Status: No more updates until Innocenece's rewriting is complete.


Part One - Candace Chapter 13

"Mike?” I called into the empty entryway. My voice echoed around the room, making his name linger. I ran up the stairs and almost sprinted down the hallway. A sudden noise made me stop running. I had passed my bedroom door and was now in front of the bathroom.

Did I just hear my name? I thought as I ambled back to my bedroom. Mike was sitting on the end of the bed, his coat in hand. I ran to him and embraced him in my arms. “I thought you left.” I breathed.

“Not yet.” He said. He sounded upset, making me let go of him.

He was upset, I could see it. “You’re leaving? Tonight?”

Mike shrugged. “That depends.”

“Depends on what?”

“What you have to say.” He whispered

I swallowed. What was he talking about? Did he already know that I had something to say? Did Aiden tell him something already? Mike seemed to be trying his hardest to not walk out on me right now. “I have something to say to you Candace and I need you to really listen.”

"Please don't go Mike."

He did not answer, only looked at the ground.

I did the same thing, not sure what I should do. The night had turned so abruptly, I couldn't get my head around it fast enough.

"I have something to say." He said again.

I twisted on the spot and sat down on the bed next to him. “Can I go first? I have something to say to you too.”

Mike ran his fingers through his hair. He seemed to be really nervous. “Sure.”

“I have needed to tell you this for so long.”

He waited for me to go on. “I don’t know what to say…" I played with the hem of my dress, trying to think of the right words. This was it, the final moment. I have been waiting for this for so long. If I messed it up, he would leave tonight. I needed to get it right.

“Well…” I began. My face flushed as I looked at Mike. I had no idea how I was going to say any of this. “…the day of the funeral…Aiden and I talked.”

He nodded.

“We talked for a long time.” I was stalling, he could tell.

Mike had to coax me to continue. “About what?”

I swallowed hard again. What was he going to say to this? “Well a little about Maryana and Tatyana.” I paused, trying to suck up the courage to let the words fall out of my mouth. “And we talked about…changing."

I exhaled, clearly at a loss for words. He was still waiting for the rest of what I was going to say. “About…changing to be vampire.” I finally said it.

Mike didn’t answer me, making me nervous. He didn’t seem surprised by this. He assumed we would talk about this naturally, but he didn’t know that we were going to actually go through with it.

“I…” I started, but could go on. I had said so much already, but so little. How was I going to do this? “I…” I tried again.

Mike took my hand in encouragement. It didn’t help much, I knew he wouldn’t want to hold my hand much longer. “I…have been discussing with him…about...maybe…being turned.”

Mike’s grip hardened on mine. It almost hurt the way he was gripping it now. “You want that?” he asked.

I looked down to the ground and shrugged. “I think I do.”

“Alright.” He said.

I straightened up to look at him. He wasn’t smiling and was no where near happy. I stared at him, amazed by his answer. Just like that? It was okay with him? He wasn’t going to try and stop me? Tell me it was dangerous? Of course that wasn't it, how could I even think that?

“But…” Mike said.

He let go of my hand and stood up. He paced in front of me, grabbing something from his jacket pocket. It was obviously not okay. “I know you…" his face screwed up in strain to say the next part. "…love Aiden.” He said. He stopped pacing and opened the birthday card he was holding in his hand. It was the same one he was reading before. He started to look over it, then looked back at me.

“I don’t agree. How could you do that to yourself?”

“I…I…” I stuttered. He was getting angry with me. Of course I could expect anything less after what I had just said.

“That isn’t what I would have thought you would do.”

I was quiet for a moment until Mike said, “I love you, Candace.”

My mouth opened in shock. I couldn’t believe what he just told me. I guess I always knew it was true, but never fully grasped to concept. I had admitted to myself many times that he loved me, but him saying it the way he had just done, the truth and hurt in his eyes as he stared at me, I could almost feel it. “I…I…” I stuttered once again. I was longer able to speak.

“I can’t be with you if you’re going to do what you are going to do with yourself. It wouldn’t work. Even as friends.”

I had also figured this out, but still wasn't satisfied with it being said out loud. My eyes started to fill with tears. Did he really mean that? “Mike I can’t choose between you both.” I pleaded. He wasn’t serious!

“I’m not asking you too. I’m asking you to choose between me and becoming a vampire. I can’t stand those vile creatures!”

I stood along with him. “Vile creatures! I thought you liked them! You have spent this whole time with Aiden and his family, sometimes spending more time with them, than you do with me!” I could hardly see because my eyes were so full of salty tears.

