Organization vampire girl

Organization vampire girl 4

part 4
xaida when to her room and then goth tank top and goth skirt change into
xaida walking in the hall heading to axel or demxy room intill she heard someone runing behind her and turn to see it was roxes in his normal clothing.
"hay roxes what up" xaida said as he came up to her
"hay i saw you where walking just wondring if you what to hang" said roxes
"sure i just thinking going to axel or demxy room" she said
"let go to axel room he my best friend we can play games together" he said
"humm ok lets go" she said as they walk down to axel room
"..... so roxes how long you been friends with axel" she ask him
"since i came here we hang out here and twilight town haveing sea salt ice cream, while watching the sunset we been friends for long time is been fun other at times he act up at time that annoys me. roxes said while xaida was surprise seeing that they have no hearts they act they way
"that cool i didnt have many friends they where scared of my vampire side" she said vary sadly
"oh dont be that way we can be your friends you can hang with us" roxes said as he hold her hand.
"thank you" she said as she smiled.
as they got there they saw his door open when they when in she saw that his room was room was bright red with 6 scorch marks.he had a a dest the corner with computer and had tv, 5 game systems and cds/dvds cases. on the floor there were a few beanbag chairs.
"nice room can wait to do my room" xaida looking around. then she noticed the fire extinguisher attached to the wall. she gave roxes a questioning look.
"dont worry about it, it came in handy a few times" xaida stared to laughing
"look like someone haveing fun" they trun to see axel in a bath towel xaida was blushing vary red then as roxes cover her eyes.
"dont worry im not shy about im old enough to know" xaida said try get hand out of they way.
"dont i what you stay pure i dont what to fall for him he a player" roxes said as axel smiled then walk back in the bathroom get his clothes on.then later he come out with he red flame t-shirt and black short.
"so let have some fun we got lot games to play" axel said
"let play mario kart" roxes said
"ya that a fun game to play" xaida said
"oh let me play too" demyx said at the door
"demyx what are you doing here" axel said
"what can i play with you guys specially with xaida she my friend and i said to today we can hang today " demyx said as sat to left of her
"......fine" axel said looking a annoyed then sat to the right of her next to roxes.
the 4 of them sat around playing mario kart for about half an hour. they some time play in time time they where surprise to see xaida play vary good at it and what her play on there team."HAY! no fare stop hiting me roxes!" xaida cried out." your the one keep on wining" said roxes.
after several games of mario kart, a few dog piles, some pillow fights and dozens cans of pops.the four finally camed down. then eveybody but xaida stared get tired.
"ok eveybody as much i love to play more we should get some sleep will play more together next day but we have more training early tomorrow" axel said
"awww man" eveybody said as they got up left the room.
"hay xaida we should hang in my room tomorrow we can play some music and see some moives" said demyx
"ok sound like fun i remember that" she said
"good i see you on the traning ground" xaida said as demxy as he blushing then ran to his room.
xaida was not vary tired and decided look at her map to see where she can go, then she they had a library, then when she got here she saw a big door as she when in she saw the walls covered with books, which were neatly placed in the enormous bookshelves they all tpes of book."wow" she said then trying look for some manga books she love to read back then when had a heart.
"looking for something" someone said behind her. she turn to see it was zexion
"oh zexion what you doing her" she ask
"i come here a lot i love books" he said as he pick out a book nere her.
"i can smell you where hanging out with those three today" zexion said
"you can tell by smell"she ask
"that how i work and my power illusions" he said
"cool just i can do with my hypnosis i can control my victims" xaida said
"interesting you can do what you doing here" he ask
"well im not tired and decided look for some manga book if you have anyone. xaida said
"we do come i show you" he said as he walk towards a book shelves with a bunch of manga."you can take as many you what
"thank you" she said with a cute smiled as she took some books
"your'll wellcome you should get going to bed i bet you have early training tomorrow i see you at breakfast" zexion said blushing a little
"ok see you" she said as she ran in the hall, with some book in her hand.
"when she got into her room she got into her pajamas read some books and stared get tired then she fell asleep.