Status: Complete. =)

Fears in the Water

Love You

The first time we met, was in a white room, could've gone to my ending doom
The second I woke up and saw the two of you standing in the front of my eyes, I thought I saw my blood brother, thank the Gods I did but then I noticed his best friend whom I thought was not so great.....AFTER we left the room WE STARTED hating each other, I INVADED your life and made it NOT so great, save me the lies and spare me the truth


I can't believe I thought I liked you, in front of your eyes I said I loved you, don't get used to it I'll never say I love you, I don't care if while he was there lookin' dumbstruck and you were the one that saved me, you'll never hear me say I love you


How could we end up hating each other, you almost said you lovedf me but at the start not even a few weeks ago, you stated that you'd never want to see me again, now IF I'M SUCH A
BLOODY BURDEN, WHY DO YOU FEEL SO RESPONSIBLE FOR ME? If I wrote a note to god I don't think he'd let me go back, judging by all the times I've been saved I can't go back, you'll never again hear me say the words you love to hear (love to hear)

(Chorus x2)

But at the beginning, we despised one another, how could you like me? The burden of a girl you hate, I ask you this one thing and then I'll be on my way: Do you really not despise me or are you just trying to keep my life around to satisfy your creepy desires.....

(Chorus x3)

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This is for xdawnx's stories.