Gerard Talks…About Stuff.

Gerard Talks…About Cingular Phone Service And Yarn

Interviewer: So what about Cingular Phone Service.

Gerard: Don’t get me started on Cingular Phone Service, I was calling old friends from Jersey last night, and it dropped my call four times! Apparently, Cingular is the phone service with the least dropped calls, but I don’t see it. All I see is a lot of dropped calls! Why are there so many dropped calls?!

Interviewer: I don’t---

Gerard: Whatever, so anyway I was calling a friend on Cingular, and he told me the weirdest thing!

Interviewer: That has nothing to do with the---

Gerard: He told me Tiffany was dating Brad, and I’m like I have no idea who any of those people are, so he’s like Oh…

Interviewer: Is that all---

Gerard: So then I called another friend and he said he had an awesome party and that Tiffany and Brad were making out at the party, so at this point I got mad because I didn’t know these people yet again, so I called another friend and yet again Tiffany and Brad were mentioned, at this point I was furious so I hung up on that friend.

Interviewer: Okay…

Gerard: So I called my friend back that morning to apologize, but just as he was forgiving me my Cingular phone service dropped. Needless to say when I called him back he was pissed, but then I explained and everything was great!

Interviewer: Is that all?

Gerard: Yep!

Interviewer: So what about Yarn?

Gerard: Oh, I have the most amazing story about yarn!

Interviewer: Oh, I bet you do!

Gerard: So one day I was in the park right?

Interviewer: Ye---

Gerard: So anyway, I see this cat and he has a ball of yarn and I’m like oh how cute!

Interviewer: Yeah…

Gerard: And it wasn’t normal yarn either, it was a yellow yarn. He looked so cute with his jet black fur, unforgiving green eyes, and yellow yarn! But, then I tried to pet it.

Interviewer: Oh yeah…?

Gerard: Yeah, and I should have known by the unforgiving green eyes that the cat wouldn’t be forgiving. He scratched me up bad…real bad. I knew I shouldn’t have pet him but I did anyway…he was so cute…but so deadly. That’s why I like dogs more!

Interviewer: Oh…okay. Don’t start talking about dogs know.

Gerard: I won’t, that’s for another day!
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