Frozen Hearts

Twelve - Gabriel

I watch as Lucas collapses to the ground, unsure of how to help him or what to do regarding his older brother. Well, that’s a lie, I know exactly what I’m going to do to Drake and nobody is going to stop me. My head quickly snaps up as the door bursts open, a mixture of relief and fear igniting within my chest as Lynx emerges.

“What happened?” Lynx demands as he crouches down at Lucas’ side, checking for a pulse and glancing over at me for answers.

“I’ll deal with it,” I reply icily, taking a step towards the door and stopping, “Just get him out of here, okay?”

“It’s a suicide mission,” Lynx added as he carefully lifted Lucas’ limp body into his arms, “More of the Triad are going to come...”

“I know.”

I look at Lucas one last time, before nodding at Lynx and heading out into the hallway. There was no plan, I was jumping in blind and, for the first time in a while, I wasn’t scared of the consequences of that move.

Drake had to pay, not only for kidnapping and hurting Lucas, but for betraying his family. I have no love for them, but family is important and that is true regardless of the ink you wore. I make my way along the hallway, clearing each room as I pass and pause as a hushed voice catches my attention from behind the next door.

It didn’t take a genius to work out that Drake is calling for back up, or is at least reporting back to his boss, which gives me an advantage. As quietly as I can, I approach the weapons table that Drake had left outside and carefully pick up one of the bigger knives from the collection.

It’s true that I’m not the strongest fighter, but I’m quick and have a way of sneaking up on people without them realizing I’m there. Footsteps pull my attention back to the door and I duck around a nearby corner, peering around as Drake heads back towards where I’d left Lynx with Lucas.

Without hesitation, I creep up behind him and bury the knife into the side of his neck. I’m not usually one to deal out death sentences, but this one is necessary and, in taking him out, I keep Lucas safe. Drake is dead as his body hits the floor and I feel nothing... I regret nothing.

Bloodstains my hands and I know that there is a chance that Lucas will hate me, but I can’t worry about that right now. The sound of car doors slamming drifts to my ears and I look up as the first guy appears in the doorway, taking in the scene before charging.

I slice, hack and punch blindly as others join, pushing my way out into the open. My truck is still parked down the street and the darkness that has fallen offers protection from nosey onlookers, until I am safely on the road. No one is following, not that I can see anyway and I allow myself to relax. Locked in my apartment a few hours later, I scrub viciously at the blood still on my skin and freeze as I catch my reflection in the mirror.

The events of the day slowly catch up with me and I realize that I have no idea if Lucas is okay, what if he is dead?

“Lucas,” I whispered to the empty room, choking back a sob and sliding to the ground.

I bury my face in my hands, trying to rein in the emotions and exhaustion that I feel. My phone ringing cuts through my turmoil and I check the caller ID, pushing everything away as I answer my father’s call.

‘I presume everything is going as planned,’ my dad questions in way of a greeting, causing me to fight back laughter that bubbles within my chest and threatens to escape my mouth.

“Yes father,” I reply, staring at my hand and shifting my gaze to the bloody knife that sat on the counter, “Everything is just fine.”
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Enjoy ♥