Sacred Slave

Ten - Returning Home

I look around the empty void of my head as I think about what happened. The last thing I remember seeing was my master’s jumping down into a hole in the ceiling then nothing. I take a glance down at my chest and see the gaping wound that remained there. I shouldn’t still have this wound, I should have healed unless it was an attack from Naruto in his tailed beast form. Is that what happened? Did I die from an attack by Naruto?

“Yes, my son, you died because your master distracted you,” a deep, rumbling voice came from behind me.

I turn in time to see a man that looks like Madara form in my head. I haven’t seen him since I was a young kid, but I knew exactly who he is. I run up to him and wrap my arms around him, I felt like a young child all over again, except I wasn’t in the sakura garden this time. I am in the void that is my purgatory. The man wraps his arms around me and runs his fingers through my hair. You wouldn’t expect the god of slaughter to care about his children once he created them, but we each held a special place in his heart, and he did care for us even if it wasn’t like you would expect.

I hold back tears as I hold onto my father, “why do I have to be a weapon of war? I don’t want to keep being used by humans for their own gain. I want to be able to make my own decisions and play by my own rules,” I say quietly.

His voice, now silky, brings comfort to me as he begins to speak, “humans are creatures of war, I never expected the human that you found to become the mastermind he is today. You do have the ability to cancel contracts if it not your desire to be used, but be warned, it is possible that the human will die upon doing so. My priest you do not have to worry about because he cannot die from a child of mine,” He said as he rubs my head.

I look up at Jashin; I had once been told that I was never allowed to cancel my contracts. My big brother, Zoka of the Mist, had always told me to hold them close to me and to never cancel because of the consequences. Father is telling me I can cancel, Zoka told me never to, I’m so confused as to what I should believe or what I should care about. I wasn’t ready to return to the human world yet. I needed to figure out my own identity before I went back.

“Father, I want to come home. I don’t want to be there permanently, but the humans are confusing me and hurting me. I need to figure myself out and do some growing before I try going back,” I said as I look at him.

Jashin nods as if he is expecting my answer. He touches my forehead and we were back in the garden where my siblings all hung around the cherry blossom trees. I release my seal on my demon half and bring my fox features out as I join my siblings in the warmth of the garden’s trees. Zoka welcomes me with open arms and I all but throw myself into them as I struggle with my internal beliefs. Once I figure out how I want to live with the humans I will return, but in the meantime, I missed my father and my siblings so I would enjoy this time.