Status: True love may not be embodied where we think it should be.........

What Eyes Can't See


In the eyes of Richard Promise, whose profession as a civil engineer prompted him to lead the most socially successful life, had one thing clear in his mind. His ideal woman was never going to be one of his own racial ancestries for he believed they lacked what it takes to be the wife of a professional.

Richard from his own knowledge of things made up four categories in which he would place the women he was most likely to come into contact with. At the top of his list were Indian and Asian women whom he labeled as submissive, goddess-like and intellectually gifted. Second on his list were Latin women who locally they called Spanish were considered by Richard to be pretty, voluptuous and loyal. Thirdly were women of mixed heritage who he described as pleasant to behold and would fit in easily anywhere. His fourth and definitely whom he considered the least, were women of his race the African women. He described them as good for fun, easily bought with trivialities and never fitting for the mantle of a wife.

Richard would often go to a variety of night clubs where he would encounter women listed in his four categories. After a verbal screening. he would select one that he could wine and dine for that night. If they would seem fitting in his eyes then he would make arrangements for another date. However, if his requirements weren’t met, he’ll try to get them to a motel and most times this was much more successful than finding himself another date. Notably the women of category four also contributed to Richard’s categorization and stereotyping of them due to their own socializing behaviors. His search for the right one was beginning to get frustrating and so lately, he would just get out for the main purpose of having his manly desires met, and at that time he would only target women in category four. After not meeting with any success he decided to relax a bit and so decided to spend some time with himself. Richard planned to go shopping since his office wardrobe needed replenishing and besides the only woman in his life whose love is unwavering and unconditional, is that of his mother Rita whom he would also surprise with a gift. He often thought of how lucky his mother was to have him because he was such a loving son and that it was just unfortunate the ladies couldn’t lock into his great enigma of a personality which he possessed.

While shopping, he could not help but categorize every single female he would encounter. Those he found appealing just did not seem to take a liking to him. This changed when he decided to have lunch at his favorite restaurant. At this time, the only urge Richard was interested in filling, was that of his growling stomach.

His mind now reverted to the project he needed to get done in order to be presented in two days. As he entered the restaurant by pushing the heavy cedar doors, the aroma of Italian food greeted him. Richard looked around and observed that the restaurant was crammed for seating. While contemplating retreating to another restaurant nearby a most pleasant hostess greeted him making him aware that there was no single seating available and he was offered the choice of sharing a table with double occupancy or with a group. He chose the former. He was then swiftly guided to a table for two where a young lady was already seated.

Her face was almost completely barred with a book, the title of which he could not see through her fingers. Richard held his breath as she glanced up and smiled lightly with the most beautiful face
he had seen in years. He sat down mesmerized. She smiled and said to him “It sure is busy today, isn’t it?” Totally transfixed now by the combination of beautiful voice and face he answered: “Yes, it is.” Cocking his eyebrow and assuming a charming yet flirtatious stance expecting to be spurred on in conversation she simply smiled and returned her gaze to the book that she was reading. He felt a dip in his pride to the bottom of his stomach and now he took this chance to observe this lady before choosing what to say next. To his great glee, she belonged to category four and was merely wearing hair extensions. Almost instantly Richard’s inner emotions began to change within him and he thought to himself that he may just have the opportunity of having some fun on his day off after all. He interrupted her asking “So you read a lot?” She took a while before replying then answered, “Since I started seeking God and the knowledge of life, yes I read a lot?” She now kept a steady gaze at him to see his reaction, and it was just as she suspected but she did not make him wise to her own discretionary capabilities.

Richard was a bit disappointed because to him she appeared to be a church-going person and that meant he may not be getting through to her at this time to persuade her to indulge in fleshly abandonment. This much faith he had in his natural physical body and facial good looks; yet he stood for his one sure rule, which was never to take anyone home unless he was sure that she was the one. She then, sensing his aura of confusion said to him “My name is Cleopatra.” And extended her well-manicured tender hand to shake his which he did not refuse. He managed to say “Richard.” She continued “Richard let me tell you I don’t go to a church but as a believer of the true God, at times we, who have found Him, all come together for picnics, to strengthen our bond by means of our daily experiences.”

Richard was taken aback because it seemed to him she was seeing right through him and his plans for her. Cleopatra continued speaking with a calm excitement, gesticulating all the while “The great thing about it there is no one above us but God himself. No status codes are observed among us, all the Mister and Doctor this and that is left outside and we become simply human beings loving God.” He was not expecting this and so he felt trapped. He wished he could be seated at another table, but then looking around he knew that was impossible. Seeing he had to deal with what was before him he began to ponder. Richard being, the ardent party animal might just hit the jackpot in a new playground. He even contemplated encountering a few untouched ladies and with that thought, his insides sizzled. Thus, he concluded right there and then that this could be the place to find himself the one to call his own. However, with Cleopatra, he couldn’t bring himself to consider in any other way except to place her in his last category despite the fact she was beautiful and knowledgeable. He knew she would invite him so he waited for the invitation which was not slow in coming. She asked sweetly “Would you like to experience what this could be like?” He almost answered before she was finished asking “Yes, Yes I would. I never was certain these things occurred in our little island but you’ve convinced me that it does.” Cleopatra immediately retorted “Actually it does. When you get there, you’ll know if it is for you Richard.”

