Status: Complete. =)

Darklight Oasis

Underneath The Mask

I can't keep running anymore, I can't take the misery, mother I wish I could apologize for the
Things I said, I need your help but I'm living with the fact you're not here, I just wish I could live the way the fearless do, I can't take the sorrow, nor the misery, not everything makes sense in life he almost spawned in me, if I wind up with his child, I don't know what the hell I'd do


I can't keep hiding underneath the mask, my mind is churning out thoughts I don't want to have, this strange man, took me out of the club and took a knife to me, said I'd better do what he asked or he'd slide it across my throat, internally thinking how could life take such a drastic turn.... I think it's time I start to die, live like there's no tomorrow, LIVE, the remainder of life with no regrets, He can survive without me, it may pain him for a while, but in the end he'd be okay


Another chance at happiness and glory, I passed it up and I'm living in uncharted territory, I got the hint I'm too young and reckless, to live the way the brave and fearless do, I fell in love too quick, even he can't keep me here, I promised and I lied, attempted to end my life, the stranger put suicide on my mind, I can't bare to leave Hannah behind, so what I'd do in my mind is fix things up and patch us together, she is my sole survival, and even though I might leave, she gives me second thoughts, and then when she goes, they all come sliding right back

Chorus x2

Somewhere there's too many nights, there's no place I'd call home, drowning in these sorrows and pain, let me stay, let me die, forget me, move on and let me rot!

*Chorus x3*
