Frozen Hearts

Sixteen - Gabriel

I would never give up on Lucas, but as the days pass, I find myself slowly losing hope that he’ll ever wake up and it breaks my heart. I know that we’re both damaged and that being together is probably a bad choice, but, to me, his love is just too good to lose.

Sat in his room, my mind wanders to thoughts of his dad and nothing about the situation makes any sense. There is no way that he would ever accept the idea of marriage without an argument and I’m beginning to think that Lynx is right, there is either something he knows or something else going on.

Brought from my thoughts by my phone ringing, I retrieve it from my jacket pocket and step out of the room as I see my dad’s name flashing across the screen.

“Hey dad,” I greet, sitting on one of the chairs in the corridor and running a hand over my face.

‘I’ve been summoned to a meeting with the Snakes, any idea what it’s about?’

“None,” I lie, not in the mood to answer the millions of questions he would have or listen to the lecture that I’m sure would follow, “Perhaps it’s a good thing...”

‘I very much doubt it, rumors are circulating that Lucas is in hospital and that he may not wake up,’ my dad replies, ‘Maybe your mission will come to an end sooner than we thought.’

Anger stirs in my chest as the comment sinks in, but I know better than to argue and so I bite my tongue. He soon hangs up and I head outside, needing to get some fresh air. The truth is that I never wanted to be a part of the gang lifestyle, but it is kind of like royalty... you are born into it and escaping is hard to do.

My family's name and reputation are in my hands, but that reputation was gained through fear. With a sigh, I grab myself a coffee and return to Lucas’ room.

“Come on Lucas, I need you with me in this...” I mumble as I run my fingers through his hair, “I don’t know what to do anymore and there’s something going on, I’m on the verge of giving up... this pressure to be my dad is starting to weigh me down.”

Unable to shift the anger that I feel, I place a kiss on Lucas’ head and leave. It’s been a while since I stepped foot in a boxing gym, but I need to vent and a punching bag is a good way of doing that. I’d been working on the bag for nearly half an hour, when I feel eyes on me and scan the room to find another of the guys watching me.

“Looking good,” he comments with a smile.


“Hey, do you fancy grabbing a coffee or something?”

“No thanks, I was just heading out...”

“Oh, come on...” he adds as I walk past him, spinning angrily and grabbing the front of his t-shirt when he wraps his fingers around my wrist, “It’s just coffee.”

“I said no thanks,” I practically growl, shoving him back into the wall hard and retreating to the locker room.

With a shaky deep breath, I allow the anger to overflow and ram my fist into the solid concrete wall. I know there will be a bruise, but what I didn’t expect are the tears now rolling down my face and the muffled sob that escapes my lips.

I was told growing up that men don’t cry and I hardly ever let my emotions show, but I hurt. Reining in my emotions, I left the gym and made my way home to shower before returning to the hospital.
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Enjoy ♥