Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry

Baby Shopping

I stood in the guest bedroom opposite my room, trying to get an idea for the nursery. So far I liked my idea. A nice soft beige colour on half of the wall, then a boarder to break the colour and then it was going to be painted white. The flooring is defiantly going to be hard word laminate for obvious reasons. The cot was going to be black cast iron with beige and white bedding. I wasn’t planning on finding out the sex of the baby until birth.

I had everything planned for this room all I had to do was go out and buy the stuff. And have the baby. The reason I was doing this was to keep my mind off Johnny and court next week. Mainly Johnny, I mean I still couldn’t get around the fact I couldn’t tell him I didn’t like him. And that was two days ago.

I sighed and left the room to get changed. When I mentioned shopping for the baby Val, Gena and Leana jumped at the idea. I had asked Lacey but she had something about her and Johnny needing to talk. My heart raced, I never wanted to ruin anything on anybody especially Lace because she is such a lovely person.

Shadows, after being hassled by Val, offered to paint the room. Gena told me the rest of the guys would put down the flooring, put the furniture together and help Shads. When she told the guys this they were not impressed needless to say. She was bossy but none of the guys would ever cross her, it was brilliant. She was having Zack drive us around for the day.

“Hey hot mama you ready yet?” I heard Val yelled and run up the stairs. I wasn’t going to yell back; instead I continued to get into my jeans and top. “Hello love.” Se grinned and hugged me before Shads did the same. “So show the baby’s room.”

“Alright,” I said fixing my runners. I walked out my door and two foot across the hall to the guest room soon to be nursery. “So I was thinking beige and white walls with a boarder to separate the colours. Dark hard wood floors and black cast iron cot to set it all off.”

“I like it.” She smiled. “I think we better bring your Hilux, ‘cause you know Zack is gonna insist on bringing the Merc with hardly any boot in it.” I nodded and Shads just stood there wondering what the hell was going. “Hun, go find JB and Matt. You better be here when I get back.” she ordered before kissing him. “Love you.”

“Yes mother.” He muttered and kissed her forehead. “Love you too. See you later Cat.” He gave me the manly pat on the back and he walked out. We could hear him racing down the stairs as I told her were everything was going to be placed. “Lee and Gena and Zack are here.” He boomed when the stomping stopped.

“C’mon lets go spend the boys money.” Val grinned and I laughed as she grabbed my bag. We walked down the stairs and greeted the girls and Zack. Needless to say yes Zacky brought his Merc with tiny boot.

“Hey Zack you driving the Hilux, your boot has no room for the tings we need.” I threw him the keys and hit him square on the neck. “Sorry.” I said trying to hide a laugh.

We drove to a huge mall just outside of Huntington and broke into groups of two. Zack was told to stay in the truck or else he would have to endure hours of talk about baby’s and clothes, which ‘could led me to wanting a baby or ten’ Gena had told him. That scared him enough to stay put.

Val and me were currently in Carter’s buying anything and everything we could lay our hands on. I mean honestly everything was so cute and 50% off so why wouldn’t we go crazy.

“Oh Val look how cute this is.” I sighed holding up a small out fit. It was a little beige outfit with a little hat and soft shoes. We both just stood there looking at it, awing like saps. “This is gonna be the coming home outfit. It’s just to cute.”

“You know your making me want to be the daddy of your baby just so I can be around it all the time.” She cooed and I laughed putting the outfit in the basket. “No seriously all this is making me want a child. Think Matt will let me marry you instead?” she laughed.

“Maybe but I think he’ll be wanting to join in whilst we are making love.” I laughed. I walked up to the till and gave the woman all three baskets of unisex clothes, teddy’s and blankets. Five hundred dollars later we meet up with the other two and went into a paint and furniture store.

We grabbed the paint and we got Zacky in to carry it. Then we went looking at the cribs and bedding. “Don’t you need a Moses basket for the first few weeks of when the kid is born?” Leana asked looking a small row of them.

“Nope I think my one is up in the attic, I’ll get Matt to look for it this week. But if I don’t have it I’ll just use the guys one because I know for a fact their parents wanted Nic to use it when Luke was born.” I told her looking at my choice of three black cast iron cribs. “But she never did. Anyway which one I’ve a choice of three and Zack is gonna be carrying it.”

“I am not!” he scoffed. “My muscles are to good for baby shit.” I giggled and Val hit his arm. “What? You jealous your fiancé doesn’t have guns like these?” he said cockily and flexed his arm.

We burst out laughing; Zack had nothing compared to Shads. “Jeeze Zack I like my men with muscles not those puny little things.” Val giggled walking over and inspecting the crib closet to her. “Excuse me, sir? Which one of these is the heaviest?” she asked the guy walking by.

