Wolfguy (working title)

Day 3

Day 3 – Morning
Wolfguy spends the morning wallowing (possibly unseen)
The Ghost visits him at his trailer, he offers some more information on the druid, such as how he can be found deeper in the forest, over a hill. Wolfguy listens but doesn’t respond, and is still mentally resistant.
After the Ghost leaves, Wolfguy takes out the Book from his backpack and reads some of it, wanting to find a different way to cure himself on his own. He finds the torn out pages in his trailer—Mums put them there since she hopes he can figure out how to cure himself.
He performs a ritual from the book. He can’t tell if it worked but he feels better knowing he at least tried something—the illusion of progress.
That night
That night is a full moon, meaning he and the other werewolves have to go tie himself up, since they know they’ll transform into dogs no matter what. Wolfguy, having done the ritual, is under the impression that he might not transform this time and does a poor job of tying himself up in his trailer.
The werewolfism takes over and he wakes up the next day to find his trailer in ruin.