Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry

Lap Dance

I pulled sweat pants on and stood sideways to see my little bump. I smiled and rubbed it gently. Once in a while I was happy and then I get really down, not depressed, just pretty stressed out. I mean at first I was pretty stressed about having a baby. The main reason was the guy I slept with already has a family. Did I mention he's forty-six? Then I got really happy because I could have a family. And then I would get bummed again 'cause I've no one around me that knows anything about babies.

I tied my damp black hair up and pulled on one of the guys jumpers. I sighed deciding I needed to start shopping before I'm way to fat to walk anywhere. I left my room and began walking downstairs to get a drink.

Half way down the stairs I felt a surge of pain rush through my abdominal. Frowning I placed my hand over my stomach, praying it was just a cramp for something. I began walking slower and I received another crippling pain. "Jason! Matt!" I yelled, sitting down slowly on the step holding onto my child. "Someone!" I screamed.

I closed my eyes and tears slipped out. They'd already left and I didn't know what to do, I couldn't walk the pain was unreal.

"Hey fuckers, sorry I'm late." I heard someone call out. "Guys c'mon quit playin' where the fuck are you?" I recognized the voice and it was getting closer. "I know were you hide your large beer stash." He said in a sing song voice. "Hey Cat," I just nodded as another pain came over me. "You alright?"

"No," I choked out, looking at little Johnny Christ.

"Holy shit, is it the baby?" I didn't answer instead he came closer. "You look like your in a lot of pain so I'm call an ambulance, okay?" I nodded again. He called them and sat back down beside me. "They'll be here in five minutes okay? They said you've to try take deep breaths and stay calm."

I tried doing what he told me, but it wasn't working. What if I did something to harm the baby? I don't want it to die, I already love it to much. "I'm really scared." I whimpered as another pain took over my body.

He slid his hand into mine and threw his arm over my shoulder. "You're not the only one." I looked at him with wide eyes. "I mean, the erm, fuck-" the door bell rang and he let go of me to run to it. "She's over on the stairs."

Two medics and Johnny came back over. "Hi ma'am I'm Dean and I'm going to be going with you to the hospital okay?" I nodded and he gave a warm smile. "Now show me where it hurts."

"It's my abdominal." I wept. "Every few minutes it hurts like hell. Will my baby be okay? This is my first, is this normal?" I panicked, slightly hyperventilating.

"You're going to be fine. How far or long are you gone?"

I opened my mouth when the pain came again. Instead of words, a shriek came out. "She's about four months gone." Johnny told him and grabbed my hand. I squeezed his hand hard. "Are you gonna do you're job or do I have to bring her to the hospital?"

"Yes we're just going to a get a stretch-"

"Fuck the stretcher, I'll carry her out." He let go of my hand and picked me up. "You wanna be useful and get the door, since I am doing your job." they walked out a head leaving Johnny muttering under his breath.

He walked out and into the back of the ambulance before letting me down gently. The Dean guy hooked me up to a monitor and then he wrapped one around my stomach. "Your baby is very distressed we're going to bring you and have a scan -"

"Where are you going?" My raspy voice asked Johnny.

"I'm just gonn-"

"No your not." I nearly screamed. Dean told me 'to keep calm.' "Fuck off you. Johnny you're coming with me I'm not going on my owwwww-" I yelled again. "You. Stay. With. Me." I gritted though my teeth.

Twenty minutes later I was being rushed into emergency. From what I could gather they hadn't got a fucking clue to why I was getting abdominal pain but it was distressing the baby. "Patient Ms. Berry, has sever abdominal pain which is causing her four month old baby to become distressed."

"Alright," the female doctor. "Ms. Berry I'm Linda, I'm going to look after you. Has this happened to anyone in your family before?"

"I don't know, just look after the damn baby will you?"

"We're going to have a scan in five minutes, then we are going to run some tests to why you're experiencing pain." And like that I was left alone in a tiny cubical, Johnny was trying to get threw to the boys, obviously they weren't answering none of them do when they go out.

"Okay none of them are answering and I left a couple of messages. Danny hasn't seen them so I really don't know." Johnny explained coming back in. "So did they say what's wrong or anything?"

"No, they haven't a clue. And if anything happens to this baby I'm suing." I told him bluntly. "Call Johnny's I'm pretty sure they're there. Or that new strip joint that opened a couple of weeks back, it's called Dark Passion."

"New strip joint, eh?" he smirked. "Oh I'll get calling."

Just as he walked back out, a nurse or something walked in with a machine. "I'm going to put some jelly on your stomach and see what's going on with you." she lifted the jumped up as far as my boobs and began putting some jelly on me. Next thing you know she's digging some thing into my stomach.

"Is that my baby?"

"Yes. And it's very distressed from your pain. The child seems fine apart from that." She kept going over my stomach. That's when I heard Johnny trying to come in.

"I'm sorry sir if you're not a relative of the patient I'm afraid you cannot go in while an exam is going on." I could hear how calm the guy was trying to be patient with Johnny but it probably wasn't working. Suppose he thinks Johnny is a tattooed druggie who has killer connections. Which would be pretty accurate.

"This if fucking crap-"

"Listen if he doesn't get in here now I will hurt someone and I sure am hoping it isn't going to be you." I said slightly growling, pointing to the curtain. She told me no. "Listen to me I may be in a lot of pain and it's hurting my child. But it's his child to. He has every right to be in here with me."


Johnny basically pushed past her and walked up to me. "Michelle is driving them up here, got threw to the bar so they told me to stay with you until they come. Which should be 'bout half an hour."

"Thank you," I smiled. The nurse came back in and began scanning again. "See that Johnny? That's our baby." He slowly looked at the me from the screen. I pulled his head near my mouth. "I'm pretending you're the father so you could get in." I whispered.

He nodded. "Yeah and she's gonna be beautiful. Just like her daddy." I know he was covering up but that was just funny because in all honesty the child's father was not that beautiful. "Don't laugh." I hissed and grabbed his wrist when another pain came across my abdomen.

"Okay we seem to be done here." She wiped the jelly off my stomach and pulled down my jumper, with that she left me to cut off Johnny's blood supply to his hand. Then that chirpy doctor walked in with a cheesy grin on her face.

"Ms. Berry we are going to run some tests on you first, which we will need a sample of your blood for, then we can give you some sort of medication for the pain. When the test results are back, I will come and tell you what we are doing." She smiled, a nurse came in and had a needle. Oh dear god!

I forced my eyes shut. "Just do it fast and easy." As soon as I felt the prick of the needle I dug my nails further into Johnny's wrist and didn't let go until she pulled that needle out of my inner elbow. "I'm sorry, I know all you wanted to do was get wasted and I ruined that on you."

His eyes darted around the room, avoiding my gaze. "That's not entirely true," He glanced at me for a split second before looking up to the ceiling. "I would have been hammered way before I came to your house, if I wanted a wasted night."

"So I deprived you of a lap dance?"