“Hang on one second.” He read the tags on all three of them and then looked at the first and last one. “It would be that one there. Can I help you with anything else?” Leana and Gena started hounding him about the price, where it was made, who made it, how long would it last and then they started asking stupid questions like will a baby fit in it.

“Gee-Gee leave the kid alone.” Zack frowned and grabbed her ass, because the guy started to flirt with her. Hell if I were guy I would be flirting with her as well. “C’mon lets get this shit and go home this is to much for a rocker.” He whined.

“We still have to get hard wood floors and the get the crib on order and then we are going out to lunch, see I’m gonna feed you. You should be a happy bunny.” Gena smiled as he groaned. “How does sex sound?”

“So where is the flooring again?” he asked nearly skipping towards the flooring section.

“I never though I’d see the day that Zacky Vengence was whipped.” Leana laughed and ran after him, to kick him in the ass. Literally. We fell into conversation over their whipped men as we walked over to the other two.

Soon enough we were driving out of the mall with the flooring, clothes and fast food in hand. When we arrived back at my house the guys moved everything upstairs so we could put up our feet and talk.

I honestly hadn’t had a day like this in a long time. I used to be always working and never had time for anyone else. But when I did have time it was usually for a guy whom I could never hold a relationship with. It was like a never-ending cycle for me. That was until my little angel was created.

“Val can I talk to you?”

We all turned our heads to see Johnny, my heart thumped faster when I saw him. Why was he here? I didn’t invite him. Well come to think of it I didn’t invite Jimmy or Shads either. “Yeah sure honey.” I moved my legs off hers and she walked out.

“Wonder what’s wrong with him.” Gena said absentmindedly as she took a drink of whatever she was drinking. Lee and me just looked at her with a frown. “Aw c’mon don’t look at me like that. Since when does he want to talk to Val alone? Never. There has to be something wrong!”

“Good point for as long as I’ve known him, which is what three, four years? I have never even heard him want to have a private conversation with anyone. Unless it was Lace.” Lee told us and chugged down the rest of her cocktail. “He’s a lot like Jimmy, they both think they’re meant to be the stupid, drunk and funny ones all the time. I know you won’t really believe this but Jimmy starts up really serious conversations at home and he actually told me once he sometimes hates when people take the shit out of him for doing what he does.”

“You think he’s bad now?” I scoffed, neither of them had grown up the guys like I had they would have never known the about of shit that happened when we were younger. “Jimmy was really bad when we where teenagers, ten times worse than he has been in the past few years, he would have the cops after him the whole time and dealers he’d to pay for drugs. I remember once being in Jason’s house and I answered the door to him in the middle of the night and he was crying because his mother had kicked him out and said all sorts to him. I was honestly terrified when I saw him cry because to me he was the big bad untouchable Jimmy Sullivan.”

“He told me about that night a few weeks after we got together I was so shocked to see him nearly in tears, like you said you’d think that he was untouchable and so did I.” Leana said and starred into space. Gena and I just looked at each other before looking away. “Hey what was wrong with the little guy?” Lee pecked up when she saw Val.

“Oh I don’t know,” she sighed and held my feet up before resuming her position on the couch. “He and Lace had a major fight about commitments and shit. He’s really messed up right now. Poor guy, I’ve never seen him upset before. Anyway me and Matt are gonna head in about ten minutes.”

“Yeah I think me and Zack might head soon, I’ve to work in the morning.” She groaned and took her phone out. “Hey babe, come one I’ve to go in at seven tomorrow… Okay.” She hung up and looked at us. “What can I say I’m lazy? Oh Matt said he’ll be up in a sec.”

A few minutes later Lee and myself were saying bye to Gee, Val, Shads and Zack. We sat for ages just talking about random shit. Eventually we turned on the TV and started watching ‘My Super Sweet 16’ which Lee was taking the piss out of. Then she got bored and went to Jimmy and I fell asleep.

“If you don’t tell her soon I slap you across the face so hard.” I opened my eyes slightly to see Lee and Johnny whisper arguing over something. I closed my eyes again and tried to go back to sleep.

“I did tell her,” he growled n response. “She doesn’t listen to me. She won’t get it threw her head that I fucking love and she is the only one I’ve wanted for years. I’ve spent ages trying to tell her that, but she never fucking listens. She’s pig headed like the rest of her family.”

“Oh for crying out loud,” she sighed. “She knows you love her. You guys just gotta talk more and get her to listen to you. And if she doesn’t listen well then write her a letter or poem or something. You know she would like it and in my opinion it’s a romantic thing to do. I’m sure Lacey would appreciate it.”

“What the fuck are talking about Lace for? I’m talking about Catriona!” he yelled. I tensed up; this was not going to be good. He loves me?

“What?!” she screeched.