Status: Active ♥



Lily approached the two-story house and rested her hand against the aged concrete, feeling a rush of warmth. Despite the colorful history, the house seemed peaceful and yet, Lily knew that they could get some amazing evidence.

“Have you ever been skeptical about whether a location’s reported hauntings are genuine or not?” Jay asked as they set up a camera for the first interview.

“Of course, there’s been a few times that I’ve stood in a supposedly haunted place and felt absolutely nothing,” Lily answered, taking a few still shots of the house and reviewing them as she continued, “The problem is that sometimes the person telling those stories needs them to be true, they need to believe that they’re not crazy or that the person they lost is still with them.”

“So, do you tell them the truth or let them carry on believing?”

“It depends, a person’s belief is a fragile thing and you have to look at the effect the truth will have on them,” Lily replied, “Obviously they need to know what is really going on, but that truth could be dangerous and it needs to be delivered in the right way... at least, that’s my opinion.”

“I like that,” Jay added with a small smile.

Though not every place was haunted, Lily vehemently believed that the very foundation of the buildings held echoes and memories of times long forgotten. Memories are the timeless treasures of the heart, after all, a heart that once walked the halls and existed within those walls.

Sorrow, happiness, those walls had seen so much, and that had to mean something. A lot of hauntings were simply residual energy, those memories replaying on loop, and people (wrongly) assumed that it was a haunting.

“This place has a surprising amount of darkness in its history,” Zak stated as he joined them, “It doesn’t feel like that though.”

“I feel at ease here,” Aaron added, “At least in the light of day, but I have a feeling that will change during tonight's lockdown...”

The interviews were interesting and they learned a lot about the house, but Lily realized that not many people mentioned the darker side of the location. Two people had been murdered, one girl threw herself out of a second-story window and that was only on the surface of a deep pool of bad.

People tried so hard to drown out the negativity by focusing on the positive, but it was simply a band-aid and it would eventually have to be ripped off. Sat in the room that they’d be using as nerve center, Lily researched some of the information they’d been given and looked up as Zak dropped into the seat beside her.

“Could anything be supported?” he inquired, looking over her shoulder and reading the article that she had up on the screen.

“The only thing I’ve found is the story about the young woman waiting for her husband to return home from war,” Lily told him, “I’d have to dig a lot deeper for anything else.”
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Enjoy ♥