“I didn’t like them, I liked you. That is where you always are, over there." He gestured toward the open window and to Aiden's house. "I was there with you, not with them. I was being nice because that is what you want. You want everyone to be one big happy family, so I gave that to you. Do you think Aiden likes me? Do you think he was just soo thrilled to have me around this past week? He hates my guts Candace, and you shouldn't think that there is even a little bit of kindness between us, no matter what your eyes see.”

I watched as he threw the birthday card on the bed. “I love you Candace. I don’t want you to live the life they do. It isn’t right!”

“It’s not your choice!” I yelled at him. "And I never asked you to like Aiden, nor did I ask him to like you! You didn't need to put on a show!"

I gritted his teeth together as he looked out the window. I glanced too, seeing Aiden out on his front door step, looking up at us as he leaned against the side of his house. He did not look happy, and I could see now that Mike was right. They hated each other.

"If we would have acted like we hated each other, you would have blamed yourself." His voice was lower now, but still at about yelling level. "You would have asked me to pretend for you, to do whatever I needed to do for all of us to be friends so you could have both. Well you can't have both Candace, not anymore. And you definitely shouldn't be one of them" His glare traveled out the window and plastered onto Aiden. Aiden must have returned it, but I didn't look.

"It isn't your choice!" I said again.

"I never said it was my choice. I just need you to choose."

“I can’t.” I sobbed, but not out of hurt, out of anger.

“Me or being a vampire. You can only have one.”

"I can't." I whispered, finally done with all of the yelling. One look over Mike's shoulder told me my mom was standing in the doorway now, watching us both.

Mike grabbed my face gently before I could do anything about her. "And that is why I am going to make it easy for you. Once I'm gone, you won't have a choice but to choose him. I know he makes you happy."

I was starting to get distracted by Mike's hands on my face, the fire they brought to my cheeks. Looking up into his ice blue eyes, the innocence I had once seen so many times before, seemed to have disappeared, no replaced a load of despair and anger. "You make me happy too."

"More than Aiden?" Mike asked curiously.

That was a good question. I answered as sincerely as I could. "I don't know."

"And that is why I am making it easier for you. He still had my face in his hands, so he wiped away the tears that were soaking my face and his hands.

"You can't go."

"You don't get to choose that."

"Yes I do!"

I grabbed Mike's wrist that were close to my face, and with all my strength, held them there. He was not going to make me choose and he was not going to leave me now. No way in hell!

"Candace…" Mike said with a sigh. I could see this was killing him inside just like it was for me. Maybe I could use this to my advantage, but how could I?

"I can't be here with you when you are going to…"

"And I can't choose, so don't make me!"

"You have to."

I didn’t answer right away. How was I supposed to choose? It wasn’t even fair to make me choose. Why was he doing this to me? “I can’t leave Aiden!” I yelled, my eyes closing with the fierceness in my voice. I couldn’t believe I said that. I didn’t tell myself to so was it how I really felt? I also knew that I couldn't leave Mike.

Mike smiled slightly. “I love you, you know that.” He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. Without thinking I placed my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me. His lips felt like fire against mine. His own heart pounded against my chest, making mine go even faster. His lips trapped my bottom one between both of his and pulled slightly before be pulled away and whispered in my ear. “Have a nice life Candace.”

He grabbed his coat, left the card, and ran from the room. “Mike!” I yelled after him. I didn’t run after him right away. I was almost frozen to the spot. I didn't even look at my mom who was still standing in the doorway. I placed two fingers over my lips, feeling the fire still linger there. I had wanted to do that--for how long now, I didn't know. But the feeling I had gotten when I did it, I wanted to melt.

I knew he wouldn’t be back. Why would he? I pretty much told him I chose my relationship with Aiden over my relationship with him. How could I do such a thing? I ran to the balcony and looked over the railing.

I could see the driveway, if I stretched far enough. I could see Charles loading Mike’s bags into the back of the limo. Mike was helping.

I ran out of the room and down the stairs, my mom yelling after me, but I ignored her. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I knew I needed to get Mike back. He couldn't leave me. Not forever. I opened the front door and saw Mike getting into the back of the limo. “Mike!” I yelled. I couldn’t control the sobs that were coming out of my throat.

“Mike, wait! Mike, please! Please!” I yelled.

He looked over the car door and watched me. I couldn’t see him that well, but I could tell he was crying. His eyes had started to become red and he was hunched over. I started to run to him, but he got in the car and slammed the door shut.

“Mike, please! Stay! I love you too!” I yelled at the limo. Charles put the car into drive and started to drive down the large driveway. I ran after the car until we were at the end of the driveway. I stopped and collapsed onto the rocks and pebbles littering the driveway.

I buried my face in my arms as I lay at the end of the driveway. Mike was gone, he was gone and he wasn’t coming back. I knew it. I lay at the end of the driveway sobbing. How could this have happened? I didn’t even remember half of our conversation. Where did it go wrong? What had happened tonight?

