Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry

Nothing. What?

“Fucking hell.” I muttered as they turned the volume up even louder. I looked at Luke who was fast asleep, but he wont be for long if they keep this up. I marched downstairs in my pj’s into the party and went to the sound system. As I turned it off I got a load of boo’s. Mainly for Zacky and Brian. “I warned you!” I yelled.

“But come on Caaaat. Have fun. Have sexy time with us.” Zacky whined going at one side of me.

“Yeah Caaaat let’s have sexy time. And BEER!” Brian yelled going to the other side of me. Everyone had yelled yay. I rolled my eyes and told them no. “But it’s good for the baby. He needs a little bit of alcohol before he pops out.”

“Brian you ass hole, go make out with Michelle.” I pushed his hand away from my stomach. He just laughed; he wasn’t as drunk as he usually was. I don’t think Zacky was even tipsy. “Just don’t turn the music up any louder, because you really don’t want me and Luke to pissed off in the morning because we will make you suffer.”

They laughed and I went back upstairs. Since Nikki and Matt had gotten together last week the guys decided to throw a party for them eventually getting together. To be honest I think they just wanted to have an excuse to get wasted and end up looking like idiots.

So the date with Steve didn’t go to great. We decided there was no way in hell that we could ever work out, we were way to different. I mean a knocked up rock star cousin and a well-paid doctor? Who the hell were we kidding?

Nic hadn’t called yet, but we, as in the lawyers and Jay and myself, had a court date set for next month. I was going to get legal guardianship of Luke because, and I quote, ‘Mr. Berry you have no hope in hell because of your job.’ When Jay was told that you could read in his face that he broke a little. That is when I jumped in and saved the day. Like superman!

I got back into bed beside Luke. I basically had to kick his father out of the room because he wanted to stay with Luke while the guys were all partying downstairs. But it was a bit unnatural and everyone else kept coming up. Now Jay is downstairs acting like a dry shit with the boys.

I put on Jungle Book because I hadn’t seen it in years. It was one of them classical movies that could never grow old, no matter how old people where. I was half watching it when I though of how much Johnny had been coming over this week. Don’t get me wrong, I love the little guy but he’s not one for visiting people.

Come to think of it the only time I used to see him is when I was invited out with the guys and girls, and even then I saw little of him. Wonder what had come over the little guy all of a sudden? I shrugged to myself and began rubbing my basically non-existent bump.

According to Steve the baby is very active but I won’t feel anything major until my fifth month. I was also told I should be showing a lot in the next few weeks. That meant shopping. I grinned, oh how I loved to shop. Only time the guys never want to come with me. I loved them but shopping was my time.

Someone knocked on the door and walked in, I smiled when I noticed it was Johnny. He had half a bottle of JD in one hand and Brian fedora in the other. “Hey Cat, Syn isn’t here is he?” I shook my head, troublemaker. “Good I’m hiding out here for a while.”

“Excuse me?” I laughed lightly as he stumbled over. “Luke is asleep so you have to be quiet alright?” he nodded and sat in the chair beside the window. “Brian out there looking for his infamous hat?”

“Yeah pretty much.” He nodded. The TV caught his eye and he just stared at the screen like a child been told he could eat ice cream. “Holy fuck is that the Jungle Book? I love this movie! Move over, I wanna get comfortable watching this.”

“Fine but put the fedora in the top drawer of that press over there.” He opened it and looked slightly horrified. Yes, t’was ones underwear drawer. “Just put it he won’t look in there trust me.”

He just shrugged and got in the bed beside me, slurping the Jack every few minutes. Noises of people running up the stairs giggling could be heard but I had a couple of rooms locked so no one would be able to have sex in Luke’s room or one the guest rooms I sometimes slept in.

Brian came up the stairs shouting for Johnny, who had told me he was going to fake sleep so Brian couldn’t give out to him. Not a second later Brian walked threw the door, looking pissed off. “Alright where is the fedora?” he said hitting Johnny.

“Stop he’s asleep!” I told him hitting him back. “And your fedora is not here because he only came in with a bottle of Jack. Go ahead look where ever you want in here you won’t find it.” He frowned and went looking in my wardrobe, the presses, under the bed. Everywhere but my underwear drawer. “See?”

“Fine but when he wakes up,” he did he of so famous Beast and The Harlot point at Johnny. “His ass is mine.” I giggled as he walked out the door. I poked Johnny a couple of times but all I got was a slight snore in response. I turned over slightly to see if Luke was asleep and he was completely out of it.

This was great two children either side of my asleep and a baby that was probably swimming around having the time of its life. I smiled wondering would I ever have this if I married. A husband and child asleep either side of me. I shook my head and watched Jungle Book again.

“Stop,” I whined as someone began rubbing my side under my top. God only knows what hour it was but I sleeping peacefully until that hand decided to move against me. I was a light sleeper since I was with child. I opened my eyes in the barely light room and saw Johnny wide awake texting on his phone as he rubbed my side. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” he smiled and looked over his phone to me with a smile on his face. I moved his hand off me and closed my eyes to go back to sleep, but that didn’t happen. He rested his hand on my hip. “What?” he asked innocently when my eyes shot open.

I glared at him for a couple of seconds before I closed my eyes to go back asleep for the second time in five minutes. He began rubbing my side again, my heart started pounding when he moved it just under my boobs. When I went to open my eyes my lips collided with his.

I didn’t pull away as the kiss deepened. Neither did he. My heart was pounding hard and my stomach was doing some summersaults. All of a sudden I got really horny, so I moved my tongue into his mouth, which he allowed, as I scooted closer to him dying for him to touch me. He was smirking against my lips as I ran my hand threw his short blond hair.

There was a knocking on the door down the hall and I pulled away from him, both of us breathless. My blue eyes met his brown eyes. He was smiling; his smile was so adorable. I shook my head, what the hell was I thinking he’s Johnny! He moved in again but I had to put my hand to his mouth.

“What?” he frowned when I removed my hand.

“Your with Lacey.” I told him and tried to get off the bed. He sat up and looked over to me. “I just made out with one of my close friends boyfriends. Great.” I said to myself and tried not to wake the other sleeping body in my bed. “Just fuck up even more why don’t you-”

“I like you Catriona.” He cut me off. My face dropped and I shock my head. “I really do. Your smile, the way you can bitch at any of us but you don’t really mean it ‘cause you end you hugging the shit out of us for a whole day. Your beautiful in every way possible.”

“No. No. Just undo all that shit in your head. I’m pregnant. Your with Lacey, it’s never gonna happen. You’re the big bad Johnny Christ who is with Lacey and you will stay together with her. Because you love her, not me.” I said with my back turned to him. The emotions of being pregnant kicked in and tears rolled down my face. “Just get out.” I cried and turned to see him still in my bed.

“Catriona, babe I’m sorry.” He got off the bed and moved near to where I was standing. He reached up to my face but I grabbed him hand and moved it away. “I’m sorry. I dunno what came over me. But I can’t help it. I only want to have you right now and no one else.”

“Please just leave.” I whispered. He looked me straight in the eye before walking out the door. Sliding down the wall I cried harder. Over one small kiss, why was I so affected by it, I don’t know.