I'm Still a Little Crazy

Chapter 3

"Put your hands in the air and don't make a sound…"

"You sing a lot."

"That's kind of the point, when you're in my position."

"A position of lunaticy?"

Sara just smiled contemptly at me. I gave her a one eyed glare.

"How was your day with Josh?" she asked. I averted my eyes from hers, looking down at the cup of coffee in my hands. I could feel her stare burning holes into my head, reading my thoughts.

"Uhh…has Peyton lost the ability of speech now? Or do you…have a story to tell me?"

I shook my head, smiling to myself.

"It's nothing."

"It's something, if it involves my brother and my bestest best bestie friend in the world." She said, trying hard to assure me. I rolled my eyes, but kept my smile on. I seriously didn't want her to get wind up about this.

"It's really, actually nothing Sara. We had fun, we talked, whatever, blah blah blah."

"You just blah blah blahed over the best part – the part I don't know." She insisted. She took her index finger and poked my cheek.

"Comon – what's up?" she asked, lowering her voice a little.

I shrugged, looking away from her again. I would have to tell her eventually.

"We were just, I don't know. Something just made him… askifhecouldkissme BUT it didn't matter!"

"And if I weren't so phenomenal at understanding the language of Peyton, I would defiantly not have guessed that my brother wouldn't ask to kiss you." she said plainly.

I scrunched my nose at her, pouting.

"Don't make anything of this. It didn't mean anything, he said it was just to see what if was like after so long. OK, so he didn't really say that, but I'm smart enough to finish the beginning of his sentence. AND there was never anything to see like after so long, because so long ago there was nothing! Nothing but nothing!"

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Sara said, grinning like a Cheshire cat. I shook my head.

"No. I know exactly what's going on. Josh and I have zero feelings for each other, and that one tiny little moment proved it."

"Joshua!" Sara's voice rang through the staircase, calling her younger brother.

"Is that my dear sister, coming to visit me? Come to actually see that your family exists since your going away to the mental institution?"

"I live here, smart ass. I want to talk to you, thanks."

"Oh." Josh said, coming out of his bedroom and joining Sara in the hallway. Sara turned on her heel and headed back down the stairs.

"Oh, so you want to talk, yet you turn away... nice Sara."

"Come downstairs and talk to me." She said. She went into the kitchen and started opening and closing drawers, looking for something.

"And what are you doing?" Josh questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I do weird things like this when I'm nervous." Sara muttered. Josh nodded knowingly.

"That was obvious a long time ago… and is the madness going to stop any time soon?"

Sara had opened every drawer in the kitchen and had started to pull open the cupboards now, taking down the bowls and dropping them into the sink to wash.

"What's happening with you and Peyton?!" Sara finally asked after a few more minutes, in which she had rinsed all the bowls and replaced them into the cupboard and had started to pull knives out of the drawers (Josh started back away at this point).

Josh dropped his head in front of him, letting out a sigh.

"Kay, I was scared that like Ian had died or worse, dumped you. Seriously, you need to get a grip."

"That’s not answering my question, smart ass, so hurry up, cause I have carving knives!"

Josh held up his hands, raising his eyebrows.

"Slow down, I'm getting there…And nothing's 'happening' with Pey and I. We're becoming friends again, is that so terrible, or can you not handle your best friend having other friends?"

"Josh, don't say that! And you know that I'm not talking about you and Peyton being just friends."

Josh narrowed his eyes at Sara.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Peyton mentioned something."


"Well, actually, I just asked, she eventually told me something's, but I'm asking you if there's anything you feel that's…like more than friends with Pey. Don't make this awkward Josh, I'm just asking." Sara said, letting her breath out.

Josh blinked a couple times at Sara, and shook his head.

"I'm fine. I don't like Peyton like that anymore."

"You did at one point then?"

Josh shrugged. "That was a long time ago, and you know how much has happened since then. I don't think we're going back there."