Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry

The Truth Will Be Told

I was struggling to put on a shirt. Yes struggling. Three whole weeks after seeing Steve I have grown into a whale. Last week I bought a suit and shirt that was meant to fit most women until their sixth month of pregnancy but me, couldn’t even get a week out of it.

“Nikki!” I called out, on the verge of tears. She came out of Matt’s room. “I’m quiet fat today and I need to get my shirt on or else I’ll look sloppy pregnant bitch in court or they’ll think I’m an unfit mother type person and take away my baby when it’s born.”

“Hey, hey. They won’t do anything because you will look way better than anyone else in that courtroom.” She took the shirt off me and looked at it. “Hun, this isn’t your pregnancy shirt. This is.” She said pulling one out of my wardrobe.

I put my hand over my mouth embarrassed. But then we broke into a fit of giggles. “Oh god, now I can’t even read tags. I’m starting to worry about this poor child now.” I laughed lightly, putting the shirt on. “Okay so now that it fits better you may go make out with my younger cousin. With my permission.”

She flipped me off and left the room. I went back to getting dressed. So maybe lately I’ve been getting carried away a bit. Like being a whale, I wasn’t really I’m just getting fatter because I’m having a child. I brought Leana shopping with me to get pregger clothes, which was a mistake because she brought me into every sex shop going trying to get me to try on French maid costumes. It was funny at the time but imagine going in to a sex shop pregnant. Like I need anything for sex, I got pregnant didn’t I?

Eventually she got serious, which is a rare occasion in Leana Silver’s world, and she ended up buying me clothes. In turn I ended up buying her clothes. Now in most people’s opinions that’s weird but in our lives it’s pretty normal.

Now for the first time in eighteen years I was going to see both my cousin’s well dressed and in suits. I know they want to make a good impression on the judge but I am the one who will be looking after Luke and feeding the child until he’s eighteen or whenever Jason decided to get married and his wife can adopt Luke and they’ll all live happily ever after. I sighed, like that’s going to happen.

“Hey Cat you ready?” Jason called out as he knocked the door. I opened the door and looked at him nodding. I couldn’t help but to smile, he looked so normal when he scrubbed up. “I have no idea how you stick suits these damn trousers are riding up my ass.” I laughed and we all left.

“Hello,” Jason’s, now also mine, lawyer greeted us outside the courtroom. I smiled and shook his hand. Luke was with a social worker for the past two weeks because apparently Nic had claimed Jason wasn’t his real father. That led to Luke been taken away and a DNA test. The results and everything else was today.

Nic was at the other side, every few minutes she would throw a glare, but her face would go back to looking scared when she wasn’t looking over. She had a couple of people with her. I was guessing a lawyer and a friend I couldn’t really tell.

I sat down and was in my own little world as the guys talked about last week’s game. Honestly every man watches at least one sport. And Nikki as well, she’s a sports critic for a few newspapers. “Hey look who decided to gatecrash.” Matt said to all of us.

I sat forewords a bit to see Johnny. He was the first person to catch my eye and I just starred at him until Jimmy hugged me. “Hey Cat, fuck that baby is getting big.” He smiled. “Hope you don’t mind us showing support.” He pointed to Leana.

“Not at all Jimmy, Jason could use the supporting. You saw how he was when he was told Luke might not be his.” I told him as I stood up. I looked to everyone else who had arrived, all well dressed. There was, apart from the other three, Val, Matt, Lacey and Gena. “Where are Zacky, Mich and Brian?”

I heard Jimmy mutter having threesome and we all laughed. “Brian and Michelle are still on holidays, having the time of there lives.” Gena said hugging me. “Zack had to go see his dad in hospital because he did something to his knee last night. But never fear for Gena is here.” She laughed.

I smiled at her. “Thanks hun. By the way need my hair cut soon, would you be willing to do the honours?” great thing about Gena, best hair dresser in the world and one of the nicest people you will ever meet. But you cross her bad side and she will hate your guts. That’s how her and Zacky met; he was being cocky (what’s new?) and pissed her off. He spent four months trying to get on her good side and it worked because they’re nearly five years together.

“Oh hell yeah. But I suppose I’m not allowed go mad with colours or layers am I?” she was playing with my hair I shook my head. “Oh fine,” she sighed. “I’ll just give you the hair do I give all my old customers.”

“Fine I’ll just find another hair dresser.” I huffed. I was going to continue talking but had to stop when we were called into the courtroom. All our friends sat up near the front to get a good look at everything whilst Jason, our lawyer and me approached out bench. We didn’t have to wait to long before the judge came out, we did the all rise etc you get it.