“Shhh.” Someone was saying to me. “It’s okay, honey. You’re okay.”

I sobbed even harder as the person tried to move me; I didn’t want to go anywhere. I wanted Mike. Mike was gone. He was gone! It shouldn't have hurt this bad. It should have felt like my heart had been ripped out and was now being stomped on by a dozen people with really hard shoes.

I clutched at my chest with one hand, trying to find the source of the pressure on my chest, but there was none.

A hand reached out and brushed hair from my face. “You’re alright Candace. It is going to be okay. Don’t cry.” The voice was soft and gentle.

Another voice was a little quieter, and deeper. I knew who it was, but couldn't put a name to it right now. My head felt heavy and cloudy, almost sleepy. "we should get her inside, I'll carry her." Cold hands reached for me and brushed at my arms, but I clung to the person underneath me.

My mom’s hair hung in front of my face as she leaned down toward my forehead and kissed it. “You’re okay.”

“Mike.” I sobbed inaudibly.

“I know, Sweetie.” She said. One hot tear came down and fell on my cheek. She was crying too. “I know. He’s gone."

My mom and Aiden finally got me peeled from the driveway, and helped me back into my room, supporting all my weight. I didn’t want to go back inside, but I knew I had to. I needed Aiden.

“I’m so sorry honey.” My mom kept saying. She seemed just as upset as I was. Her make-up was running down her cheeks, making little black and blue streaks.

I sniffled loudly, making Cass bark. She was sitting on my bed, watching me. She could sense my distress. Aiden lay down beside me on the bed, but didn't get under the covers like I was now. He just lay down on his back close to me, his jaw set in what looked like a vice, and stared at the ceiling.

“You heard.” I told him. It wasn’t a question. He was listening from his house, like I knew he would of, I had even seen him standing outside, waiting for the moment to come and rescue me.

I kept my eyes closed, thinking it would make the tears slower. I didn’t see him nod, but I could feel him. He must have been angry.

He suddenly stiffened, but didn't get up form the bed, just started to slowly inch away from me so we weren't so close.

Gloria bustled into the room, my mom standing in the doorway. “Gloria will look after you tonight, alright sweetie? We’ll talk in the morning.” She saw the card on the end of the bed and stared at it, then gave Aiden a hard look, but didn't say anything .

I looked at it too, and picked it up. My mom pursed her lips, but didn’t say anything. She smiled, and then shrugged before she turned and walked out. As she turned, I saw some more tears run down her face.

I set the card on the end table, not able to read it just yet.

Gloria hurried over to me, pulled the covers up to my chest, and turned away from me. She didn’t look me in the eyes, and always looked down at the ground. “Are you sick?” I sniffled.

She turned her body to me, but didn’t pull her eyes from the carpet. “No, Miss.”

My eyes were puffy and swollen, making it hard to see, but I cold tell Gloria wasn’t looking at me for a reason. “Gloria?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Look at me.” I demanded. I don’t know why this was making me upset, but I was just such a loose cannon anything could have set me off. It wasn't that hard to look at me, even if I was a mess right now.

She kept her head down, and didn’t look up. “I’m sorry Miss, I can’t.”

“Gloria!” I yelled. She was being very rude and I was not in the mood for it right now. Gloria never did this. What was her problem?

She flinched from my tone of voice, but still stayed looking down.

I flipped the cover off the bed and glanced at Aiden who had gotten to hi feet, but wasn't looking at me. He was staring at Gloria intently, his anger somewhat gone now.

I went right in front of Gloria. “Look at me…now.”

Everyone was hurting me today. Why wasn’t Gloria looking at me? It made me angry, thinking of the day I had. This whole day was ruined by no one but me. How could it have gone so wrong?

“Miss…” she began again.

I interrupted her. “Why are you doing this to me?”

Gloria twisted a stray hair back in her bun, then slowly lifted her head up to face me. Her eyes were the last to come up.

I now understood her actions. She was hiding a secret; a secret I knew and I was keeping as well. It wasn’t my secret I was keeping however; it was the Westcott’s.

Gloria’s red piercing eyes stared at me, dread written all over them.

I instinctively stepped back from her. Her eyes filled with self-hatred as she watched me move back to the bed in amazement. She didn’t come closer to me. She stayed where she was, letting it sink in. Everyone was very emotional tonight.

Aiden came around the bed, and stared at Gloria. He didn’t know she was a vampire either. He was just as surprised. Gloria watched as Aiden came towards her, focused on his eyes. She did not seem surprised that he was a vampire, but she did seem scared.

