Organization vampire girl

Organization vampire girl 3

part 3
"ok we done eating are you ready? said axel at the door.
"im am so where do we train" she ask
"this way" he said opeening a portal.
xaida and axel walk into the portal. when they came out,she saw they where to be in a traning ground. she saw demyx and roxas sitting.
"are you ready to start your training" said axel
"alright first thing first will start working out, gimme 60 pushups" roxas said sadistically
"fine" xaida said as starts doing them
"ah ha your sure not complaining" said axel as he and demyx doing them too
"im a vampire vary strong and have plenty of energy" she said
"lucky" demyx mumbled irritated
eveybody but xaida were exhausted, they done 60 pushups,100 sit-ups, and 5 laps around the ground xaida had been told not use are super speed she had run normal. axel had done more then she had since they been doing this longer. xaida look at them and asked you do this eveyday?
"no but evey often we do why are you finally tired" axel ask
"only a little" she said smiling showing her fangs
"then your lucky and just wait intill you go on missions then you'll feel it" axel said
"all right do 5 more laps" roxas yell
"no way man" demxy said jumping to feet "im tired and hungry" he yell
"you didnt eat" xaida asked
"only a little they told me to go train you now i didnt eat much" said demxy
"well roxas can i take demy go get something to eat" she said
"yeah. go on. were going start fighting come back soon" roxas said as he glaring at axel
oh boy, i cant wait. shall we go" she asked demyx
"ok we shall" he replied as he opening a portals
"i got learn that" she said as she walk in
after he ate, the duo around talking "so what its like being a vampire other being vary storng " demxy asks
"i dont know i feel im like anyone other then my vampire senses, like hearing, cant see in dark, flying and super speed. but now im a nobody who knows what i can do too. she said wonndering
"wow thats cool you can do those thing but i unerstand being a nobody is hard with lack of heart but we use are memories to get through. said demxy as he smiles
"ya your right.....well we might want to go back to the traning ground before we get yell at" she said
"your right maybe after we done we can hang and play games" said demxy
"sure" said xaida
the two returned to the the ground xaida glanced around then a fireball past her face"WHAT THE-" she yelled dodging it
"WACH IT AXEL YOU ALLMOST HIT US" demxy yell as the two stop fighting
"sorry we where into the fight" said axel
"you can control fire" asked xaida looking there weapons
"ya evey menber in the organization has unique power like im fire" said axel
"im light and can use rare keyblades" said roxas
"as for me i can control water" said demxy showing his weapon
"cool will i get a power and weapon" asked xaida
"like your power, it have to be discover" roxas said
"ok roxas and demxy you two do some sparring i work with xaida" said axel
"ok" they said as they start fighting
xaida and axel made their way to an area where they get hit.
so you what to meditate or fight to discover what you can do" asked axel
"i can handle fighting" she said
"ok but this going to be hard" he said as he summons his chakrams
after a good 30 minutes of fighting and dodging his fireball, she ran fast and disappperd for the 3 time"ok thats geting old fight me head on. then suddenly heard her runing behhind him. axel then quickly spun around and threw his chakams at her. she miss the first one but second one got her in the knee "OW" she yell as xaida was on her knees trying stop the bleeing
"im sorry" axel said
"is ok me being a vampire i can do this" she sais as the blood running down as stopped and when back in her then sew the wound shut.
"i didnt know you can do that" axel said
"well...i didnt know i can control blood i just had the feeling i can do that" xaida said
"well maybe you had a feeling, thats your power" axel said
"your right let try it out" she said as scratches a tip of her fingder leting the blood come forming into blades
"cool but if you ask me, i think thats enough traning for today, let get thoust two to stop" said axel
"cool i'll stop them" said xaida as she ran towareds them as they were fighting, roxes was totally focus didnt knows she right behing him "hay there" then he spun his keyblade about his her."what the" she said as she try block it, then a blood light form into a blood red keybade that block the hit.
the other where vary surprise she justy did that.
"i dont know is it good" xaida said she look at her keyblade
"a nobody and a person that can summon a kayblade i rare" said axel and others looking shock
"look like i have to tell him this" axel said as he left into the portal
"it looks cool now you and roxes can use the kayblade" said demxy
"this cool maybe this is easy on me for the missions now you can takedown heartlees" said roxes.
"let get back i bet we going to have meeting about this" said demxy
"ok" they said
when they reached the doors, they saw a man with long blue hair, with gold eyes, and x shaped scar, she recognize him it was saix. "hay there im guessing we have a meeting" said roxes
"yes come with me xaida" he sai as they walk into the throne room, she can eveybody was there on there thrones, then xemnes stared to talk
"today im glad to inform we have new kayblade chosen one" he said as eveybody was looking at her
"she a kayplade wielder of coures" someone said
"look like things are going to be interesting" other guy said
"ok all if you what to ask her things do it later xaida go to your throne. said xemnes as xaida use her wings that she pop out then flew to get to her throne.
"OH COME ON SHE CAN FLY TOO" they all yell other then axel and xemnes that knew it.
"ENOUGH, later" xemnes said
xemnas stared the meeting for 5 minutes into his lecture xaida was vary bored and looking for something to do.
"well that enough for now go out" xemnes said as they all left, xaida flew out there stared head to thinking mabe going to axel or demxy room.