Sacred Slave

Eight - Truth Revealed

I sit up in bed when I realize that Kota hasn’t come back to bed yet. I knew he was going to find someone else to love since he had asked me, but he should’ve also already returned to bed. I look around the room and notice no sight of my fox demon lover. I throw on my mask and walk out into the common room, Pein would want to know that he’s missing, even I am the true leader I like to keep him informed.

“Has anyone seen Kota-kun?” I say in my child-like voice.

“Last I saw he went outside to the training grounds last night, is something wrong with him?” Pein asks as he looks over at me.

I nod, “he’s missing, he never returned to my room.”

Pein stood up from the couch in a hurry and looks over at me. He knew how serious it was that he was missing, and he was aware that without me he would begin to lose control over himself and regress to what he truly is. He summons everyone in the room and looks around before making the announcement. I watch the faces of the other members and only see Hidan change his facial expression. He knew something that I didn’t know, and I would find out what that is as soon as I could get him away from the other members.


I look up from my book as Jiraiya brings Naruto into the room and my next meal. He’d been so far satisfying any normal requests that I made such as entertainment, food, blankets, basically whatever necessities I need to keep myself calm. Of course, without a master telling me what to do or Hidan attacking me, I don’t know what to do about my inner beast. He is becoming restless the longer I stay in these walls and not allowed freedom. I sigh and look over at the child that he brought before me.

“Does he know?” I ask Jiraiya.

He nods in response. Naruto looks at me as he walks further into the room expecting me to attack him and tear into him. I smile warmly at him trying to hide the monster inside me that was clawing to the surface as I look between my captor and my student. I stand from my bed and look over at him.

“Well, first things first, how much talking have you done with Kurama?” I ask.

Naruto looks confused, “he won’t talk to me, I’ve tried but Kurama is always fighting me. Does yours talk to you?” He asks.

“Ah, so you don’t know everything. I am the beast. I am not a host that’s inhabited by a beast because the beast is me,” I say.

“You’re the tailed beast?!” He yells.

I nod, “indeed, I am a demon known as Kota of the sands. As I’m sure your teacher has already told you, he’s keeping me captive until I teach you how to befriend and use Kurama when you may need to in the future. However, be warned, I am not an ally to the leaf so do not think I will be kind to you,” I say as I look him in the eyes.

Naruto glances back at the pervy sage when I said I was captive by him. It seems that there was a lot that Naruto wasn’t told about his coming to me and I unintentionally ratted out his lying teacher. He was giving me dirty looks from behind Naruto, but I didn’t care because if he wanted me to teach the boy then I need to be able to be open about what’s going on and why I may not be the most caring to him.