Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry

Introduction To Life

I walked around the house trying not to throw up again. You know when doctors say it'll be over soon they lie. I had gone to the doctors for another scan of the baby, that was when they told me morning sickness should ease off soon but it hasn't.

I picked up a picture of Matt and Jason. We all lived together well because we grew up beside each other and liked the closeness. When Jason left for college, I always remembered that I felt like the spark was gone from the fun. But he soon dropped out due to 'personal reasons.' And then I went to New York to study advertising. From that point on I knew I could never leave them for a long period of time.

About five years ago I bought the house, not shortly after Jason had moved in with me. Matt just came here so often I told him he could move his stuff in because whenever I wanted to go out he had my car to get things from home. But ever since they started touring with Avenged I was seeing less of them. I knew the Avenged guys, which I now also rarely saw, from years ago. Jimmy was my first kiss, and he never lets me forget that.

Those were the days when kissing guys was just for fun and no mortgage repayments. Now kissing isn't all that great, and I actually have to make important decisions in life. I sighed and placed the picture back down and headed for the living room to sit down.

On Monday I was gonna go on 'holidays' then go back for a short while only to leave for maternity leave and then leave the firm for good. I love my job advertising, I truly do it's just I don't know how I'll cope with a baby and the boys together. Plus I fucked my co-worker, who got me pregnant. We were going out for about a month and I found out he was married with twins. Needless to say I dumped him, everything was fine until I found out I was pregnant with his child.

"CATRIONA, WE'RE HOOOOME!!" I smiled at the voice of my younger cousin. I jumped up off the sofa and ran to the front hall to greet them both. "Fuck it's been a long time, I missed you." he said pulling me into a hug. I felt a wave of nausea hit me but I held it.

Once he let me go I ran into Jason's arms and hugged him, yes I liked him better than Matt they both knew it. "I'm so glad you guys are home," I told them with a grin. "Now I don't have to look after myself when I get morning sickness." They laughed, oh boy had they no idea.

"Aw you missed us terribly." Jason put on a baby voice and Matt came up behind me and they both hugged me, making baby noses and cooing. I laughed at them, when we all parted I could feel the puke in the back of my throat. I held my hand to my mouth and put a finger up signaling one minute. "Cat are you okay? You anit looking so good."

I shook my head and ran to the bathroom. I sunk to my knees as fast as I could to try make the toilet. I could feel the horrible after taste in my mouth. Tears streamed down my face, as my guts hurled up again. The boys ran in and Jay sat down beside me holding my hair back and rubbing my back. Matt handed me a glass of water when my insides stopped spewing. "Thanks," I croaked.

"Now we understand why you're so glad to see us," Matt smiled as I took the glass off him and washed my mouth out. "Sevenfold are coming over soon, we were gonna go out but if you want me or Jay to stay with you."

"Speak for yourself there Mattie, "Jason muttered but I only heard.

"No you boys go out and have fun. I'll be fine, I'll call you if I want anything. I do know how to use a cell." I got up slowly, I didn't want to puke anymore today. My black hair fell over my face, which had bits of puke in it. Lovely. "I'm just gonna get a shower and lie down for a while."

"Right, no more walking," Jason picked me in bridal style and started walking.

"What are you doing?" I asked in amusement.

"Carrying you, duh."

"Honey I'm pregnant not a fucking invalid." I smiled, but it was back. That unholy wave I hated for a the past few weeks. I kissed my legs furiously as my hand covered my mouth once again. He let me down so I could run. the same thing repeated itself. "Guys please shower, whatever cologne one of you is wearing is making me sick."

"Okay, sorry." They both replied at the same time and left me alone. Oh how wrong I was to think it was great to have them back, if they have that cologne for any longer I will die and so will this child.

"You really want me to suffer don't you?" I said to my stomach. I felt butterfly's and leaned over the toilet once more. But I waited five minutes to puke but nothing happened. "You little shit, don't do that. Mommy is not in a stable place right now." Then for some reason it just clicked. "Oh no baby I take that back, that was your first kick wasn't it," I cooed.

I must have been at least half an hour in the bathroom talking to my tiny bump and thinking about how I would change the house to a more baby friendly place. Like the guys leaving half empty beer cans around can't happen anymore. No more house parties. No bringing random chicks home, god I don't know who this is worse for me or them.

I got up and headed to the living room to watch TV. I wasn't really that surprised to see a group of men sitting around with a couple of bottles and cigarettes. "Who are you?" I asked the four unfamiliar faces among Avenged. "Actually, I don't care. All of you put out them dirty cigarettes now."

"But since you love me soo much you're not gonna tell me?" Zacky grinned and I glared.

"No, put the thing out now." I picked up and ashtray and held it in his face until he put it out. "Thank you," I commented cheerfully. "Now where is my hug I haven't seen you since you left for the last tour." I received a hug from him. "You gonna tell who these guys are in my house?"

"Suppose I may," he pulled me onto his lap. "That is Jay, Padge, Moose and Matt." he pointed them out. "They toured with us on Taste of Chaos and they're flight to Wales got canceled so we invited them around until they had to leave." I replied with an 'oh'. "So how's the baby?"

"Good, has me puking up my guts for the past few weeks now. My little demon is now four months old, the doctor said it's doing great." I told him and watched the front door swing open to reveal Leana and Jimmy. I was going to get up but Zack pulled me into a conversation with the Jay guy. I screamed loudly as someone shouted boo behind me. "Jimmy you stupid son of a bitch!" I yelled.

"Jimmy!" Leana said in a high pitched voice! "Oh for god sakes." I hear her mutter as I began to hit him. He looked to her for help, a) because I'm pregnant and b) he can't hit me. "You deserve it baby." she smiled.

"Hey, hey stop with the hitting. You're gonna end up hurting someone." Jason told us off as he walked down the stairs. I slide down the sofa and sat between Zack and Brian, who were both laughing. "And don't be picking on her!"

"Jesus, Jason you sound like my real father." Jimmy said throwing him a fake evil glare, which looked pretty fucked up. We all looked at him the way we normally did. Like he was crazy.

"You've never met your dad, Jimbo." I reminded him softly and he started grinning like an idiot he is.

"Oh yeah."