Organization vampire girl

Organization vampire girl 6

part 6
after xaida got her room she took a shower then go out after that she change into goth short dress. then she heard a knock at her door and open to is was demyx.
"hay xaida now that training is done are you ready hag" ask demyx
"ya im ready" she said
"great lets go" demyx said as he grab her hand she blushed a little and they walk down the hall then got room.
"here it is home sweet home" demyx said as she saw his room and saw his bed first.
"vary cool, you have a water bed" said xaida
xaida saw his room walls color blue with raind rops and the furniture dark blue or dark wood. she saw he had a tv with several game systems and a bunch of cds and cd player.she saw in the corner he had a 2 door she open is and saw a room full of instruments and a folong cabinet with music sheet.
"you sure love music" she said
"you bet im am let me play some songs" demyx as he pull out his sitar
xaida grinnd and nodded, then lay down on his bed and he started playing she closed her eyes as she listen to the music.he play for hour then he stop.
"how was that?" he ask
"you play so good, you have a talent" she said smiling
"thanks.. we still have time maybe we can watch a moive" he said as blushing
"sure" she said as he pick out and watch for a hour and half.
after the moive was xaida at the time and saw it was 9.
"is geting late should get to bed" said xaida as she got up his bed heads toward the door.
"ok see you tomorrow maybe we hang again" said demyx
"you see i told zexion we can hag in the library look at books, maybe if i have time " said xaida
"ok undersand" said demyx as xaida failed to notice he gave a weak smile.
xaida walk in the hall then got in her room got in her goth night gown and went to bed. 3 hours when by when she woke up feeling thirsty for blood. xaida rolled out of bed, she saw that her skin was geting pale and her fangs comeing out, letting out a sigh
"great look like thirst is back for now lets hope the some blood pack for me" said xaida as walk to the kitchen.
when she got there she look and didnt see any as she rember that lexaeus said they didnt have some but she figured they have some by now.
"great' she said as she reach for some water and shut the fridge.
xaida walk down the hall drinking some water to help her thirst a little bit. then she heard somebody walking behind her, she turn to see it was axel.
"axel what you'll doing up this hour" xaida ask
"i can ask you the same question what are you doing up at this hour and why look so pale and you eyes? said axel sounding concern.
"well you'll she it seems my vampire instincts are active and my thirst for blood came right now and you guy dont have blood for me so just drinking some water to dull the pain, hopefully i can get some in the morning" said xaida
"...if your thirsty you can have some of my blood" siad axel
"what! no! i can handle it dont what drank from my fellow members" she said shock
"is ok i dont mine i just what to help you"axel said as he expose his neck,
"no i cant..." she said as her throat throb but she started walk backwards.
axel saw that and grabbed her wrists and stared pulling her to his room,ignoring her words as they got to his room.
"look you need it and im your friend" axel said as he hug her to his neck,feeling the vaines in him and her fangs got big and her face got little red.
"...alright!, you win. i just going hurt a little bit" she said as sinking her fangs into his neck, tasteing his blood to much to her surpise taste sweet like ice cream,after she got enough she stop.
she saw her skin got color back and saw much to her surpise axel was still conscious most of people she bite there out like light.
"there are you good"axel said feeling bit tired.
"....yes..thank you..we should get some sleep"she said geting tired her self
" your wellcome and look is long way to your room and you look vary tired if is ok with you can sleep here tonight" said axel
"ok im to tired to say no i sleep by end of the bed" she said as axel gave her pillow and blanket.
xaida flooped down at end of the bed drifted into sleep as axel when to sleep at same time.