I'm Still a Little Crazy

Chapter 5

My eyes snapped open, but I shut them quickly. My body ached, but all together I wasn't feeling too shitty. I opened my eyes an inch, taking a look at the surroundings. Same as I had left them before I fell asleep…

But no Josh.

Some black writing on my arm caught my eye, and as I sat up, I read the words I ♥ You, Silly, written in big sharpie letters up my arm.

Slowly I got up from the couch, heading for the bathroom. Outisde the sun was just coming up, rays of light dancing in my bathroom window. I splashed my face with warm water, trying to wake up a little, but I wasn't feeling the greatest now that I had started moving.

Upon coming out of my bathroom, little noises were coming from the kitchen. I wandered in and found my cellphone vibrating on the counter, flashing the name MATT. Hastily I picked it up.

"Hello?" My voice croaked and I shuddered, knowing he'd laugh at me for that.

"Mornin' Princess, what a lovely voice you have in the morning. I almost wouldn't believe my own sister could make such darling noises."

"Shudup, I've seen you at your ugliest too."

"Heard you had a fun time last night." I could practically hear the sarcasm dripping off his words.

"I had a fine night, don't try to imply anything. It's not even my fault that Josh was left alone with no other friends but me to call on a Friday night. Where were you and the rest of the boys?"

"Well that's not the story I heard. We went to get pizza and a movie to bring back to Ian's place, he even went with us to Ian's, but for somereason he ended up staying behind when we left. By the time we got back he'd left a note saying you'd called and he'd gone to visit you."

I frowned to myself, becoming confused.

"Peyton if your frowning right now, you didn't know any of that…?"

"Yeah, no I didn't. I thought he was just alone… You should hear the message he left me, he was in hyserics."


"It's not like he was balling his eyes out Matt, he'd just gone a little crazy."

"Yeah but he was going to hang out with us last night. He had stuff to do and people to hang out with."

"Are you trying to imply that being at my place wasn't a good idea?"

"No, Peyton, try to listen to me. Josh had plans. It's not that his plans were broken, it's that he ditched us to see you. He didn't have to."

"I still don't get what you're trying to get at Matt. Why is this such a bad idea?"

Matt sighed on the other side, getting annoyed, like he usually was with me.

"Ok, Peyton, listen to me. Josh made you think that he was alone and mad about it. But he already had us to hang out with that night."

Finally I had grasped what he meant, my mouth forming into a little O.

"You get it Peyton?" Matt's voice had softened again.

"Yeah." I said hoarsly. "But I can't figure out why he'd do it that way. Why wouldn't he say he didn't feel like hanging out with you guys? Or not even, he loves being with you all!"

"It's got us all stumped, he hasn't told any of us really anything. So we're all guessing what horrid or scandalous shit you two were getting into."

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see.

"I'm not even going to try, Matt. I have no reason to try to defend myself. If you three, plus Sara even, can't get it through to your little white skulls that Josh and I have only ever been friends-"

"Oh please-"

"-then I'm done trying to convince you, cause it seems like nothing will ever change how much you love to torment me."

"Peyton you don't even know what he says-"

"He doesn't say anything Matt, cause I'd know. Trust me on this one, I'd know if there was something Josh wanted to say to me. That's just the way this friendship is, and I am not putting up with you trying to jeoprodize that."

"Pey I'm not trying to jeoprodize anything! I want you to hear me out!"

"What's to hear, Matt? What makes you think I don't already know whatever you're going to say?"

"Josh would lie to you to spend time with you. AND leave his brothers behind with a note."

"NO he didn’t! He probably didn't even say anything that was a lie! You know what, I still have the voicemail, I could play it back to you and you'll see." I knew right there that I was going to regret saying that, but you know what, I'm the big sister. I win, weither he likes it or not.

"He left a message for you?" Matt's voice stalled. I laughed to myself, amazed at how much this conversation with my own brother was stressing me out.

"God Matt you really don't have your facts very straightened out do you?" I chuckled, hearing him sigh on the other end.

"Have a nice night Peyton."

"Thank… it's 9 in the morning Matthew."

"Well I'm going to sleep." Click

I rolled my eyes, snapping my phone shut. Typical.

Finally for the first time that morning I took a good look around my living room and kitchen:

Two bottles of vodka (there were two?) lay empty on the counter. Flour had caked itself into a little home as well. The pizza pan had toppled into the sink, one piece still remaining – and I deffinatly don't remember us eating it all. The pillows from my couch had been tossed off it, and the blanket that I had wrapped itself around me in my sleep still lay on the couch.

I know I may not be painting a very delightfully messy picture, but I'm sure you have at least some imagination to create the scene for yourself. I never aced the descriptive language part of the English 12 exam.

"Ugh. I hate you, living alone." I said allowed, to stifle the silence.

And that was the truth of it, probably the hidden reason why I loved the idea in the back of my head that Josh would try his hardest just to be around me. Because I hated being alone in my house. It wasn't my home yet, I could feel it.

But something about being in this place last night, being a complete retard with a bestfriend, made it feel more homey than any paint or picture or poster has yet.