Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry

Monkey Drunk Uncles

I was lying on the hospital bed twiddling my tumbles, waiting for something to happen. Johnny went off somewhere because I told him to after I got a pain medication in my other inner elbow. I might have damaged something this time because he groaned when my nails became one with his skin.

I closed my eyes and pushed my head back on the pillow. I heard a slurred raised voices but I thought nothing of it. I opened my eyes to see a very drunk friend. “Hey Brian.”

“Hellooo Catriona!” he slurred, I rolled my eyes as he tried to make his way to the head of the bed. “So,” he began and I waited for him to say something. “How’s your pussy?”

“Excuse me?” I chocked half shocked, half not.

He leaned on the bed with his hands and I could smell the alcohol off him, it was enough to make me nauseous. It was disgusting. “You just shoved a ten pound baby out of your pussy and if it does well damn,” I frowned wondering what the hell he was going on about. “It must have hurt.”

“Brian,” I said slowly. “I did not have the baby yet. I’m only four months pregnant. In five,” I held up my left hand with all five fingers up. “Months I will be giving birth to the baby. Okay?” as I explained all he did was pull a confused face.

“Move over, me tired.”

“What? No, I’m sick, your shit faced. There is a huge difference.”

“Just move over Cat.” He whined. I giggled and shock my head as he continued to get in. “C’mon if you were my friend you would let me sleep with you.” His eyes widened, those normally sex driven eyes turned into children’s and I couldn’t help but to let him in.

“Brian get off the bed,” Michelle growled as she came in. “Hey babe,” she smiled towards me as she attempted to pull Brian off the bed. “Jason and Matt are outside, the nurse is telling them what they have to know or something,” she shrugged. “Johnny’s out there as well, how are you and the baby?”

“No idea, they got a blood sample not to long ago and they did a scan. Yet they still have no clue what’s wrong with me or the little one.” I sighed and lightly patted my little bump. “They gave me meds for pain about then minutes ago so I’m okay.”

“Sorry but you can’t be in here unless your family.” That happy doctor was back, and announced to Brian and Michelle. What a bitch. Michelle shrugged and was walking out. “We have your results-”

“She’s my sister and that’s my idiot brother-in-law so they’re family. They can stay.” I told her smugly. She was getting on my nerves big time as well as the rest of the hospital. Happiness isn’t a great thing to have right now. The other two jus stood, in Brian’s case swayed, where they stopped.

“As I was saying you seem to be clear on what we where looking for, but we would like to have a gynaecologist look at you before we run anymore tests He will also be doing another scan on you, just to make sure everything is okay with the baby.” With that she left not saying anything to us.

“So I’m your sister?” Michelle questioned. “That’s pretty cool, I can deal with that. But him as your brother-in-law?” she pointed to Brian, who was in his own little world, shaking her head. “That’s not something I can deal with Ms. Berry. I have no idea why you would think I am in the least attacked to that rock star.”

I laughed lightly and Brian waved his hand and left us to be alone. “Because you love him.” I told her with a forced smile. It wasn’t that I envied her for being with Brian, I envied her because she’s in love.

“You still haven’t found that guy yet?” Absentmindedly I shook my head. “Aw hun, not even this baby’s daddy?” again I shook my head. “Don’t worry you will find the one even if the girls and I have to meddle with your love life. I know you think you won’t be able to date when the baby is older but you have loads of babysitters. I mean loads, the girls, the guys, the Berry’s parents, the Berry’s – but I wouldn’t trust them on their own-, anyone will want to because whether you like it or not we’re all a big bunch of alcoholic lovin’ family.”

“I guess your right.” I smiled wiping the hormonal tears away. “I know this baby will be so loved and spoiled that I won’t ever have a moment alone with it growing up. But honestly if I could I would have my first child with the guy I love, not someone I’ve known in the office.” I sniffed.

“C’mon the dad can’t be that bad. What was his reaction when you told him?”

“You honestly want to know?” she nodded eagerly. “Okay you know the dated for a month thing. Well anyway about three weeks after I broke up with him I found out I was five weeks gone so I decided to tell him after I confirmed with the doc. I asked him could we talk, he agreed. When I said ‘I’m pregnant’ he just looked at me like I’d seven heads then I added ‘with your baby’ he froze up.” I paused and though of the moment I hated most. “He blurted out I’m married with kids. I don’t know if it was the morning sickness or that face I’d committed adultery with someone but I felt so sick and dirty.”

“What a fucking ass hole! You’re better off without him. Fuck if you even let this slip to any of the guys what he did or who he was he wouldn’t be alive for much longer.” She ran her hand there her hair as Jason and Matt, Brian mounted on his back, walked in. “Brian seriously, there are sick people here. Act more erm… sober?” she suggested and he saluted falling off Matt. “go out to Johnny.”

He stumbled out of the cubical and closed the curtain dramatically behind him. “I know your probably wondering why I’m like this, I took a little dope. But your ill so how are you? My future play friend cool yeah?” I smiled noticing how stoned he was; Matt wasn’t as big of a druggie as Jay but he still dabbed.

“Yeah I’m good Jay.” I told him. “The baby, ‘your little play friend’, is good as well. The doctors are just keeping me in ‘cause they love me so much.” Since we were teenagers I learned how to deal with both of them when they’re stoned, you had to give them small amounts of info.

