Frozen Hearts

Twenty Six - Gabriel

I’m no good at all of this wedding stuff, but it was nice to have something to focus on and it allowed me some time with my soon to be husband. I’m not stupid enough to believe that things are all okay, but for a while, I can pretend that we’re just a normal couple and no one wants us dead.

Something is going on and I know that Lucas is just trying to protect me, but I don’t need protection. I made my choice; I chose my side and I’ll happily stand up for that.

“I was thinking either red roses or different colored ranunculus’ for the flower arrangements,” I suggest with a frown, “Apparently every wedding needs flowers... can’t we just run away and get married on our own.”

“Gabe, relax... our wedding is going to be amazing and I’d go with the ranunculus’,” Lucas states, pressing a kiss to my lips and pushing me back against the car door, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I want to say that this side of Lucas is sweet and it is, but it is also a distraction technique he uses when he doesn’t want me to know what is going on. Sat in the car, I flick through the scrapbook that the wedding planner had put together and sigh.

“What’s wrong?” Lucas asks as we enter the house.

“It’s nothing, I just... I’m slowly starting to think that this wedding is more for show and less because of us.”

“Hey, I’m marrying you because I love you,” he told me, “Yes, it’s to show people that we’re united as gangs... but that’s not my primary motive behind this wedding.”

Deep down I know he’s telling the truth, but there’s something going on and I can’t let that go. A marriage is about love and bringing two people together, which is great as long as that marriage doesn’t begin with lies.

There were whispers, people talk when they think no one is listening and I’ve learned to always listen. I may not have liked my father very much, or at all if I’m being honest, but he taught me a lot and I guess I at least owe him some thanks for that.

Sat in the study a while later, I browsed through some wedding sites and jotted down some notes. Some of the things on the plan just aren’t us and despite the hiring of a professional, this wedding is ours. It was late when I headed to the hospital, finding out my father’s room number and slipping inside. Tubes and wires were connected to various machines, which were helping him heal... not that he deserved to live.

“You know, it would be so easy for me to finish you off right now, but I won’t because of mom and the girls,” I say quietly, staring at his still form and fighting against the anger I felt stir in my chest, “Congratulations by the way, you always wanted me to be more like you and, here I am, the monster you wanted me to be. What is it that you used to say to me... you’re just a loser waiting to be seen, boy, well, you are going to see me now and it won’t be as your son.”
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Enjoy ♥