pulling her jeans down revealing her new ink to the world.

Eventually the music stopped and the crowd cheered as the two friends now sweaty laughed and hugged each other in joy. They locked their arms and heading towards the bar.

“You know what Josie maybe you should meet an asshole here and there because these assholes have brought the siren out of you.” Lyra said grinning.

Josie rolled her eyes with a grin. “I told you I’m for real I’m through being sad all the time.”

“Well, happiness and having fun looks good on you.” Lyra said holding up her glass. “To happiness and having fun.”

“To happiness and having fun.” Josie repeated as they clinked their glasses and sipped their drinks.

“I’ll cheers to that to ladies.” A voice said behind Josie.

She turned to see a familiar top hat and mass of thick curly hair.

“Slash!” She exclaimed surprised.

“Hey Josie.” Slash said with a smile then nodded in Lyra’s direction. “Lyra.”

“Sup Slash?” Lyra asked.

“Nothing much enjoyed that little show you two put on the floor earlier.” He said his grin getting bigger.

“You were watching us?” Josie asked.

“I’m sure every guy in here was because that was hot!” Slash said.

“Well, we try.” Lyra said with a smirk.

“Not that I’m not glad to see you but what are you doing here?” Josie asked.

“We have a couple of shows in Washington as well.” Slash explained. “We were hoping to run into y’all and Motley again.” “Which we did sorta it’s nice to see you guys again.”

“You too.” Josie said with a smile.

“So, where’s everyone else?” Slash asked looking around briefly in search of the others.

“Not here it’s just us.” Lyra said.

“Why’s that?” Slash asked curiously.

“It was more of Josie’s idea she’s dealing with some stuff and she wanted to forget it.” Lyra explained vaguely.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Slash said giving her a sympathetic look.

“Thank you but let’s not think about it.” Josie said. “I came here to have fun not mope.”

“Right on!” Slash said high fiving her. “The others are here you want to join us?”

“We love too.” Lyra said grabbing her drink and Josie’s arm.
They followed Slash to a secluded part of the club where the rest of Guns n Roses sat away from the crowd.

“Well hello ladies!” Axel exclaimed.

“Guys you remember Josie and Lyra.” Slash said.

“Of course, how could we forget the band who’s taking the rock world by storm?” Duff asked smiling big.

Josie chuckled. “I’m sure you’re exaggerating Duff.”

“Bullshit he is just saw you ladies in the papers calling you the next big thing.” Steven said.

“We’re in magazines?” Lyra asked surprised. “Really?”

Steven nodded and held up a magazine Lyra quickly grabbed it plopping next to him. On the front cover with a picture of the band during one of their live performance in bold words read:

The Screeching Banshess are the next big all female band since The Runaways.

“Holy shit.” Lyra said slowly then held it up for Josie to see. “Check it out.”

“I see.” Josie whispered. “It’s so surreal.”

“Yeah, that was our reaction when we first appeared on the cover.” Izzy said.
Slash lead Josie over the couch where they were sitting. “So you ladies doing good?” “Still enjoying touring with the Crue?”

Josie shrugged. “We’ve had a couple of problems but it’s all settled right now.”

“You sure?” Duff asked. “We heard about what happen to you.”

“How did you find out?” Josie asked. “I thought it was done with so quickly no one would find out.”

“Sweetheart shit spreads like a wild fire.” Axel said sipping his beer. “Just be relieved it didn’t end up on the front pages.”

Josie sighed shaking her head as a hand rubbing her back soothingly she looked up to see Slash watching her closely.

“You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I just went out tonight to forget it and I’m still reminded of it.” Josie said.

“Hey I’m sorry if…

“It’s okay Duff really.” Josie said smiling reassuringly.

Duff returned the smile before changing the subject. “So, where are the others?”

Lyra shrugged. “Doing whatever the hell they do when we’re not around.”

“Where’s the Crue at then?” Steven asked.

“I definitely don’t give a damn what they specifically Vince and Nikki are doing.” Lyra said with a snort.

