Status: Due to no more insperation for writing this story, I have discontinued posting.

You're Too Young to Worry

No Future Plans With Him

I pretended to wake up and I looked at Lee. “What are you screaming about Lee?” I yawned and tried my best to sit up. She threw daggers in Johnny’s direction, and he just looked to the floor. Looking as pissed as he sounded. “Well any one care to enlighten me in the screaming match while I was sleeping?”

“It’s about nothing.” Lee said and looked at me for a second smiling, before resuming her glare at Johnny. “Sorry about waking you hun, I was gonna wake you in a few anyway. Didn’t want you to get a backache.”

“Oh Jesus you won’t know the meaning oh backache until your pregnant.” I giggled and got up off the sofa. Actually Lee had to help me up but that’s beside the point. I glanced at my watch and then back to the other two. They were not happy right now. You could feel the tension, it was horrible. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve to get a drink.”

I waddled out to the kitchen and got a drink. I could hear the guys down stairs being all happy and merry, while on the other side I could hear Lee and Johnny again. I made my way towards the door so I could hear more of their conversation.

“I’ll tell her, right now this second. Like you just said.”

“You can’t fucking tell her!” Lee screamed at him. “You are with Lacey and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you break her heart and maybe Catriona’s as well.” Her tone more hushed, Johnny said something back, which I didn’t catch. “Look this is just a crush, you probably don’t love her. And even if you did she has the baby on her mind right now. She won’t want a boyfriend for a while.”

“So basically your telling me to stay with someone I don’t have feelings for anymore because Cat has a baby on her mind right now?” Johnny growled. “She can have other things on her mind apart from a kid. I mean shit; she is going to have to think about the baby’s dad? Doesn’t that at least give me a shot?”

“No just things be. She has enough on her plate with the baby already in danger already she doesn’t need you to stress her up even more.”

“Don’t you think I know that? When I found her on the stairs I was so fucking scared and not because she was pregnant or in pain it was because I thought if anything seriously bad happened to her I would never get to tell her how I felt. That’s why I stayed in the hospital the whole night, Michelle had to force me to leave.”

“Is this what you where talking to Val about earlier or was this just another way of trying to get to Cat, huh? Just leave her alone for a while okay?” he must have nodded back. “Good, now c’mon give us a hug and I’ll drive you home.”

I walked away from the door quickly and tired to make it look like I wasn’t listening to their conversation. Lee walked in first and Johnny followed behind her with his head hung. “Hey, me and Jimmy are gonna head home. We’re gonna drop Johnny off as well.” She said as she walked over to me. I hugged her.

“Okay hun,” I kissed her cheek and she bent over slightly and began talking to my bump. “Lee, leave the baby alone.” I whined and hit her head lightly. “I love you when your not molesting my bump okay?”

“Righty-o captain. Gonna get my giant and then leave you with the Berry’s kay?” she skipped over to the basement door and headed down the stairs to the games room. That left Johnny and me alone in my kitchen, after hearing that he had serious feelings for me.

“You alright?” I asked him, not knowing what else to say. He nodded and sat down on the of the stools at the island. “Look Johnny about the other day -”

“No save it.” He interrupted holding his hand up. “Your right it would never work out between us. I mean you. You are successful, normal and the most down to earth person I know. I’m a fuck up. I get that you wanna raise the baby in a good environment and I guess I wouldn’t fit into that.”

“Johnny,” I sighed.

“No let me finish. I know I’m with Lacey but you ever need me I’ll be there as a friend.” I could see in his eyes that it killed him to say friend. “Before I finish I want you to know I like you a lot. I’ve liked you since I first meet you and always knew it wouldn’t happen but I wanted to try it out. But I guess that will never happen either.” He gave me a sad smile.

“I -”

“My love we are leaving you.” Jimmy laughed pulling me into a hug from behind. Damn him for coming in when I had something important to say. “Short shit you ready to go?” he said to Johnny, who nodded. “Alright love ya babe, call if you need anything.” He kissed me on the cheek and left hand in hand with Leana.

Johnny walked over and hugged me as well. “Please don’t let me ruin our friendship.” He whispered and kissed the side of my head. He followed the other to out of the house.

I sat on the stool and tears came rolling down my face. What had I done?

“I feel like a hormonal teenager who’s boyfriend just broke up to fuck my best friend.” I cried as I tried to explain to Val how I felt. Obviously she didn’t know I was talking about Johnny because I couldn’t bring myself to tell her. “I mean I don’t even like him! I don’t know why I feel this way about him!”

“I’m not trying to offend you or make you feel worse in anyway possible, but I think you are crying because you are hormonal and you do have some feelings for him.” Right there and then I wanted to yell and her and tell her she was wrong and knew nothing but I couldn’t. “But since he told you it would never happen after he tried to make something of you two, he must really mean it.”

“I know but I wish he didn’t mean it. But then again I don’t want anything to do with him. My mind is fucked up and all I want to do is get hammered but I can’t because of the baby. Val you have to help me out here I’m feeling so lost.” I sobbed to the phone. “When I didn’t want him he wanted me. Now that I wont have him he thinks its best to leave it as friends, and I know that he doesn’t mean it.”

“Honey I just wish I could help you with this but I can’t,” she sighed. “I’ve only ever been with Matt and I’ve never been pregnant or had this problem with a guy before. Obviously he doesn’t want any more discussions about you two so why don’t you leave it settle for a while. Maybe he might back off and your feelings will die down.”

“Maybe,” I shrugged moving the phone to my other ear. What she said wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear ‘go for it’ but then again I wanted to hear ‘you’ll get over him.’ My mind was fucked up with thoughts of him.

“You know what you need?”

“A crate of Jack.”

“No,” she scowled. “You need a nice day at the spa. Facial, massage, manicure, pedicure, the works! And before you even say no, a nice relaxing day will the world of good to you and the baby. And we will be paying.”

“Don’t you mean the boys money?”

“Excuse me I do have a job as do the other four. Except Michelle, she left the office again. Anyway consider it a pre-birth present.” I groaned. I really didn’t want to do the whole thing. It’s people beating the shit out of you in exchange for money. “Okay that’s settled. We’ll set it after we go to court tomorrow. Do you think the boys could handle a four year old?”

“Probably not,” I giggled. “Well you know what Jay is like around Luke, its cute really. You should see when he puts him to bed. It’s one of them heart melting moments where you see a rough looking guy with a toddler. It’s was kinda like the time Brian was babysitting McKenna when she was a couple of months old, remember that?”

“Do I remember? Hell I was already on the road to planning my future with him! I was ready to dump Matt in an instant!” I heard Shads asking whom she was leaving him for. “Brian.” She told him, he said he already had his future planned with Brian that all they need now was to leave their bitchy girlfriends. “Oh ha ha. You be careful or them pictures of you and Brian will leak on the Internet.”

“Oh I have some really good ones of him spooning Jay in the road hog as well if you want to leak them as well.” We laughed hearing Shads curse us out of it. “Anyway if, and I mean if we do out. They are not going to get hammered. Jimmy scared the child to death last time he saw him drunk.”

“Alright we can do that. We can just get them all to sit down and let Leana at them.” I smiled, it was funny how we still treated the guys like children but at times you would under why we would have to. “But if they don’t listen or whatever we’ll let Gena rip at them. I am going to call the ladies and tell them about the plan. Does Nikki want to come with us or what?”

“Dunno I’ll ask her. Poor chick wouldn’t want her to be babysitting seven twenty-something years olds would we?” I yawned. “Anyway being pregnant makes me want to sleep so I am going to ring Nik then call text you.”

“Sounds like a plan. Love ya babes.”

“Love you too Val.”