Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry

About Time, annie an unkey

“You alright Cat?” Jason asked coming into my room. I didn’t look at his or even turn to see him. I just let the tears flow down onto the pillow. I felt the bed go down where Jason had now plonked himself. “Is the baby okay?”

“I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” I cried softly not answering him. I felt so guilty about shouting things out to Nic; I didn’t mean to get so hot and bothered over it. I just couldn’t help it. “I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.” He said placing his hand in mine and squeezed it lightly. “She had it coming some time or another. I just wish Luke hadn’t have heard all that.” He sighed. “I- I think I’ma get a lawyer and see what my chances are of keeping Luke, but I’m guessing they will be slim considering I’m on the road a lot.”

“But I could have fucked things up. Made you never see Luke again! How are you not so pissed off with me right now?” I whined.

“Because you’re my best friend. And my cousin.” He said pulling his hand away. “Because I know you need us no matter what. Because I love you.” I smiled threw my tears as he said those things. “Because you’re a hormonal pregnant bitch that I’ve to put up with for the next few months.” I let out a muffled laugh, thinking how true that last one was.

“Thanks ass wipe!” I wiped away my tears and sat up. I pulled Jay into a hug. “If you don’t get custody I’ll ask can I become his guardian.” He muttered thanks. “Where is Luke now?” I asked pulling away.

“He’s with Matt and Nicole. He’s kind of upset that Nic is gone. I dunno how long she’s gone for. Do you?” I shock my head; I’d lost my temper at her before I could ask for how long. “Alright well we’re gonna go get Luke some clothes, do you want anything while we’re out?”

“Ben and Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk. Make sure you buy him something decent and bring Nikki with you. She actually understands the importance of looking good.” He made a face. “Actually get me two tubs!”

“You fat mess.” I frowned and boxed his arm. “Alright I’m sorry! I take it back. I’ll see you later.” he moved off the bed and towards the door. “You’re a pregnant fat mess.” He closed the door before I had a chance to yell at him.

I lay back down on the bed and began to get a little more comfortable. I was really pissed off with myself. I could have ruined everything on Jason, Nic could have snapped back, taken Luke with her, moved house. I sighed and closed my eyes, thinking of how the situation could be way worse.

My phone started blaring out Slipknot. I was slightly slow on reaching over and answering. It read Mom 2 =D. I smiled and answered in a nice tone.

“Hello Catriona, love. How are you and the baby?”

“I’m great and so is the baby.” I told her with a smile on my face. She had gone for a month long cruise last week and I wasn’t about to tell her something that could possibly attract her back home. “Jay and Matt are good as well. Luke is going to be staying with us for a while as well.”

“Oh I miss the little fellow so much, does Nicola know Luke is staying with you?” I started to explain to her what happened this morning, but I left out the part about me being half killed by the fat cow. “That girl has some nerve. After all Jason did and does for them she still complains. I hope to god that he will get custody of that poor child.”

“I hope he does as well. She is always such a bitch to him no matter what he does. I think he deserves more than what he’s given credit for.” I sat up in the bed getting more comfortable. “Anyway enough on us, how are you two getting on in the cruise?”

She launched into a full twenty-minute description of the boat, the weather, the shops, and her tan. Anything that could be talked about she told me. Eventually we said our goodbyes and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I was awoken some time later by a little arm tapping my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Luke standing there with his teddy clutched under his arm and tears rolling down his face.

“Wan mommy. Wan home.” He whimpered.

“Come here baby,” I held out my arms and I pulled him into the bed, beside me. “Mommy will be home soon, she’s gone on a little holiday. So you’re gonna stay here with daddy, uncle Mattie and me for your little holiday, okay?” I wiped the tears from his cheeks. Every once in a while Nic would go away for a week or two leaving Luke with Jay’s parents or me and he would cry for her every night. “Hey did daddy buy ice cream?” he nodded against me. “Wanna watch TV and eat ice cream?” this time the nod was accompanied by a smile. “Alright lets go.”