“Before we precede any further the DNA results will be given to determine whether or not Mr. Berry is Luke Flynn’s biological father.” He said and he was handed papers by the cop who was standing a couple of feet away from him. I bit my lip, praying that Luke was Jason’s if not this was going to be heart breaking. “Mr. Jason Matthew Berry is… Luke Robert Flynn’s biological father.”

I grinned and looked to Jason who looked like he just won the lottery. I nudged him and he smiled wider. But are attention soon went back to the judges when he began speaking again.

“I have had a background check and interviews with Ms. Flynn and I do find that she is an unfit mother due to drugs found in her blood system and it has recently come to my attention that she was a prostitute.” Some gasps where heard but I wasn’t in the least surprised. “She will not be her son’s guardian because he needs to be in stable environment.

“I’m not going to appoint Mr. Berry his legal guardian because of his job situation and he had enough sense to realise that it wouldn’t be a good environment to bring up a child in. In the courtroom we do prefer the child to go to a family member before considering adoption.” He said looking at Nic. “Ms. Berry could you take the stand please.”

I did as I was told. Shitting a brick at the same time. I did the oath and sat in the chair to be questioned by Nic’s lawyer, who by the looks of him knew what he was doing.

“Ms. Berry you are godparent to Luke and his father’s cousin, is that why you wanted to adopt Luke? You can answer yes or no.”

“No.” I told him honestly.

“Why do you want to adopt him?”

“He may be my godchild, but that doesn’t mean I have to care about him. I care about him because he is one of the sweetest children I know and if he can’t be with his dad or mom for whatever reason I like to think that I could be there for him no matter what.”

“So you care about the child, interesting. But since you are pregnant and expecting soon do you not think that Luke would not be left out when your own child arrives? I do believe you are raising the child on your own.”

“Objection, your honour!” my lawyer yelled. “What has raising a child on her own got to do with Luke?”

“Mr. Revel please stick to the point.”

“I’ll answer that if you don’t mind your honour.” I said and he nodded, I looked back to this Mr. Revel. “No Luke won’t be left out when my child is born or during any time of my pregnancy. And as for raising my child on my own, well I was left no other choice the father didn’t want anything to do with the child. Luke will still have my attention if not more when the child arrives because I don’t want him to felt left out.”

That seemed to shut him up because he shut up talking about the kids and how I will treat my child. He went on to talk about living with my two cousins and it wasn’t normal. Then he started talking about me being pregnant again and said I would be unfit to look after him if I went in hospital. Then I threw back that I lived with my two cousins. Then about an hour and a half later I was told to come back next week to hear the verdict.

We were all walking out of court happy with what was going on. Everyone was swarmed around Jason talking to him trying to get to cheer up because although Nic wasn’t allowed have Luke neither was he and I knew he was hoping there would be some small chance that the judge would let him have Luke.

“You look good today,” someone whispered in my ear. Johnny. I tried my best to avoid him the past two weeks and it was going great until now. “Your gonna have to talk to me some time or they’ll get suspicious.”

“I have nothing to say to you.” I told him firmly trying to walk faster than him. But it wasn’t working to well because pregnancy and heals don’t go together that handy.

“Cat c’mon at least consider it.” He placed his hand on my lower back and my stomach started flipping. “We’d be great together.” I was still walking fast when I nearly tripped over myself Johnny grabbed my waist. “Wow there cowgirl. Don’t want to hurt the baby now.”

“The baby wont be the one hurt in a minute.” I growled. I pushed his hands off me and stopped to look him straight in the eye. “I can’t have a relationship with you. You are going out with Lacey. I am pregnant with another mans child.” I told him and started to walk away. “It wouldn’t work anyway because I do no like you.”

He grabbed my wrist and I turned my head. “Well if you don’t like me tell me. Look me straight in the eye and say ‘I don’t feel the same way about you’.” I stopped glaring at him and opened my mouth to speak, to tell him that I didn’t feel that way about him. I closed my mouth and frown I tried to say it again but nothing came out. “That’s what I though sweetheart.” He smiled softly and tapped my ass twice. “C’mon everyone is waiting.”

I stood there stunned. I couldn’t believe it the one time I tried to tell him and I couldn’t talk. What the fuck was wrong with me? I never freeze up around the guys. He just walked up to the rest of them. I watched him and he turned and winked.