Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry


I tossed and turned in the bed. It was so uncomfortable and I was sweating like mad. Being in a hospital didn’t help either. The heat was unreal and I wasn’t allowed outside because of some hospital policy. They had decided to keep me in for another couple of hours, well until morning.

I picked up my phone and looked at the time 6.54. I grinned to myself, only a couple more hours and I would be at home in my bed. Sleeping, with the window wide open of coarse.

Michelle stayed with me for a few hours but I made her leave because Johnny had driven the boys back to my house using Michelle’s car. I was glad to have a female companion. Usually it would be Matt or Jay but I would never bring them to a baby scan. It’s a bit unnatural.

I should explain why Jay needed to look sober and not like shit. He has a four-year-old son, with a complete and utter bitch of woman. I’m not joking, she barely lets Jay see Luke and she won’t let them be alone together. I’m only nice to her so I can see Luke.

Jay was twenty-three when Luke was born and his mother, Nic, was only nineteen. So from some angle I understand why she’s pissed at Jay for knocking her up. When he found out she was pregnant with his child he was the most hands on guy I have ever seen.

Personally I had thought he would run half a country away from her. Matt thought the same. But no Jay was there for every baby scan, every doctor’s appointment and anything Nic wanted he got it for her. Hell even his parents were surprised that he stayed with her. But she broke up with him when Luke was three months old. He was heartbroken, but what made it worse was that she moved an hour away from him so he couldn’t see Luke as often as he would have liked.

But whenever he had time off he would drive down to Oceanside and take his son out for the day, but he either had me, Matt or one of Avenged with him because Nic doesn’t trust him.

“Hey you up,” my thoughts were interrupted by Matt. “C’mon it’s nearly nine, Nic is dropping Luke up at around eleven-ish.” It’s amazing how time seems to go by so fast when you think of kids. “Oh and Johnny crashed in the guest room ‘cause Jay had him up the entire night talking.”

“Jesus I’ll kill him.” I muttered. Jay was a shit for that, he could stay up the entire night talking about nothing when he’s drinking and if you even so much as close an eye lid he will give out. “Right get out so I can get changed. And ask the nurse for my realise forms.”

He shrugged and walked out. Matt was defiantly the quieter one of us three. But when he’s in a small group of people he knows he could talk for America but in large groups and around people he doesn’t know that well he comes off shy.

As kids I remember we used to kick the living shit out of him. I was two and Jay was three when he was born. Since Matt was able to crawl he was bullied so much by us, Jay was the worse one thought he would actually make Matt cry. Those where the days.

A nurse and Matt came in. she handed me forms to sign and told me I had to be wheeled out of the hospital. Do you know why? It was hospital policy. I reluctantly got in and Matt laughed. We got into his car and drove home.

When we got home I wasn’t allowed because last night the doctors told them I should have bed rest for the next couple of months. Now I was going to be a complete invalid in their eyes.

Matt left me in my room and told me he was making breakfast, which was code for ‘I’m going to go to Nicole’s house and get her to cook breakfast for me’. For the past few years they have been ‘seeing’ each other as ‘close friends’. Neither of them will admit they are attacked to each other.

I walked out of my room to see if Jay and Johnny where up. I walked in to see Jay wide-awake freaking about what to wear. He didn’t want Nic bitching at him for what he wore. But she did it every time.

“She is just gonna give out to you anyway. So just wear jeans and a tee shirt.” I told him before he would ask me what he should wear. “And make sure they’re clean other wise she will rip the shit out of you.”

“Right thanks.” He said and went to the pile of clothes on his bed. “Aren’t you meant to be on bed rest for the next few months?” he frowned. I bit my inner cheek and nodded. “Then go back or I’ll call Val and Michelle and them to give out to you.”

“I’m going, I was just checking you were up.” I said in a high-pitched tone. I closed the door and walked down the hall to check which guest room Johnny was in. There were three guest rooms so I didn’t have to look that much. I found him sprawled out on the bed fully clothed, snoring lightly.

I smiled and walked over t shake him. I received a few grunts in response but he didn’t wake. “Johnny you lazy bum, get up.” I muttered. I poked his arms and only got swotted away. “That’s it.” I huffed. I closed his mouth and pinched his nose. He stirred a bit then sat up opening his eyes. “Morning sunshine.”

“What was that for?” he coughed. He rubbed his looking like a child. Well compared to the rest of us he is the kid.

“Just a nice little wake up call.” I grinned sitting on the edge of the bed. “How long did Jay keep you up last night?” he shrugged. “That long. Must have sucked ass. Anyway are you gonna get up or go back to sleep?”

“I was thinking along the lines of going back to sleep.” He yawned. “Could you call Lace for me and tell her I’ll be home later?” I nodded. “Thanks. What did the doc say about you and the kid?”