Axel chuckled. “Those two piss you off the most?”

“And then some.” Lyra said. “If I wasn’t trying not to go to prison Vince would’ve been six feet under.”

Duff laughed. “Yeah, Vince has a habit of getting under people’s skins but he’s cool once you get to know him.”

“Don’t want to get to know him anymore than I do.” Lyra replied taking another sip of her drink getting a good buzz.

“So what’s it about Nikki that’s got you pissed?” Slash asked.

Lyra looked at him as though that was a stupid question. “Besides the face his crazy ex attacked my friend he also lied about being in a relationship messing with my friend’s head.” “Mama doesn’t play that shit.”

“What does mama like?” Steven asked smiling softly.

Lyra returned it leaning into him till she was near his ear. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She asked licking his lobe making him gasp.

She pulled away smiling at his reaction before finishing her drink.

“Want to find out what mama likes?” She asked.

“Sure!” Steven exclaimed happily she grinned grabbing his arm and lead him out the private room leaving Josie alone with Guns.

“I really like your new hair.” Slash said making her turn and smile gently.

“Thank you.” She said.

“So, how long you’ve been singing?” Duff asked.

“Since 12.” Josie said.

“How you meet the others?” Axel asked.

“Oh God she crashed her car into Brooklynn’s mom’s?” Duff asked between laughs.

“Yep, but their moms hit it off so did they, they’ve been friends ever since.” Josie said.

“It’s too good!” Axel said chuckling loudly.

“So, Josie does Aries have a boyfriend or any commintments in that way?” Duff asked after the laughs died down.

“No not at the moment she doesn’t.” Josie said then smiled softly. “Why?” “You want to ask her out?”

Duff blushed slightly. “Maybe.”

“Well my advice to you is be prepared for the storm that is Aries because she doesn’t put up with shit and she doesn’t like a weak ass man.” Josie said bluntly.

“Noted thanks for the advice.” Duff said gratefully.

“You’re welcome and you better treat her right because I don’t usually give out information or advice on my friends to anybody but you seem cool.” Josie said.

“You’re cool too Josie.” Duff said with a wink making her blush.

“So, what’s your advice on Bexlee?” Izzy asked.

“Bex is really reserved good luck getting her to go anywhere.” Josie said. “She’s real quiet and prefers to stay inside reading a good book than going out but she likes coffee shops.”

“Coffee shops huh?” Izzy asked.

“Yeah, they’re soothing and quiet like she is; she has always been the mediator when things get tense on the road.” Josie said. “I’m the most close to her next to Brooklynn.”

“Speaking of Brooklynn any advice on her?” Axel asked.
Josie snorted. “Brooklynn’s too busy banging like rabbits with Tommy.”

“I knew it!” Axel exclaimed then turned to Duff holding his hand out. “Pay up!”

“Man!” Duff said in frustration pulling out a 20 and giving it to the grinning Axel.

Josie raised an eyebrow and looked at Slash. “They were betting on whether or not Brooklynn and
Tommy were banging.” “Axel said they were Duff said they weren’t.”
Josie shook her head. “That’s so juvenile and childish.”

“I agree.” Izzy said making her smile.

“It’s just fun is all.” Axel said. “So, any advice about you?”

Josie suddenly felt uncomfortable she didn’t want to talk about herself. She came with too much baggage and she still was hung up on Nikki.

“I’m going to get another drink.” She said getting up quickly.

“But you’ve barely…

Josie ignored him and walked out the room but was stopped by a hand on her arm. She turned coming face to face with Slash who was looking at her with concern.

“You okay?” Slash asked.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Josie replied.

“You sure?” He asked. “You got out there pretty quick.”

“Yeah, I just got…I don’t know.” Josie said upset she was letting the hurt of the past get to her.

“Axel’s sorry if he offended or hurt you.” Slash said. “He wanted me to tell you that.”