I personally didn’t care that they did drugs as long as it was regular or heavy shit. When I was younger, about thirteen years ago, I used to do drugs with them so I can’t really say anything to them.

“Do you need anything, like a drink, food, my parents even?” Matt asked and I shook my head. At least he wasn’t stoned or like Brian at the moment. “I was meant to be DD, until Michelle showed up and offered.” ‘Oh’ was my reply. “You know you should name the kid Matt if it’s a boy.”

“No way.” I said louder than I meant it. “I know to many Matt’s already; Shads real name, Zacky’s younger brother, you, Brian step brother’s middle name, Johnny’s older brother are all called Matt. It’s not even that great of a name if you ask me. And another thing I haven’t decided on names yet.”

“Michelle or Michael would be great names as well.” I smirked and stuck out my tongue out at her. “I’m just giving you beautiful names for your baby, I mean you don’t know any Michael’s and you know one Michelle so it would be all good if you named the child after me.”

“Your all so funny.” I stuck out my tongue again. Yes I know mature for a twenty-eight year old isn’t it? “My child will never be named after any of you drunks. My baby will have a normal name. Poor child will have aunts and monkey drunk uncles.”

“So me and Jay godparents yeah?” Matt smirked as he put his arm around Jay to keep him standing up. I’d love to say the handover in the morning will teach him but it won’t. And by the looks of things I won’t get to shout at him in the morning.

“Maybe, but your mom is gonna be the godmother no matter what.” I told them. Their parents are the closets things I have to the real thing. When I was younger, about three or four, I used to call her mommy number two.

We fell into small chat for a few hours. I was starting to feel tired but I wouldn’t be able to sleep damn pregnancy wants you to be a bitch all the time. When I do get to sleep I wake up in a sweat and cramps in my knees its horrible.

Sometime between when I started taking about godparents and Brian falling asleep on the end of the bed, Johnny had made his way into the cubical. Now keep in mind there’s a hospital bed with two people on in, a drunk leaning on his brother and Michelle and Johnny. It was getting cramped and the nurse threw them all, except Michelle, out into the hall.

Sometime later the gyno decided to show up. My plan was to give him shit for taking ages to get down here, but it all changed when I saw that tanned body. I mean how could a guy that hot be a gyno?

“Hey I’m Steve.” He said flashing a smile. I grinned, feeling like a teenagers. “I’m your gynaecologist for now but I need you to get into this before we can proceed.” He handed me a hospital robe and I nodded. “I’ll be back in five minutes.”

“See now he could be the one.” Michelle commented the second he was past the curtain. “Nice ass.”

“Oh hell yeah,” I giggled. I handed her my hoodie and pulled the hospital thing over me. “Should I even be wearing a bra?” I questioned with a smirk, pulling my trousers.

“Probably not. But he looks like a teenager, how can he be a gyno?” she sighed folding my clothes and putting them on the chair. “And if he is. I want his hands to check me out some time.”

“You have a boyfriend.” I hit her lightly and Steve walked back in with a machine in tow. Michelle had growled ‘a drunk one’ as he walked in and he looked at her funny.

He had me lying down on the table. He pulled the blanket just to the hem of my underwear and the gown went up to my boobs. “Alright are you comfortable?” he asked grabbing the tube of jelly.

“If I said yes would you judge me?”

He chuckled and put the jelly on my stomach. He moved around for a few minutes then he stopped and kept going over the one spot over and over. I looked to Michelle who just shrugged. I looked to his face and he frowned.

“Did you have a scan recently?” he asked still going over the same general area. I nodded. “Okay I just need to talk to your doctor but then I have to do another scan. This one is probably got at your first appointment.”

“You mean the dildo shaped thing?”

He smiled in embarrassment and blushed slightly. “Yeah that thing. I’ll be back in a while.”

The section he left Mich and me were already talking about kidnapping him and taking him back to my house. I didn’t know about her but I was sure as hell starting to get off to the thought of Steve in my bed.

He came back in with ‘happy as Larry’ doctor. They looked at the screen muttering to each other and he went over the same spot on my stomach before moving onto the dildo scan thing.

They were scanning for ages not telling me a thing. Eventually they stopped scanning and just muttered among each other until they decided to let me know what was going on.

“Ms. Berry you have grade two placenta previa, it’s where the placenta touches, but does not cover, the top of the cervix. It can cause you to bleed if you are giving birth vaginally.” Steve said to me. I just grabbed Michelle’s hand and hoped I wouldn’t lose this child. “The baby is fine, but you will need to take a while off of work because as the baby grows you might bleed so you will have to have a lot of bed rest. If you ever get worried about the bleeding I want you to call at anytime okay?”

“So the baby is fine, it’s just my fucked up body?” I asked taking the card he just handed me.

“Well no. It’s very uncommon and will only happen to one in a million.” He smiled. “And if you ever have more children it is unlikely that it will happen again. If you want more information here’s a few leaflets. ”

“Shit Jay has to collect Luke at nine,” I said loudly and they all looked at me. “Mich go tell Johnny to drive him home or something. Nic won’t let him go near Luke if he looks like he does.”