Organization vampire girl

Organization vampire girl 7

part 7
knock" knock" "hay axel are you up?" is geting late your going miss breakfast" said roxas outside the door
"axel?" roxas said as he open the door and saw axel and xaida sleep.
"what the! xaida what you doing here? roxas yelled said surpise
" vary tired, so dont yell" axel groaned
"what you 2 do had a sumber party and didnt invte me? roxes ask
"no roxes xaida got thirsty for some blood and i let her have some of my blood" axel said
"ow! did it hurt? roxes ask
"only a little but i do feel vary tired" said axel
".yun..only cure is eat some food and drink lot of water" said xaida yawning as she was geting up
"i see and xaida i see your looking better your up for breakfast?"ask axel
".....ya lets lets go" she said as she got off the bed and axel did the same.
the 3 walk down to the kitchen when they got there they saw eveybody but xemmas, when they came in and sat down, they look at them looking vary tired.
"wow you 2 look like hell and back" said xigbar
"xaida where were you i didnt see you in your room?" ask demyx
"she was asleep in axel room..ow" said roxes as axel slap him in the head
"what!" eveybody said in surpise
"well do we have two new lovebirds" said xigbar
"since when....i..!" demyx
"enough! both axel and xaida yelled that made everybody be quiet .
"look guys is not what you think, last night i got thirsty for blood and axel offered some his blood and i was vary tired and i fall sleep in his room and we are just friends. said xaida
"ya friends..."said axel
" i forgot your a vampire, i can see that" said luxord
"i didnt know you needed blood we get you some soon" said lexaeus
"i see...." said demyx
"thats good" said zexion
then eveybody settle down and continue eating. lexaeus offered make some scrambled eggs for xaida and she except some. after they where done eating they left to go on missions, other then the axel,roxes demyx and xaida they when to there room to get dress and head out to the traning ground. axel and demyx when to train by themselves.
"ok xaida ready to fight heartless" said roxes as heartless appeared
"ya im ready" xaida said as she summon her keyblade
they both ues there keyblade whack them down and she saw hearts come out of them.
"you see are keyblades is the only one release hearts, thats make us unique" said roxes
"thats cool" said xaida
"now that you got hang of the keyblade now to summon dark corridors to go to other worlds and get around places because youll going on missions soon" said axel
"ok sound good" she said
the three show her how to open them and to hide form others. it took her a bit to use it, then later she got hang of it but took lot out of her got tired.
"ok i think im done" said xaida
"ya is geting late" said roxes
"true that lets get going" said demyx
"ya im still tired from last night so let head off" said axel
all 4 when to there room, as xaida chance into her clothes eat some snack, then she remember she was going hang with zexion and return the books to him.xaida walk out her room head to the liberty, when she got there she saw him reading.then he turn to see her and smiled.
"hay zexion thanks for the books" said xaida as she hand him the books
"thats good i can shows you some more that are good to read" said zexion as he show her more books that caught her attention then they both sat down and talk.
"so...what do think being here" ask zexion
"is ok i quess other then training and not geting out much but least i made a lot of friends here then where i use to live they where scared of vampire side" said xaida
"ya we do a lot work but we do have time do things" said zexion
"true that i still have to get my room things, like tv, games,books,cds and painting supplies said xaida
"you like to paint?" ask zexion in surprise
"ya in my past as much i can remember i like darw and to paint"she said
"thats cool maybe you can paint a picture when you do" ask zexion
"thats sounds good....."she look at the time" look like is geting late and im tired, thank for the books i'll see you tomorrow said xaida
"ok i see you in the morning" said zexion
then xaida walk to her room, she sat down on her bed let her mind go blank and drifted to asleep.