Ever so slowly I made my way downstairs to the sitting room, with Luke holding on to one hand and my double duvet in the other. I glanced at the clock in the hall, 3.26 am, oh lovely. We dumped the duvet on the sofa and made our way towards the kitchen.

We walked over to the fridge freezer thing and opened it up looking for something other than alcohol. I heard a moaning noise come from the pantry. “Hey Luke you look in there for a sec, I gotta get something out of the pantry.” I opened the door ever so slowly only to see Matt and Nikki making out. I grinned. “Well it’s about fucking time!” I muttered in a low.

They jumped apart. “Fucking hell don’t do that Cat, I think I’m having a heart attack.” Matt said breathing heavy and holding his chest. I just waited for one of them to say something. “What are you doing up? It’s like half three or something.”

“Luke.” They both nodded understanding because it has happened to both of them. Yes Nikki stays inourmy house sometimes, but now I know why she stays this often. “”So are you together or what?

They both grinned from ear to ear. “Yes,” Nikki giggled. I awed and walked over to her pulling her into a hug. I used to work with her, actually she was my PA for a while, and I had her introduced to the guys. That was three years ago. “Now if you don’t mind I want to get laid.” She was twenty-three, same age as Johnny; you’d swear they were twins at times.

“What?” Matt and I said in unison.

“Hey, hey. I’m young, just got a boyfriend and I’m horny.” She held her hands up dead serious with us. I just shock my head and Matt just grinned even more. “Just a little warning hun, I’m a screamer!”

“Nikki do dat mean u is my annie now?” Luke had crept in beside and looked up to Nikki and Matt. “Cause u dooin det marry to unkey Mattie.” I smiled at him; he was so cute and innocent at times, it made me wonder was he really related to us.

She bent down to his level and hugged him. “Maybe someday honey bunny! But me and uncle Mattie have to go to bed now, so we’ll see you in the morning. Night baby boy.” She kissed his cheek and Matt did the same.

“C’mon squirt, let’s go watch TV and eat ice cream.” I said and grabbed the tub of ice cream and two spoons. Luke raced in a head of me and the TV turned on to the music channels before I even entered the room. “You wanna watch music?” he nodded eagerly. “Alright.”

He had the remote in two hands, changing it randomly to any channel. I smiled as I wondered would my baby be like this. Would it wake up crying if I was in another house? Would it ask about its dad? Sighing a got a nice big spoon full of ice cream and shoved it in my mouth. Would it look like him?

“Dathy looks is me dooin be on TB!” Luke jumped up and down exactly as he saw ‘Seize The Day’ come on. The guys had everyone doing stuff in that video, so it was only natural that they had Jay’s kid to play the little boy. “Mes an Matt an Bwian at da end!”

He was only two doing the shoot. He was very nervous doing it; the director was a nut job and Sevenfold was dressed nice. That was enough to scare any kid. Matt was told to tell him he wasn’t getting any ice cream and when he did he started bawling and wouldn’t go near him. It was funny but we’d to hold back our laughs.

Luke was delighted with himself at the end when he saw the last scene. When we walked the entire video together for the first time he started to cry because he actually though Val had died in the video. She ended up talking to him for the rest of the day trying to convince him that she didn’t die.

Luke fell asleep with the ice cream in his hold about half an hour later. I pulled my phone out and call Steve, the gyno. It rang a couple of times before he answered. “Hello?” he said groggily. Shit it’s like four in the morning.

“Hey Steve, this is Catriona, or ‘Ms. Berry’. I’m sorry to wake you but I needed to ask you a very important question.” I explained, he told me to continue. “Well I was pushed over on my back this morning, can this affect the baby in anyway.”

“I don’t know,” he yawned. “Can you come into the surgery at about half eight and I will check that you and the baby are okay. Now I was wondering could you do me a favour since you woke me up at some god awful hour.”

“Whatever it is I’ll do it.” I yawned.

“But you don’t even know what I was going to ask you.” He said with a hint of laugher in his voice. I responded with a ‘so?’. “Alright since you’ve already said yes, I guess I’ll give you details of where our date will be.”