“I know he meant no harm I’m just…

“Hey, you don’t have to explain or be sorry for anything.” Slash said smiling gently. “We all have a story and it’s not always filled with happiness.”

Josie smiled gently. “Thank you Slash that’s really sweet.” She said before giving him a peck on the cheek.

“No problem you gonna be okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m just gonna hang out at the bar for a bit.” Josie said.

“Okay you can still hang with us if you want when you’re done.” Slash said.

“Thank you.” Josie said giving him a hug.

Josie walked and sat at the bar ordering herself another drink this time a Sex on the Beach. As she sipped her drink she saw Lyra dancing sensually against Steven occasionally teasing his lips with little nips and licks. Josie watched as Lyra led his hands which had been resting on the middle of her back down till Steven was grasping her ass. As Josie watched her friend dance and bobbed her head to the music there was someone else watching as well.

Vince had to get out of there he tried to be somber he really did and he wanted to be but it was the hardest thing he ever had to do. Also he was tired of Nikki having to control everything. Nikki had been clear that they were to remain somber during this entire tour meaning they couldn’t even have one little drink and Vince was getting fed up with that rule and Nikki’s attitude. He decided to go out mainly to get away and get a drink if he could.

Luckily Doc and Doug were occupied with the next gig to notice his absence. Tommy was by the sounds of it having another sex marathon with Brooklynn. Mick was never big on going out and Nikki was trying to lose himself in as many women as he could to forget about Josie. Sixx really had it bad for this girl and he had managed to fuck it up before it even got started.

“Typical Sixx.” Vince thought to himself as he took a cab to the nearest club.

The music was booming the bouncer knew who he was immediately and let him in past the screaming women. Vince made his way inside and went to the bar. After ordering himself a drink he sat sipping closing his eyes as the alcohol began to take effect. God he missed this! Opening his eyes a lecherous grin made its way across his face at the women who were dressed in tight clothing or scantily clad.

His eyes focused on a sexy little number who was dancing with a guy with bouncy blonde hair who looked familiar. The guy turned and through his haze Vince recognized it was Steven Adler. Figuring he greet an old friend and fellow rocker Vince got up until the sexy woman turned and Vince recognized it was Lyra which made him stop in his tracks. He blinked a couple of times to be sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. Vince knew Lyra could move he saw how she moved at The Whiskey. For a few minutes Vince watched them dance as Lyra turned her back to Steven’s chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands which had been resting on her shoulders came down to her hips.

Vince found himself feeling a tad pissed that Steven could and was allowed to touch Lyra like that and he couldn’t. Though Lyra had showed nothing but distain towards him Vince was pretty sure Lyra enjoyed a good fuck now and then like any other twenty something year old woman. He was also positive that all that anger towards him was to hide that she wanted it as much as he did. He wanted to be the one to touch her like that and give her the fuck of her life. All the members of the Banshees were attractive but Lyra was a pistol and a spitfire they could have some phenomenal hate sex.

His eyes refocused as Lyra turned and wrapping her arms around Stevens’ neck before pulling his head and slamming her lips on his.

Josie watched as Lyra kissed Steven shaking her head with a half-smile on her face. She only hoped that Lyra would save the very inappropriate for when she and Steven were alone. As she watched out the corner of her eyes Josie noticed a blonde who seemed to be really focused on Lyra and Steven. She squinted and recognized it was Vince. And he was drinking! She knew that Motley had a strict rule of no drinking or drugs.

Even though the others were still struggling with sobriety she knew Vince was having the toughest time with it. Josie couldn’t understand why somebody with so much talent and so much to give to the world would throw it all away just for a buzz of alcohol. It made her sad that Vince would throw away his career by disobeying orders to stay clean.

But Vince was a grown ass man if he wanted to throw his career away despite being given so many chances that was on him. Josie found herself looking for the other three members namely a certain bassist. Of course Vince was here by himself he wouldn’t be drinking otherwise.

