Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry

Let Someone Else Molest Her

“Jesus glad you guys decided to come home.” I said coming up behind Brian and Michelle. She jumped half a mile before hugging me and feeling up my bump. Brian tried to give me a hug but Michelle wasn’t willing to stop at touching my unborn child.

“Wouldn’t miss this day for the world.” Mich grinned and was standing beside me whole time. You’d swear she’d never seen a pregnant woman in her life the way she carried on.

“Hey, hey, hey let some else molest her.” Brian said and pulled her away. She stuck out her tongue and he did the same. Do you see where I have to treat them like children? “Let the sex beast feel the child.”

I scoffed loudly and he frowned as he ran his hands over my bump. “You know your as bad as her.” I nodded my head towards Michelle. He ignored me and kneeled down and started talking to my bump. “You know your gonna scare the shit out of my kid. I don’t want it knowing your sex life or what you do on the road.”

“I am not!” he glared. “Do you not remember me baby sitting McKenna when… Actually I baby-sit her at least once a week when I’m home, but I’m great with kids Even when she was a baby and I was minding her as a teenager.”

“Sorry who where the first two people you had on the phone when you couldn’t get her to stop crying? Val and myself. So get over it Haner.” I swotted him away from me and I sat down outside the courtroom.

Today I was as hormonal as hell. Take eating breakfast this morning, as example I was happy not a bother on me, Nikki asked did I want anything I said water. When she gave me the glass I dropped it and got really pissed off with myself and then out of no where I started to cry about who much of an idiot I was. After that I started to watch some program and a couple started kissing and I got seriously horny. Over a fucking kiss. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to take of being pregnant.

“Hey are you okay?” Leana nudged me slightly. I nodded. “I know you’re nervous about today,” wrong I’m nervous about seeing Johnny. “But don’t worry I’m 99.9% positive that everything will go down fine today.” It damn well better or I’ll end up murdering someone. “You will get Luke and we will all live happily ever after.” She grinned then frowned. “Well the rock star version ending.”

“I know what you mean Lee.” I smiled and rested my head on her shoulder. We arrived way to early Jason’s fault and ended up sitting around for ages. I wasn’t one bit worried about court today; I knew they’d make the right decision. Call me confident or cocky if you like but I knew they wouldn’t let Luke go into care when I am more than willing to take him in.

We both watched as Nic walked in with her lawyer and sat on the opposite side of the large hallway. To say she looked depressed was an understatement. She was paler then I’ve seen her in years and the bags under her eyes where as black as coal. That’s when I started to feel horrible. I mean who was I to take her child away from her because she was making mistakes? Sure as a mother I was going to make mistakes, but surely they wouldn’t take away my baby because of them?

I rubbed my bump and starred at her for a long time thinking about how much I have changed her life by even setting a court date from taking her son away from her. Hell even standing up to her changed her life.

My attention was taken away from her to Johnny and Lacey. The walked in beside each other, not holding hands, not chatting, just walking with one an other as though they had no choice in the matter. I had never seen them act this way before. Three years of them going out and I’d never seen it.

Lee must have noticed as well because I heard her muttering something about ‘kicking ass’ and ‘little bastard’. I looked up to her and she smiled like nothing was going on. She was really good at doing that. But I knew better when I grew up running away from cops you would have to train your ear to hear them walking around. One of the many things I learned off Jimmy when he was high.

“What’s wrong with them?” I whispered to Lee as Lacey went over to Val and Johnny over to the guys. She shrugged, knocking my head. “Ah your useless.” I told her with a sly smile.

“Excuse yourself, I am not useless at everything! I am very good at my job.”

“Being a teenage porn star was so last year.” I grinned and looked up at her smiling slightly.

“Yeah well at least I can pull off being a teenager.” We both laughed at her lame excuse and went back to staring at everyone. It was one thing that I couldn’t keep my eyes off Johnny it was that I found myself looking at Lacey and comparing myself to her. She was pretty. I’m fat. She has a fun job. I hate mine. She has Johnny, I -.

“C’mon babes it’s your time to shine.” Gena smiled and took my hand. “You know after you have junior there me and you are gonna get completely hammered. We’ll bring the other four bitches as well just for excitement okay?” I nodded and let go of her hand making my way up the bench with Jason and our lawyer.

“All rise.” The guard told us. I did my best considering I was stuck between a desk and chair. The judge walked out and took his seat looking to Nic and then to Jason. “You may be seated.” Everyone sat down and waited for him to speak.

“You all know why you’re hear today. It’s to decide the custody of young boy who doesn’t know what his parents do. In the system we like to see children staying with their parents but in some cases it’s not possible, whether it be to abuse or the parent can’t handle a child. We have the child’s well being in our interest is important. We can’t change their parents to be better people but we can give them people who would love and care for that child like it was there own.

“That’s how I have made my decision today. It was based on best interest, love, care and most importantly a safe and stable environment. I thought very carefully on what I am about to say today.” The judge said. “In the child’s best interest I am granting Catriona Berry full custody of Luke Flynn.” I grinned and elbowed Jay. Everyone behind us quietly cheered except Jimmy who said ‘about fucking time’. Then he turned to Nic. “If you want your son in your life you will have to get your act together. A stable job and getting clean from drugs. When that time comes you will be allowed to see your son. Court dismissed.”

I stood up and hugged Jay as tight as could. “I’m gonna have my kid now.” He whispered in the hug. He pulled away and I could see his eyes glistening. He whipped them away before jumping over the wooden wall and to our friends.

I smiled and walked out behind the rest of the gang who where cheering and planning the party already. We would have to wait outside the courtroom for Luke to be brought to me. But before we ever left the room I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I was surprised to see it was Nic.

“Look I know we’ve been the best of friends or anything,” she sniffed the tears running full flow down her cheeks. “But I know you will take good care of my baby more than I ever could. Could you tell him I love him? And give him this for me?” she handed me a little bear with a tee shirt on it. “It’s something I got him a long time ago.”

“Oh Nic,” I sighed. “I’m sorry I just have Luke in my best interests. I didn’t mean to cause you so much pain.” I told her wanting to cry myself. I never felt the motherly pain emotions until I saw the look on her face.

“Yeah well it’s a bit late for that.” She turned her back and left the building as fast as she could.