Frozen Hearts

Fourteen - Gabriel

I stare at Lucas’ still form as I process everything that Lynx has just said; the ridiculous part of it all is that it all makes complete sense and I’m actually considering it. It isn’t even just to do with the gangs, at least not from my perspective, it was about me and Lucas.

Lucas isn’t the same person I knew growing up, he’d changed and yet, my feelings for him are exactly the same. The snakes are a huge part of his life and I understand that, but I want more for him... I want more for us.

“I agree that it would fix a lot, but our dads would never go for it...” I finally say.

“Then perhaps it’s time for a change,” Lynx stated.

“If we challenge them, things could get nasty and I don’t think Lucas would risk it.”

“Things need to change and in order for those changes to happen, we have to work together,” Lynx argued, though his voice was still soft and calm, “Our dad’s ways are outdated and ineffective when it comes to the Triad.”

“I know and I am on board, but this decision has to be about more than just everyone else,” I reply, “We’re talking about marriage, Lynx and I don’t even know where Lucas’ head is at.”

“Then we wait for him to wake up.”

I nod, although part of me is scared that it won’t happen and I reach out to take his hand. My thumb runs across his knuckles and I take comfort in the fact that I am at his side, no matter how long it lasts.

After a lot of convincing and the promise that I wouldn’t leave, Lynx headed home for a much-needed shower. Lucas looks pale, even in the dim lights that softly illuminate the room, but he hasn’t gotten any worse and that has to be a good sign.

“I don’t know if you can hear me and, to be honest, it may be better if you can’t. There’s a lot to talk about when you wake up and not all of it is good, but it can wait,” I mumble as I move my hand to his face and sweep my thumb gently across his cheek, “I love you, Luke and I don’t care if you don’t feel the same, I just need you to wake up for me... I need you to be okay.”

Exhaustion soon pulls at me and I lay my head on the bed beside him, allowing darkness to engulf me. I wake up a while later as a nurse walks in to check Lucas’ vitals, clearing my throat and moving out of the way to allow her to do her job.

“Do you pray?” the nurse asks without so much as a glance in my direction, causing me to look over at her and frown.

“Er, no... not for a long time,” I answer honestly, “I did when I was younger, but I guess I kind of lost my faith somewhere along my path.”

“You didn’t lose it, sweetheart,” she added, offering me a small smile and placing Lucas’ chart back at the end of the bed, “It simply moved to someone new, our faith isn’t just linked to our religious beliefs... I believe that faith is just as strong in the people we love.”

“There’s only one person I’ve ever truly had faith in,” I admit, shifting my attention to the bed and chuckling quietly at a loss for what else to say, “If only he knew how much.”

“He knows.”
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Enjoy ♥