Josie sighed in frustration shaking her head here she was still thinking about Nikki when she was supposed to be forgetting about him. What was it about Nikki Sixx that had her to the point she couldn’t even enjoy a night out? The universe had a weird sick sense of humor as if reminding her of her situation further the DJ began playing Borderline by Madonna.

Josie took a big shallow of her drink as Madonna’s vocals echoed in the club and in her mind.

Feels like I’m going to lose my mind
You just keep on pushing my love
Over the borderline

She laughed scornfully to herself. “This is so fucking stupid.” She said looking down into her drink.

“What is?” A voice next to her asked.

Josie looked up to see a man with shaggy dirty blonde hair dressed in ripped jeans, stripped shirt, and with the bluest eyes she had ever seen.

“It’s nothing, nothing for you to worry about.” Josie said.

“It must be something otherwise you wouldn’t be crying.” The man replied.

Sure enough Josie could feel a single tear fall down her cheek though she quickly wiped it away.

“God, I’m so sick of fucking crying!” She exclaimed in frustration.

She felt a small tap on her arm she looked to see the man holding a napkin for her a sympathetic smile on his face. She gave him a small smile and gratefully accepted the napkin.

“Thank you.” She said wiping her face.

“No problem if it means anything I have those days too when I can’t stop crying and every little thing starts the waterworks.” The man said.

“No shit?” Josie asked skeptically wondering if he was just saying that to get in her panties but he seemed genuine.

“No shit, I can be okay for majority of the day then at night it’s like a switch got flipped and I’m in the dumps.” The man said. “It comes out of nowhere and sometimes it feels out of my control.”

“Same here.” Josie said feeling a kinship with him. “My name is Josie by the way.”

“Kurt.” He said. “Kurt Cobain.”

“Nice to meet you Kurt.” Josie said shaking his offered hand.

“Likewise, so what brings you here?” He asked.

Josie shrugged. “I came here in an attempt to forget about someone and I ended up being reminded of them despite my attempts to forget about them.”

“Boyfriend?” Kurt asked.

Josie snorted. “Not exactly we didn’t really have a relationship to begin with which makes it even more ridiculous that this whole thing with him is affecting me like this.”

“Who is he?” Kurt asked.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Josie said then smirked. “Besides I’m trying to forget him remember?”

“Right best not to talk about him then.” Kurt said with a laugh. “So what do you do with your life Josie?”

“Well, I’m the lead singer in a band called The Screeching Banshees.” Josie said.

“What a coincidence, I’m the lead singer in a band too.” Kurt said.

“Really?” Josie asked. “What’s the band’s name?”

“Nirvana.” Kurt said.

“Sorry, I’ve never heard of you.” Josie said with slight regret.

Kurt chuckled. “It’s alright, we’re still kinda underground and we’re considered grunge which isn’t exactly mainstream music.” “We just released our first album this year and gotten some good reviews.”

“Congratulations.” Josie said. “We’re not signed yet but we have record labels interested in us.”

“That’s great, how many members do you have?” Kurt asked.

“There’s me, Brooklynn, Lyra that’s her over there dancing.” Josie pointed at Lyra who was still dancing provocatively with Steven. “Aries, Bexlee, and Juno.” “How many do you have?”

“There’s me, our bassist Krist, and our drummer Dave.” Kurt said.

“A trio must be nice not having as many members.” Josie said.

“It is but don’t be fooled we have as many arguments and disagreements as any other band but that’s part of the package.” Kurt said.

Josie nodded in agreement. “It’s gets overwhelming sometimes I want to strangle the life out of my friends but I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else but them.”

“Same here.” Kurt said. “So what genre do you sing?”

Josie shrugged. “We don’t really define ourselves genre wise we just call ourselves rock or alternative metal.” “We don’t like to be clumped into one category so we don’t label ourselves.”

“Aah, not wanting to fit into the norm sounds like us.” Kurt said with a smile.

Josie grinned. “Never did fit into the norm never will besides normal is boring.”

“Amen to that!” Kurt said in agreement.

