Status: Complete. =)

Requiem for a Dream

Requiem For A Dream

Ocean Gypsy

Still lying here, in a freezing ocean in the midwinter magical night, saviour of the heart within, the fear I face is not in the light, but in the dark cold waters at night, I want to bleed with the fearless heart, I want to live with a warrior soul! The ocean gypsy in the water, can't frighten me away, she's naked in midwinter curses, lying in the icy snow, lying there her corpse is decaying, her gypsy group has taken her away, the demonic mermaid in the fearful waters, has been gone for a while, now I'll sing a sacrad piece for the ocean gypsy dead and dying in the water, she left a dead heart behind as a sign of her dying love for me, she claimed she wanted to live in a fearless land, where the defenders fought for each other, where the angels and Hell's undead soldiers, landed all upon their deaths, she couldn't take the death any MORE. She's drowning under the freezing water, her corse is dead under the ice in the water at night, now the dead ocean gypsy in the water, has been dead for a long while and in my mind she'll rest forever

Sacrament of Wilderness

The forests burning, the smoke rising to the skies, animals dying off losing their precious habitats, a hungry choir of wolves left a sign behind, letting me know they have died their corses still lay in the land of the burning wood of former living trees, the sound of crisping leaves, the noise of burning driftwood at night, crackle through the dawn so many lives are in danger, the dead lives left behind a sacrament of wilderness symbolizing the power, the death fire can cause, the animals are dead, none can come back, they are all gone for an eternity, along with the extinct groups of wolves, I tried to save them all but I could not find a reason to help so, I tried to help them survive, but I could not find a way to do so, they craved to live with a living bleeding heart, but the carelessness of mankind has taken that away, leaving a sacrament of wilderness powers us humankind are capable of, and when the dead cry their only comfort is to kill your friends, I don't care, I'm not blinded, I just stared, you need to understand why these tears don't fall, they never will, cry for mankind, die for the unkind, even the ghosts fight, their only weapon, the ethereal screams, locked within their throats, they've left a sacrament of wilderness that the dead ghost-kind are capable of, I can't understand why they need us in graves, I'd try for mankinf to change their state of mind!

The Walking Shadow Without A Dreamer

(Please don't be the one to cut me, I will bleed for eternity) You lied, to me, you'd stay on this earth, but then, you became the biggest hypocrite, I never thought you'd be the one to die, so now I'll live alone, forevermore, captain nemo I ask you to, follow him to the under, world, this siren witch sealed my fate, yeah yeah, so now about your lies, and your burning hypocrisy, don't ya know this rock girl got wise, so surprising to hide this lie

So now I'm the walking shadow without a dreamer, no voice with pain, or laughter, dream..BOUND to DIE! Meadows in heaven or maidenbeds in hell? I choose neither. Leve me in purgatory, the sins of THY BELOVED changed my soul now I'm walking the shadow without laughter, my fear's have been confirmed, I can never be comforted, all your fans oh how they want me to be dead, within the fear I know is that they'll try to ram the poison drink down my mouth, so as to now I'll die alone, alone alone come on and TRY to eliminate, the one who killed your dream, if I can survive the rocking shadow, and beat the wicked lord, I can fight the shadow without a dreamer, dream BOUND to die!

Is all the love inside my head, does it matter? No it didn't matter, tom you were looking for love, I dreamt of this day my entire LIFE BUT THEN YOU WENT AND KILLED YOURSELF, SO NOW I'D HAVE TO BLEED ALONE, ALONE ALONE ALONE, so since you up and died I could never set my foot near your room, I sang at your grave and the thunder clapped in applause, oh my love for the beating thunderous rain falling from the black skies at night is indescribable, my liking of you made me go LIKE WHOA! So now I'm walking the shadowpath without my dreamer by my side, the walking shadow without a dreamer, says he can relate, relate relate relate to me. Doesn't he know this bird has flown, you bastards can't repay me what you owe, you took both your lives, now the band, I and Simone gotta suffer forever after, DID YOU EVER THINK, of the results of your deaths, why'd you both have to leave? MAYBE I should've confessed my love, to keep you here, there is no way you could return, unless I attempted something close-to-impossible. The unending masquerade, the death of innocence, caused my life with you to fade in laughter, I'm the walking shadow without a dreamer heart in me

Bleeding Angel

White lands of Empathy, of innocence, lies the heart I once had, leave me be, let me stay here, you cheated on me, with a groupie you said you don't love, oh for god sakes why ever would I be okay, you cheated, you lost the heart you once had, why I gave it to you in the first place, is a mystery I don't care to solve, you know I'm happy without your lies, my friends, and Shaiya is back, danger love has made it's comeback in the form of the ghost of rain, I need a revolution, I need the greatest change of all, show me what I want, show me what I desire, I'll NEVER be your bleeding angel again, I spent most of my life with you, you loved me in the heat of the moment, never gonna happen again, it's the end of innocence, unending hellhole masquerade, I won't wait for you, damn no I'll not be okay with the fact you cheated on me with Emelie, go burn in a destroyed church of my choice, the midwinter frozen storm has been killing me, the fans would love to **** you in your bed on tour, take a groupie choose a girl and have as many as you'd like, Iike I've said before, never again will I be your bleeding angel! TELL ME, WHY WAS DEPRIVATION THE REASON!?! It has gotten to the inside of your head, don't bitch and say you can't take it no more, end of innocence, unending disguise parade, I will never wait for you, Emelie go on have a go, at the player womanizing queen, I can't stand one night fucks, let me know so I can find the one that started, and find a painful way for it all to end!

Somehow you think I'll be yours again, bullcrap that is and you know it! My dead stream of decaying love is enough to feed the fallen in a million cemeteries, suicide aint the solution for losing me, but I just wanna let you know I'll never be your bleeding angel again, the voice of the black angel siren ringing in your mind would be the wake-up call of Lilian Claire Baudelaire, also known as danger love, formerly Regen, formerly Nevah of Shaiya, your player ways are the end of innocence.

Requiem For A Dream

The day...I found out that you died, is the heart broke. I can't cry, but anyway my tears break, your angel face my eyes will never see again, oh hell what I wouldn't give to see you again, my hungry choir of angels, crave for me to see my beloved again and again for eternity, my god whatever have we lost? I want to love with the tameless, fearless braveheart forevermore, my love for you will live on through my song, I want to live where we once lived, bleeding and dying and fainting out of this mortal realm where hearts break, if love is the funeral of hearts mine has been dead since the day you left me behind, I can't survive without you. I want to trade my requiem for a dream of the day I get to lay my eyes upon you again, let me be with you, don't you dare attempt to die, like it or not, I'll vow and surrender up my life to the gods to rescue the soul I fell in love with, never a chance to lose my self again in the falling rain, you give me a reason to ride a fire-star, to repair everything said and done! oh DEAR god what in the hell as happened to us!? I'd die to trade my requiem for a dream of the day I get to behold your beauty again, my ghost love score is left behind, it's been bathed in my mind, spilled from my thoughts, and mocked my life, my slit words licked at my aching wounds, god DAMN I WANT TO LIVE WITH THE TAMELESS HEART! I WANNA BREATHE WITH MEIN ENGEL AROUND ME, BY MY SIDE! ROMANCE IS NOT MY STYLE, BUT I can damn sure pass it off just for you, without your love and beauty that made me fall for you, I am broke from here on out!

God take my requiem for a dream to see my other soul again, but I found out that's not going to happen, I should move on but at the same time, I can't, Lydia save what's left of me, I fell in love with you. I'll save you, cure you, kill me any way any day if I fail to succeed.