I had told her all about the things I knew of the vampire world. If I really would have looked before, I would have realized that she hadn't been surprised to hear any of it.

Aiden came closer to her and looked her in the eyes. She drew back, but he grabbed her wrist. She squealed and started to babble. “I’m so sorry, Sir. I didn’t want to come up here but Ma’am made me come up to take care of Candace. I’ll go down stairs, I will!”

Aiden didn’t let go of her arm. I did not feel like getting involved because I could tell that Aiden wasn’t angry; he was curious. I could tell by his face. His eyes were narrowed, but in a strange way. He seemed confused.

He stared at her in wonder. She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he held on tight. “How did you…” he asked. He seemed to be struggling for the words he wanted to say.

Gloria realized he wasn’t angry by his tone of voice, so she stopped struggling against his grip.

“How did you stay hidden for so long?” Aiden asked.

Gloria didn’t answer, but looked at Aiden’s hand wrapped around her wrist. He let her wrist go, apologizing quietly. Gloria rubbed it as she looked back at me. “I’m sorry, Miss. I’ll go.”

She swiftly walked past Aiden and started toward the door. I got up from the bed and caught her shoulder. She turned around, eyes strained once again as if she was going to cry. I don’t know what she thought I was going to do, but she shied away from me.

I wrapped my arms around her and grabbed her in a hug. She didn’t hug back, too surprised by what I was doing. When I let her go, she was smiling shyly. “It doesn’t matter.” I told her.

She nodded, but it wasn’t convincing.

Aiden was at my side, holding my waist. He rested his head on mine, showing how easy it really was to fit in, or maybe he was trying to convince himself that what I had said to Mike wasn't a big deal. Which in truth, it was more than a big deal.

Gloria looked at the ground and shuffled her feet. “I should go and get you some soup, Miss.” She left without another word, closing the door behind her.

I sighed. Gloria coming in had made me forget about Mike and everything else for a split second, but it all came rushing back when I turned and saw the card on my bedside table.

I flung myself on my bed, face down. Aiden sighed behind me and then did the same. He rubbed my back as I lay there; face down into my fluffy blanket. I fought so hard to keep the tears in my eyes, but they weren’t obeying my commands.

I finally sat up and looked at Aiden. He was lying on his back, starring at the ceiling. He had been scratching my back with the tips of his fingers. He let his hand fall onto the bed and left it there.

I could tell he was thinking hard, but I didn’t know why. Maybe he was thinking about Mike, or maybe he was thinking about Gloria. Another thing he could have been thinking about could have been what I had said to Mike when he was driving away.

I glanced at the card that was on my bedside table. I reached for it and lay down next to Aiden on the bed. I used his arm as a pillow and read the cover of the card. Aiden read it as well.

This is your eighteenth birthday, do something about it! The front was decorated with glitter balloons and streamers.

I took a deep breath before I opened it to read the inside. There was loopy cursive writing that filled the two side of the card. I recognized it, but didn’t know exactly who’s it was. Mike's name sent a jolt of pain through my heart, but I tried to hide it so I could continue to read on.

I so glad to say that you are now eighteen. I have known you since you were in grade school and I have to say that you have grown to become a fine young man.

I know we have talked about this before, and I know how much you feel for her. I am so glad that she has been so nice to you both haven't lost the great friendship between the two of you. I do believe that this week would be a great time to do what I have been telling you to do for months. I know she feels that same way about you.

I am positive she will never turn you down. You need to gather up the courage to just tell her how you feel. I know she will tell you she feels the same. Don’t be worried about it. I know how she feels as well. I can feel the connection between you two when you are together.

I can’t help but believe you two will end up together. I wish you the best, and I hope you take good care of Candace. If you ever need to talk, I’m here. Just tell her you love her.

Love, Julie

I read over the card three times. My mom wrote this? She was the one who told Mike to tell me all those things? Why would she do that to me? Aiden took the card from me and put it next to the picture of Mike and me.

“I don’t understand…” I told him.

Aiden sighed, anger still apparent. “You hadn’t noticed?”

“Noticed what?”

“Mike has always loved you Candace. Everyone saw it, but you.”

“I saw it.” I mumbled. I did see it. I held up my hand that held the ring. It gleamed slightly from the light that was above our heads. When Mike gave me the ring, I did know he loved me, but I didn’t love him back then. I thought he had gotten over all those feeling when he knew I was with Aiden. But the twist on everything was that now I had those feelings for him, and I couldn't do anything about it.

I threw the card into the air with all of my strength, but it just floated back down and landed on Aiden's chest. He propped himself up on one shoulder. He grabbed my chin lightly and brought his face towards mine. “I love you Candace Marie Heart.” He purred. He brought his lips down on mine softly and all the worries left me, only for a moment.