Josie smiled to herself enjoying the conversation and attention she was getting from this man. They sat enjoying each other’s company as Josie continued to watch Lyra and the still fuming Vince.
Eventually Lyra turned facing Josie’s direction and smiled walking in her direction with Steven’s arms still wrapped around her waist.

“Hey Josie.” She said then noticed the man sitting next to her. “Hello and you are?”

“Kurt.” Kurt said introducing himself and nodded at Steven. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too, so Josie you feeling better?” Lyra asked.

“Much better.” Josie said smiling softly at Kurt.

Lyra smirked. “Glad to hear that anyway came to tell you I’m gonna hang out some more with Steven.” “We’re gonna go hang out in his room by ourselves and nobody else.”

Josie rolled her eyes with a grin knowing exactly what they were planning on doing.

“Okay but I think someone won’t approve of that.” Josie said.

Lyra furrowed her eyebrow. “Who?”

“Vince.” Josie said then glanced in his direction making Lyra looked seeing Vince turning back to face Josie with that mischievous smirk.

“Let me give him something to be mad about.” Lyra said turning in Steven’s arms and planting a big one on his lips.

Josie looked at Vince and sure enough he looked even more jealous than he did before. His eyes met hers he squinted unable to recognize her due to her new hair and the alcohol coursing through his veins eventually his eyes recognized her. He then looked seeing the man who Josie was sitting pretty close to he grinned briefly to himself knowing this would tick Nikki off. His grin finished when he saw Lyra still passionately kissing Steven he gulped down the remainder of his drink before stumbling to a different part of the club. Lyra pulled away seeing Vince gone and smirked.

“Guess that got the message across.” She said then pulled Steven closer.

He smiled “Wanna get out of here?”

“Hell yeah!” She said then looked at Josie. “You gonna be okay getting back by yourself?”


“Your friend will be okay I’ll take care of her.” Kurt said genuinely.

Lyra smirked. “I’m sure you will.” She said making Josie blush slightly. “Be gentle with her it’s been a while for her.” Lyra said.

“Lyra!” Josie exclaimed making her friend laugh.

“Can’t help it Josie.” Lyra said then interlocked her fingers with Steven’s. “See you tomorrow chickee.”

Lyra blew a kiss to Josie before she led Steven to the exit and they vanished out the door.

“Well, your friend is really something.” Kurt said.

“That she is.” Josie said in agreement then noticed Kurt was looking at her closely. “What?”

“I thought you looked familiar you’re THAT Josie and you’re THE Banshees everyone’s talking about.” Kurt said.

“Yeah we are.” Josie said.

“That means…you’re on tour with Motley Crue.” Kurt said then turned serious. “Can I ask you a question?” “You’re not inclined to answer by the way if you don’t want to.”

“What is it?” Josie asked looking at him.

“Is Nikki Sixx the guy who’s got up so upset?” Kurt asked.

Josie looked down and sighed heavily looking into her drink.

“Guess that answers my question.” Kurt said softly. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be it’s just I can’t believe he’s affecting me like this.” Josie said. “Not like I’ve known him long.”

“Doesn’t matter how long you’ve known someone feelings are feelings.” Kurt said.

“I suppose he gave me good feelings, feelings I haven’t felt in years but then those good feelings became bad.” Josie said. “I was finally opening myself up again and letting someone in and he crushed me.”

“Hey, don’t let one bad experience make you shut yourself off from people and the world.” Kurt said. “It’s okay to let people in you’re letting me in.”

Josie smiled softly. “I am aren’t I?” “But that’s because you don’t give me any bad or creepy vibes and…I like you.”

Kurt smiled. “I like you too.”

Josie returned the smile getting lost in those blue eyes. “You’re eyes are like the sky they’re so blue.”

Kurt chuckled. “You’re eyes remind me of a wolf.”

“So, I remind you of a dog?” Josie asked teasingly.

“No, you remind me of a strong and courageous being.” Kurt said.

Josie smiled softly at his words before meeting his friendly eyes.

