New York City's Very Pretty in the Nighttime

New York City's Very Pretty in the Nighttime

I've never been to New York City. I've never been to New York State, or indeed even North America. I haven't been very close to it, nor have I had the chance to go there. This is all irrelevant, though. It's nothing you need to know in order to understand this story. It might help, though. It's a bit like 'You don't have to be mad to work here, but it helps', isn't it?


WildeScaramouche (22:53:42): Sorry, was getting strawberries. How are you, then?
Technicolor452 (22:54:25): I'm not to shabby
Technicolor452 (22:54:27): how are you?
WildeScaramouche (22:55:24): Fine, broke up with my boyfriend today and am currently writing
Technicolor452 (22:55:52): Wanna talk about it?
WildeScaramouche (22:56:21): No, it's okay. I'm just happy about it, even if that sounds weird :P
Technicolor452 (22:56:49): great to hear :)


I was born on the fifth of September, 1978. My childhood was great, even if my parents would have their moments with each other. Quite a few moments, actually; they'd find something to argue about almost everyday, whether it was actually something important or not. One thing led to another, and they ended up moving apart. Not that they were ever married, but now they wouldn't be living under the same roof anymore. My parents' problems apart, it was a happy time. Come rain or come shine, the days would work out, and the nights were devoted to sleeping. I was a happy bunny, something one of my work colleagues often refers to me as. I don't mind the bunny connection, but I am more of a cat person.


Love You But You're Blue says:
You gonna try to walk around the globe and get a glimpse of them "in real life"?
Stella [ Is it cruel or kind not to speak my mind and to lie to you, rather than hurt you? ] says:
Hm, haven't thought about that...
Love You But You're Blue says:
I thought about it today. I've read about some people that have done that at gigs so Iäm trying på figure out how big the chances are that they are going to be there.
Stella [ Is it cruel or kind not to speak my mind and to lie to you, rather than hurt you? ] says:
Hm... It would be groovy, though
Love You But You're Blue says:
You think? I would really beat myself up if I don't do that and hear about someone who did and met the,.
Stella [ Is it cruel or kind not to speak my mind and to lie to you, rather than hurt you? ] says:
Yeh, that's true :P


High school was such a dreadful time. I wasn't studying anything I wanted to, resulting in that I found other things to pass the time with. One of them was Pete. He was that guy you should watch out for, the one who'd gotten the 'weirdo' stamp the day he started socialising with other people. But I was drawn to him, inevitably, by his unique ways of thinking and his extraordinary ability to write. Songs, poems, stories - whatever Pete wrote, it had me entranced from the first word. I soon came to look upon him as a role model, as the epitome of what I wanted to be but sadly couldn't be. He would be my excuse not to study, and I often ended up either working my head off trying to read up on a test the night before it was due, or not giving a quarter and either failing miserably or getting through on sheer luck. In some way, I graduated with decent grades, and still with Pete by my side. Or, well... He was mostly there, except for the times when things got awkward between us and we just felt alienated. At those times, I'd usually turn to whatever distractions were available, sane or slightly insane. But we always got back together, even after the longest of silent break-ups.


kittendew wrote:

21st May, 2007 01:58 (local)

I'll most likely exhaust this line of thought at a later date, or perhaps tomorrow. But it feels as though he's more famous for his addictions than for his music.

I love Babyshambles, I do. But in Pete's case, the drugs, arrests and on-off relationship with Kate Moss overshadows a lot of other things.

I think part of what I find fascinating is how he can lead a life like the one he has. The constant vagueness, changes and unpredictability.

cacaphony wrote:

21st May, 2007 02:03 (local)

Last summer, I wrote an article about celebrities more famous for acting stupid than for doing the things they got famous for. I mentioned Pete Doherty. The first time I actually heard a song by him was about
6 months later. I love the Libertines now, and I like Babyshambles (I haven't heard much of them). But for me to know who Pete Doherty is 6 months before I ever heard his music, soley because he was (is?) messed up on drugs, that's a little insane.

I think he's an interesting person, probably even a brilliant person. But I wish people knew him as that awesome musician, instead of that crazy addict.


I once met a boy, Dean. Initially, I was quite irritated with him and his mates, as all they did was to make a racket at the back of the mini bus. On the ride home, he started flirting with me, ever so openly. And I didn't disagree - I liked the attention. We eventually ended up a couple and everything was wonderful. The feeling of being newly in love is always great, and I suspect I've developed an addiction for it. Dean and I were together for about a month and a half, before I started feeling things weren't all okay. I could never put my finger on what it was, but something about the whole thing felt wrong. I broke up with him, unable to say why and leaving the two of us off speaking terms. I would've been glad to stay friends, but whenever I saw Dean he'd look right through me. I've never been good with breaking up, and I doubt I'm improving. A word of advice for all the aspiring girls out there: Don't rush headfirst into a new relationship. Let it take some time, get to know the guy. Then you'll have a much better chance at keeping the relationship together.


2007-06-30 13:27 (link)

2007-06-30 13:32 (link)
Oh, so you're giggling, eh? Keep on giggling, just keep on...

2007-06-30 13:36 (link)
I WILL! -giggles-

2007-06-30 13:37 (link)

2007-06-30 13:38 (link)
Nope :D I'm a giggle-monster. Kind of like the cookie-monster.. cept not.

2007-06-30 13:39 (link)
...I wanna be a monster too. D:

2007-06-30 13:39 (link)

2007-06-30 13:40 (link)
YAAAY! *dances with you*

2007-06-30 13:41 (link)


Now I'm working at a hotel, cleaning rooms and other duties like that. Four hours folding laundry is a real killer, but I still enjoy my job. Pete and I still have our ons and offs, and he often makes me despair or got nut-whack mad, only to make me happy in the next moment, but I couldn't do without him. He's saved my life quite a few times, made me realise things, inspired me in life. I don't know what's to come, and perhaps that's for the best. After all, if we knew our future, we'd be able to run from it, and what good would it be to be able to run from what's to come? Keep avoiding your future, and you'd be stuck in time.
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As said - part truths, part half-truths, part fiction. Great fun to write.