I explained to him what the doctors told me. Of coarse being as tired as he was I got a ‘that’s nice’ at the end of every sentence. I couldn’t’ help but to smile when I turned my head away for a few minutes and then to see him fast asleep.

I giggled lightly and left the room to go to my own. I took off everything bar my underwear and tee shirt before crawling into bed. I eventually dozed off and dreamed of having a talking baby.

“What the fuck was that for?” I groaned as my ass began to sting. I forced my eyes open to see Johnny stand over me. “That is no way to wake a pregnant lady.” I scowled him and he frowned. “What do you want?”

“JB is shitting bricks downstairs cause the Bitch wants to talk to you about Luke.” He said pulling the rest of the covers off me and dragging me out of bed. “Now get dressed quickly.”

“Last time I checked I was five years older than you. So how does that give you the right to boss me around?” My hands on my hips and a smile upon my face.

“I’m the man. I boss anyone I like, bitch.” I sniggered at him. I always did find it amusing when Johnny gave orders. Considering he used to be the punch bag back in the day. “Now c’mon Cat. You know the Bitch doesn’t like me.”

I pushed him out of my room and got changed as fast as I could. Then I made my way down stairs to see Luke in Jason’s arms and Nic standing there was a frown on her face, but it turned into a smile when she saw me.

“Hey Catriona,” she grinned. “Could I talk to you for a second? Maybe in the kitchen?” she suggested and I followed her in. “Look I need you to do me a huge favour -”

“I can’t lend you anymore money.” I said straight out. Usually I wouldn’t have said it but hell I need all the money I have with this baby on the way.

“This isn’t about money,” she said flicking her hair over her shoulder. “I need to go to New York for a couple of days. I was wondering would you be able to mind Luke for me?”

“Why don’t you ask his father?” I snapped. The hormones are coming out. For a second she looked a little taken back. I took a deep breath to answer her but she beat me to it.

“Do you really think I would let him look after Luke? I mean look at him.” She pointed towards the door. “How could he be a father? He drinks, does drugs and never sees Luke because he is always working. He is never around for Luke. The child may as well grow up fatherless.”

“I’m sorry, who took you to all the doctors appointments? Who gave you anything and everything you needed while you were pregnant? Who put a roof over your head when your parents kicked you out of the house? Who pays for your house in Oceanside? Who has a job and pays for everything you buy?” I began yelling at her. “If that child grew up fatherless he would be in care or living on the fucking streets starving because his mother is being a complete fucking cow over it!” I attracted the guys attention because I could see them in the corner of my eye.

“Don’t you fucking dare blame this on Jason. He wasn’t the one who lied about his age. He wasn’t the one who said he was on the pill, when in reality he wasn’t. You should be fucking grateful he hasn’t taken Luke from you. Selfish bitch.” I screamed. I had wanted to say this for years but never opened my mouth. The hormones where some boost.

“Cat c’mon leave it. This isn’t good for the baby.” Johnny said standing between us. He gave me a stern look and I walked to the other end of the kitchen a got a glass of water.

“Luke we’re leaving. Get your toys.” Nic said to him.

“No I wan daddy.” He began to cry. “Wan stay with daddy.” She grabbed him out of Jason’s hold and stomped out of the kitchen. “Daddy!”

I walked out after her. “Leave him here.” I ordered as she was at the front door.

“Why should I leave my son with you?”

“Because if don’t so god help me I will have social services all over your ass so fast you won’t know what’s happening.” I spat. “Luke go over to your daddy.” I told him in a softer tone. The tears were still trickling from his eyes. “And you can call Jason when you get back from New York.”

"He needs clothes dumb ass." she growled as Matt and Nicole walked threw the door. Nicole took Luke into the next room and left us to talk.

"Well dumb ass I'll buy him new clothes. Since you are obviously spending money on clothes for yourself." I looked her up and down with hatred. “But what do you use the money for that your earn off the street?” Her face was turning red with anger. I think I hit a spot. “Oh sorry was I not meant to tell anyone that you’re a prostitute?”

“You fucking bitch.” She lunged at me and pushed us on to the ground rapidly hitting my face, but it stopped when Matt and Johnny pulled her off. “I trusted you! And you throw it back in my face!” she screamed as the guys held her back.

“Shut up, you moron. She’s pregnant.” Jason yelled at her as he helped me up. “I try to be nice to you for Luke’s sake but going near my pregnant cousin is just to far. When you come back I’ll have a court date set for custody.”

That’s when the tears came out of her eyes. “Jay please, he’s my son you can’t take him away from me.” He just looked at her and left the room. I looked at her holding my stomach, hoping to god everything was fine.

“He will and he’ll get full custody if I have anything to do with it.”