“You want get out of here?” Kurt asked.

“Yes.” Josie said without pause.

Josie stepped over the clothes and shoes which were thrown haphazardly around the room. She watched as Kurt picked up a pile of clothes and threw them in a nearby chair. She smiled softly at his attempts to make the room cleaner.

He turned to her and smiles sheepishly. “I’m sorry about the mess I wasn’t expecting to bring anyone back here tonight.”

“It’s okay don’t think just because we’re a band of girls doesn’t mean we’re all organized.” Josie said.

Kurt chuckled before going to the mini fridge. “Thirsty?”

“Water please.” Josie said as Kurt handed her a bottle. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He said before clearing the bed for a place to sit.

Josie continued to look around her eyes finally seeing a guitar. “That’s yours?”

Kurt nodded observing her Josie finally turned noticing where he was sitting. “Kurt…

“I’m not expecting anything.” Kurt said getting up and holding her hands rubbing his thumbs against her hands which soothe her nerves.

“I can tell you’re still upset about Nikki and I get it you’re not ready for anything serious or even just something for comfort.” Kurt continued. “I would never force you do to anything you don’t wanna do.”

Josie smiled softly touched by his understanding and respect she leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek but close to the corner of his lips. He looked at her mildly surprised by this action and smiled gently blush coming over his cheeks. Kurt raised a hand and gently caressed her cheek as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Before she lost her nerve Josie leaned up as Kurt met her halfway as their lips met. The kiss quickly became passionate and heated as their hands began roaming over each other’s bodies. They pulled away their foreheads to each other’s as they tried to catch their breaths.

“I told you Josie we don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do.” Kurt said.

“I want this.” Josie whispered her hands going to his shoulders to remove his flannel.

Kurt in turn removed her jacket placing another gentle kiss on her lips he led her to the bed where they both sat down. He ran his hands up and down her arms.

“We can always stop.” Kurt reminded her and giving her another opportunity to back out.

“I’m sure.” Josie said kissing him again. “Just please be gentle with me it’s been a while.”

Kurt nodded as they kissed again Josie pulled at the ends of his T-shirt as he lifted his arms letting her remove it. As they kissed again Josie could feel Kurt’s hands fiddling with the zipper on the back of her dress.

It had been years since any man had seen her naked and though the scars of the past weren’t as prominent they were still there which made her feel a little self-conscious. Kurt felt her pause in their kiss he pulled back looking at her with concern.

“Are you alright?” He asked.

She nodded she could tell he didn’t believe her so she quickly kissed him her hands going to his hair before he could question any further.

She brought his hands back to the zipper of her dress and began to tug together they unzipped her dress making the straps fall slightly. Josie pulled her arms out the straps and stood removing the dress completely leaving her in an alluring dark purple set. Kurt ran his hands up her sides admiring the tattoo of the dreamcatcher on her right side and traced the wings of the phoenix on her left side. Their foreheads touching he unclipped her bra his fingers then tugged on the sides of her panties pulling them down till she stepped out of them.

Josie sighed as his hands caressed her breasts wrapping his arms around her waist Kurt lifted her before turning and placing her on her back on the bed. Kurt slowly eased his weight on top of her his eyes meeting hers Kurt slowly eased a hand down her torso her eyes closing as he stroked her most intimate parts. Eventually Kurt moved down pressing kisses on her body his kisses now on her abdomen he kissed a slightly raised area.

Josie’s eyes popped open as she saw Kurt gently touched the two distinguished marks on her abdomen. He gave her a sympathetic look as she shook her head not wanting to talk about it. He nodded in understanding before coming back up meeting her lips. Josie’s hands wandered down his lean body as he reached removing his boxers and kicking them aside.

She could feel his throbbing desire on her inner thigh Kurt looked into her eyes a question in his eyes making sure she was ready. Josie didn’t bring up a condom she trusted Kurt and she was okay.
Josie smiled softly as Kurt kissed her sweetly she closed her eyes gripping his arms as he entered her.