Frozen Hearts

Seventeen - Lucas

A feeling of a cloud lifting from my mind overcame me as I slowly open my eyes. They were immediately assaulted by lights that were brighter than they needed to be. A woman at my side started yelling, I couldn’t make out what she said, only something about someone being awake. Is she talking about me? I suddenly became aware of the painful tube down my throat and my gag reflex kicked into overdrive. People that I assume were doctor’s surround me and remove the tube down my throat, they start asking me questions about who I was, what date I thought it was, etc. I answer the best I can, but I needed to know what was going on.

I look over as Lynx runs in and takes my hand in his, I relax seeing a familiar face and am relieved when they finally give me some space to breathe and try to remember what happened. It all came back like waves in the ocean; I was kidnapped by my brother and tortured, Gabriel tried to save me, and I was stabbed damn near to death. I take in my surroundings and look over at my brother, he looks like he hadn’t slept in weeks and he had noticeably lost some weight.

My throat burned as I tried to speak, my voice was raspy as it came out, “where’s Gabriel?” I ask softly as I look at my brother.

“He should be back any minute now. You’ve been in a coma for a week, little brother, we almost had to pull the plug,” Lynx said as he wraps his arm around me to help me sit up.

I hold my head as dizziness starts, “I heard everything. I was conscious, but my body wasn’t responding to anything I wanted to do. The only thing I could do was listen to everything around me,” I say.

Lynx sits on the bed beside me and lays me against his body, “so you heard the idea about marriage?”

I nod slowly, the nurses bring me something to drink and some medication. I don’t say anything until after she leaves the room, “I was…” I start coughing as I take a drink and water goes down the wrong side. Once I got myself situated, I look back at him, “I was already thinking something similar if Gabriel and I had grown close again,” I said as the door opens.

I look up to see Gabriel looking at me in a mixture of both surprise and relief. He sets his coffee down and joins me at my side quickly. Before he can even speak I gently grab his hand with as much strength as I could and weakly pull him to me, I kiss him as hard as I could and as loving as I could manage with barely a fraction of my strength. It didn’t take long before he was matching my rhythm and kissing back.

I reach my shaking arm up and snap my fingers as soon as I do, nurses run to my side as soon as I pull away. Even though I’ve been in the hospital, everyone knew my name and knew exactly what I was capable of even weakened, “I know I must recover, but there is an important meeting happening right now. Set up a transport vehicle as well as a wheelchair with something for my IV and feeding tube to sit on. I would like to make my surprise appearance and remind your father as well as your gang that I am not dead. I think it’s also time to announce our engagement,” I said as I look at Gabriel.

“Are you sure about this? Do you want to risk it?” Lynx asks as the nurses run off to do as he commands.

I nod, “I’ve never been so sure of anything more than I am now. We are adults, we are the heirs to the gangs, if they want to fight us on this then they would have to find new heirs. Truthfully, I want out, I was forced into this by our parents and I never wanted to be this. When all you have is your thoughts you get lost in them and I was lost one too many times.”