

After class I had a private discussion with my Literature teacher. The poem I will be analyzing is tough, but it should work out since I can relate to it. Problem is I don’t know how to start. What lifted my spirits, though, was that the author of the poem was previously in a mental institution. I love crazy people, especially if they’re writers or poets. Mainly for the reason who I can connect with them on an invisible line of emotion. Describing the emotion can be hard, but to feel it by what they explain is happening to them makes it understandable for me—as if words are only the clothing of out insane connection.

Lunch went by, and realizing it, I did nothing all day. It was very relaxing yet cloudy in my head. I think I’ve made a new friend in my last class. Her name is Galsy. Yesterday she asked me to be her studying partner and the previous times before this official encounter (minus the hi’s and how was your day responses) she had asked me to fill out her survey upon gays and lesbians, we were in group partners, and has asked each other to compare our similarity list in class. We talked today more about movies and ourselves than the chapter we were supposed to study for since we already know the material. I told her about an awesome Korean-horror pentology. It made me realize that most of those have lesbians in it. She told me of a lesbian movie and a song that she likes but depresses her and I want to check them out. She’s nice. She’s walked with me twice out of class. She even asked about the club I was in; hopefully I can convince her to go some day.

I feel like the cool senior now. I would always have at least one senior friend throughout the years that now I have none to look forward to. I guess I have finally taken their place and am able to be one for someone else; for Galsy, you know? It’ll be fun, even though I said I wouldn’t socialize with kids much—which has been working out great, too. I feel more inspired to do my work, catch up or get ahead. To get more of a grip to my independence and manage to make some salary for a decent living in the future.

I forgot what else I wanted to write about in this post… I don’t want to be on the computer for long because Mrs. has been grouchy these past two days and has taken it out on me. I say it is the change of weather because when there is wind, human beings tend to become aggressive or moody, (which has been observed even in school).

I feel like I’ve been given the secret. A key. After four years, I finally know what Kendy meant about me being ”indirect.” I know how to fix the problem thank to Lisa and I am very grateful! Oh, happy day. I feel like this key can finally open doors rather than doubt if the doors will even budge to open. I really love that class; it’s most different and beautifully arranged. I feel like I am actually being prepared. But I don’t like that B; I will try my hardest to bring it up… But, my god! I’ve been given the secret key!