Frozen Hearts

Three - Lucas

I reach out and touch the back of Gabriel’s head to signal that he could rise. Although it’s been over five years since I saw him Gabriel didn’t look any different than he did that day. The only notable differences in his looks are the way his muscles bulged from his clothing and the mature look on his face. I look away from his face without saying anything to him, I hand him the class schedule I had made for him to put him in each of my classes, I did this to be able to watch him. Even though he was once my friend, the boy he was is long gone and now he’s my mortal enemy.

I knew that somewhere down the line it’s possible that he would have to kill me, or at least attempt to. As we walk through the halls, I remove my hoodie and the long sleeve that I wore under it. On my left arm, I proudly wore the seven deep cuts that showed I beat a challenger who tried to take my spot, while on my right arm was covered in bruises from fights past as well as a possible fracture in the middle of my arm.

Lynx grabs my wrist when he realizes what I was doing, but I pull my arm away and look over my shoulder at Gabriel. The warmth I use to look at him with was gone and replaced with only ice. This would be easier than I expected to keep my appearances around him, I only had to remind myself who he was to me now in order to be sure that I never felt that way for him anymore.

I stop walking when we were in the center of the football field, my chosen battleground, “Gabriel, I challenge you to fight, I would like to see if that cowardly little boy is still there or if you’ve finally grown some big boy balls,” I said with a smirk.

I could see the look of surprise and disgust in his eyes. Good. He didn’t need to be soft around me because I certainly wouldn’t feel the same around him. I came to terms with my feelings the day we finally said goodbye and I declared him my enemy. I’ll never forget the sound of his crying as I whispered those painful words.

“I hate you, Gabriel. You mean nothing to me anymore now that I’ve seen how useless you are,” I say into the phone. His pitiful screaming and crying are all I hear as I hang up the phone.

Truthfully, back then, I was full of shit. Gabriel meant the world to me and still does, but our paths are different and will continue to be different. I only said the things I did because my father made me, he wanted to remove all weaknesses, people or otherwise because I couldn’t afford to have them. Once he isolated me that was when the real training began. Training that no child should ever have to endure at the hands of their father, but it made me stronger in the end.