Meanwhile a pretty waitress of mixed descent arrived at their table delivering Cleopatra’s order and began pouring water for Richard. She asked most politely if he was ready to place his order. While he was speaking to the waitress, Cleopatra who was very discerning observed the quick change in his mental balance. His entire disposition was altered. She thought the knowledge of God may help him to see things differently. She pitied him and decided to take it upon herself to have him see the light. While
he himself was doing the analyzing in a most negative way he in turn was being thought of for good. He then suddenly remembered he was with pleasant company and tried to return to normalcy.

Cleopatra inquiringly asked, “What do you do for fun?” He admitted to her that he loved partying but quickly interjected that he worked very hard, revealing his job portfolio and so he went on about himself. The conversation pleasantly carried on between them, both only revealing limited information about themselves. Cleopatra’s time being up she left him with her office number, venue and time for when next her group would be congregating. Richard was sort of relieved that she left, for now, he can freely concentrate on the waitress that was attending to him.

That evening at home it occurred to him that he was being rejected by everyone, even that waitress at the restaurant. “Perhaps,” he said aloud “I do need divine intervention and God will also grant me my heart’s desire. Love, this is why God caused me to meet Cleo.” After mingling among the crowd for a few minutes, Richard decided that he will most definitely find himself a life mate there. Cleo as he dubbed her came up to him smiling inquiring about his view on what he saw. She then encouraged him to sit where she was while at this time everyone ate, drank and spoke with one another quietly. Almost suddenly a small group started singing, and soon enough everyone joined in.

Richard was surprised they weren’t the usual songs heard in a church but meaningful by way of inspiring one to praise God for his great works and acknowledging his glories. While there he learned what this group thought God’s name to be, also he observed that many different races follow these teachings and many beautiful single ladies congregated amongst them. Yet he could not differentiate the leader. A mere five minutes later as if to answer his curiosity, a woman dressed in white approached him inquiring of his views his name and encouraged politely that he should seek to walk the path that is placed before him and she invited him to keep assembling with them so that he will see all things materialize. She turned to walk away but then turned around to add “The change starts with you.” She smiled and turned away. Like a breath of fresh air, she was, and floated away just the same way she came to him. He kept observing her as she would stop to sit and chat with almost everyone. He wondered how she knew who he was.

Some time elapsed when that very woman called the attention of the crowd and began addressing them in such a way that it felt as she spoke to you individually. Richard was made aware of who she was by Cleopatra when she said, “She is the chosen one who assisted us in finding our true selves and led us to the true Lord.” With obvious admiration, she added “She only cares about the glories of God and does not accept any money from any of us but she gives knowledge to us as God gives it to her. This Richard is the only time you’ll see her before us like this only to address the crowd.” He thought since he would be granted a pure wife it is something he could be a part of and it was after all free.

Richard attended several gatherings and saw many who met his criteria. After receiving responses from them he thought of asking them out, yet he had his manly urges to be fulfilled and so he thought of filling this need first. He well knew the dating process was a celibate proceeding. So, this is where Cleo would have to come in. He reasoned that he will be with her secretly while mingling with the new ladies he encountered. After all, with the abundance in choices, he had before him he needed to take his time. When he had made his selection he will make a proposal and claim his prize. Also, he was sure that Cleopatra really likes him and would relish whatever time he could give to her. It was also a way to thank her for leading him thereby giving her a taste of him.

Cleopatra was a bit surprised that he asked her to go see the latest movie, yet she didn’t question the motive but accepted the offer. She wondered if he was interested in her for something positive and began feeling lightheaded letting her usual discerning guard down after all she was a woman. She began feeling so happy that she had reached out to him and he being a charmer paid her scattered compliments which she reveled in and even blushed at them. He felt she deserved that because she really cared about him and she was so beautiful to behold. Nevertheless, soon enough his common habit took him over and he could just barely contain himself. The wind was knocked out of Cleo and she returned from cloud nine when he suggested that they spend some time at a hotel so that they may come to know each other better. He even told her why she deserved this and that she was not a mere motel girl but that she deserved classy treatment. All she could have done was stare at him, and words then came floating into her head which then registered upon her lips. “Don’t you know God……..the true Lord protects his people? There I was thinking you had some light in you but you are covered in darkness.” She continued now her voice rising “you tried to take advantage of my kind nature and from what I am now seeing you do not deserve. Let me also tell you none of those ladies you seek will accept an invitation as what you have given me tonight! Until you start to see beyond the flesh, Richard do not try to contact me ever again!!” In tears of shame, disappointment, and defeat Cleopatra stormed off.

Richard never returned to the congregating peoples where he sought his prize. He feared that Cleopatra would poison any prospect he had
against him. He returned to his prior life. Three years has passed by and he was yet to find anyone of any race who would want to spend their life with him. Since that experience with Cleopatra, he left of categorizing women. Still, this has not up to this time secured true love for him. Many times, he picked up the telephone to call Cleo but the words quickly evaded him. She became to him unreachable. It is a true saying you may lead the horse to the water but you cannot make him drink just the same not every problem can be solved by the kindheartedness of a man but it takes the hand of God to reprove such a person. Our intervention may cause us unnecessary stress and pain but after all, we would have grown more as an individual and have attained a bit more wisdom.
  1. What Eyes Can't See
    Short story -- A man seeks true love with fickle fantasies and looses something wonderful