Like You Did Before

77: Just Get Here

Letting out a groan in pain, Matilda seized Arthur’s hand, squeezing it as tightly as she could as she waited for the contraction to subside. She knew that that was what they were. Any doubt that she had had when she had felt the first twinge had quickly disappeared when the pains had continued and grown stronger, but still she was sat in her own living room, waiting for the contractions to get closer together before she headed to the hospital. She still couldn’t get a hold of Iker. In the couple of hours that had passed since the first call, she had tried a handful more times, but each time she had been greeted with his voicemail message, something which was starting to panic her. She needed him. When she had given birth to Lola, he had been the comforting presence at her side, reassuring her that everything was going to be alright, and whilst she was sure that her mother or Arthur would be an adequate stand-in, she didn’t want to do it without Iker.

“That one seemed a little stronger” Arthur commented, shaking his hand slightly “You doing OK?” he asked.

Matilda leant her head back against the sofa cushion, trying to catch her breath. “I want Iker” she complained softly.

Arthur offered her a smile that didn’t quite light up his eyes before he leant forwards, collecting her phone from its spot on the coffee table again. Placing it into her hand, he watched her dial Iker’s number again before he stood up, gesturing over his shoulder. “I’ll call your mama” he murmured “Give her an update. Do you need anything?” he asked.

Matilda went to answer, but stopped herself when Iker’s voice filled her ear, causing her to let out a soft noise in relief. “Oh, finally” she breathed “Where the heck have you been?” she pressed.

Arthur shuffled out of the room, something which made Matilda frown.

“I was at dinner with Sergio” Iker replied “I didn’t hear my phone” he added.

“Who doesn’t put their phone on the table?” Matilda complained “Actually, don’t answer that. I don’t care about that now. Did you listen to the messages?” she pressed.

“I was just about to” Iker replied.

“I’ll fill you in” Matilda said “I’m in labour. I am having the baby now” she added.

Iker was quiet for a long moment, long enough that Matilda pulled the phone away from her ear to check that she hadn’t lost the connection, before he let out a flustered sound. “Now?” he pressed “Are you at the hospital? Where’s Lola? Is somebody with you?” he added, his voice flitting between urgent and excited.

Matilda’s lips quirked into a soft smile at the excitement in his voice. “Lola’s with my mother” she answered “She was with her anyway. I have called her, but my papa is out and she can’t get a hold of him, so she’s going to stay with Lola until he gets back. I am still at home at the moment, but I think I am going to need to get to the hospital pretty soon. The contractions are getting closer together, and stronger. I need you, Iker” she added, her voice softening a little.

Iker’s answering sigh was soft in amongst the sound of him rushing around. “I knew this trip was a bad idea” he muttered.

“I told you to go” Matilda replied “It was only supposed to be a couple of days. I didn’t see what could go wrong” she added.

Iker let out a slightly pained laugh, something which made Matilda close her eyes, smiling apologetically to herself. “Just get here” she murmured “Even if you do miss the birth, just get back here to meet our baby boy. I know how excited you are to meet him for the first time” she added.

“I love you” Iker said “And you’re going to do an amazing job. I know that. I will get there as soon as I can” he added reassuringly before he ended the call.

Letting her phone slide out of her grasp, Matilda let out another groan, drawing Arthur back into the room so that he could put his hand in hers, allowing her to squeeze it tightly. “Hospital?” he asked.

Matilda nodded her head. “Hospital” she confirmed.

Staring at the door of the room that the receptionist had directed him to, Iker’s lips quirked upwards into a sad smile, his ears caught on how quiet it was inside. He knew that it was going to be close. Even if he had just walked onto a flight, the chances of him getting back in time to see the moment that his son had entered the world would have been slim, but it had become even more of a long shot with each minute that he had spent at the airport, waiting for his flight to be called. He had called a few times. He had spoken to Adrienne, and to Matilda once, briefly, before another contraction had taken hold, but he hadn’t heard anything since he had landed, something which had him hesitating outside.

Drawing in a breath, he let it out slowly before he tapped his hand against the door, gently nudging it open slightly. Stepping inside, he caught Adrienne’s eyes briefly, returning her slightly apologetic smile, before his stare landed on the bed, his forehead furrowing slightly. Matilda was sat up, a bundle of blankets in her arms, but that wasn’t what had his attention. Next to her, with his forehead pressed to her temple, sat Arthur, cooing down at the baby. The sight caused Iker to blink a couple of times, but he didn’t say anything, instead, he lightly cleared his throat.

Matilda’s head snapped up, and when her eyes met Iker’s, her face brightened with a tearful smile. “Iker” she squeaked.

Iker couldn’t stop himself from smiling back. “I’m sorry I am a little late” he said “I tried everything to get back here quicker, but...”

“I don’t care” Matilda interrupted “Just get over here” she added.

Iker didn’t need to be told twice. Dropping the bag he held, he stepped towards the bed and leant over, his gaze settling on the baby who sat in his mother’s arms, sound asleep. Letting out a soft, awed noise, he gently touched a fingertip to the baby’s hand before he turned to gaze at Matilda, his eyes a little misty. “I love you” he murmured “I’m sorry I wasn’t here” he added.

Matilda shook her head, her spare hand gently wiping a tear off of his cheek. “I’m OK” she murmured “And he’s OK” she added.

Iker quirked a soft smile before he leant forwards, pressing his lips to her forehead. He had questions, and he could feel Arthur’s stare on him, but it could all wait. In that moment, all that mattered to him was his family and its new addition.