Frozen Hearts

Twenty - Gabriel

My gaze shifts around the room as Lucas speaks, trying to read the expressions on the faces of the people that surrounded us and pushing away the slight feeling of anxiety that stirred in my chest. I tense as the first guy raises his voice in objection, but I don’t act and watch as Lucas pulls the trigger without hesitation.

A spark of fear ignites within me, but it is quickly extinguished and replaced by an overwhelming sense of pride. Violence isn’t my idea of a solution to any problem, but this situation is different and violence is the only language that these men seem to understand.

The body hits the ground with a dull thud and I stare at it, before pulling my attention over to Salvador who is now speaking. I know that Lucas’ brothers support us and our decision to marry, but hearing it out loud is confirmation.

I unsheathe my hunting knife and tighten my grip slightly as I take a step forward, glaring at two of Lucas’ dad’s men who had also moved closer. The challenge was over before it really had a chance to start and I nod at Lucas as he glances over at me, obviously searching for some sort of disgust or something written on my face. Despite our current situation, I offer him a warm smile and look over at my dad as he speaks.

“So your dad betrayed you,” he says to Lucas, arms crossed over his chest and his body language threatening, “I can’t say that I am all that surprised, but I don’t understand what you’ve said to my son in order to get him on board with this ludicrous plan.”

“I...” Lucas began, but I refuse to let him fight my battles and place my hand gently on his shoulder to tell him that I had it covered.

“You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” I reply as I step forward, “To be able to place the blame on Lucas... to have a reason to start a war between the Spiders and the Snakes.”

“Gabriel,” he warned, but I couldn’t hide it anymore and I simply shake my head.

“I didn’t come back here to kill Lucas,” I admit, “This was never about gaining power or the gang, it was always about him... protecting him.”

“You had a mission.”

“Screw the god damn mission,” I shout angrily, attempting to rein in his emotions and taking a deep breath, “I love him, dad, I let him beat the shit out of me just to keep you thinking that the plan was on track and I’d do it all again. Look around, you always taught me that the way to have power is to take it and that’s exactly what we’re doing... together.”

“You dare to challenge my authority,” my dad states, “After everything I’ve done for you, you ungrateful little...”

“I don’t want to, but I will fight for this if you make me,” I tell him honestly, but he’s a stubborn old fool and I’m not surprised when he holds his arms out to the side with a smirk.

“Let’s go, little boy.”

In all honesty, this fight is more about proving myself worthy of standing at Lucas’ side and less about my dad’s want for power.
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Enjoy ♥