Status: No more updates until Innocenece's rewriting is complete.


Part One - Candace Chapter 2

I knew it was Candace before I saw her. The smell of her was so strong; I could smell it a mile away. I opened the front door quickly and quietly. Candace was standing there, her nice smile on her face. I could tell something was wrong. Her eyes were always a give away, and yet, I found myself not really caring for the despair on her face, curving her lips the way they were now, and I didn't even care that I didn't want to know about all of her problems.

Candace came inside the house and I closed the door behind her. "What is it?" I asked her begrudgingly. I lead her into the living room. The couches were all pushed against the walls, the whole room open and wide, but a large pool of blood was on the opposite side of the room, I noted it smelled of Candace and…Maryana. Candace didn't seem to notice. "Do you love me?" she asked seriously.

"Of course not!" I yelled at her, laughing in her face. "I love Addison. Where did you get the silly idea that I love you?" As if to prove my point, Addison came through the swinging doors that lead to the kitchen. Her face full of life, making me smile.

"Good morning, Candace. Here to steal my husband?" she asked. She came over and kissed me on the lips lightly. I could feel the energy between us as we touched. It was an amazing feeling.

I looked over at Candace. She was slumped on the couch, staring at us both. "What do you mean your wife? I am supposed to be your wife!"

"Sorry." I told her shrugging my shoulders.

Another person came walking in through the kitchen doors. I turned around to see who it was. A red shaggy haired boy came walking up to me and clapped me on the back. Mike smiled down at me.

Candace suddenly stood and wrapped her arms around Mike. He put his hands in the air, trying not to touch her. "Hey! Get off me!"

Candace let go of him immediately. She looked into Mike's eyes, trying to find reassurance. There was nothing there, only red glowing eyes.

She gasped as she saw what he was; a vampire. His new fangs showing, slightly protruding from his mouth, his red glowing eyes no where near welcoming to her. Candace was lost. She knew nothing. Too bad for her.

"What happened to you Mike?" she asked in a squeaky voice. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, staining her shirt. She reached out to Mike but he backed away from her. His eyes glowed even brighter as she came nearer.

I hugged Addison close to me. She whispered in my ear, only for me to hear, "I love you."

"I love you too." I said in my normal tone. She snuggled her head on my chest as I clung her body to mine, no longer having to be as gentle as my muscles would allow. I didn't have any limitations any longer and it made me even happier to have Addison here with me.

Candace looked from me and Addison then to Mike. "What is wrong with you people?" She asked crying even harder now.

"What is wrong with us?" Mike asked.

Marissa stepped out of the kitchen next, walking into the room like a queen. She went over and held Mike's hand in hers. She smiled down at Candace. "You are the odd ball here, wouldn't you think?" she seethed at her. Her bright white teeth glistening. I didn't have a protective feeling I had once before, the protective feeling that had always been around me when Marissa was near. Now I knew that everyone I cared about was safe and I need not worry.

Candace tried to run out of the room, but Marissa blocked her way. "Why, leaving so soon?" she asked, laughing. Candace turned to run the other way and Mike caught her.

"Stay and have fun!" He pushed her to the ground laughing with Marissa. Addison giggled in my arms before entering in the fun. They all pushed and shoved her, making her cry harder.

Addison pushed Candace to the ground, and she didn't get up. I went to join the circle of vampires having their fun playing with their food. Candace looked up at me; her arm was sliced open, blood every where, her wrist swollen, and her head bleeding from a cut. The injuries I had seen once before, didn't clench my stomach with helplessness this time, but with hunger.

"Aiden!" she pleaded. "Aiden, please! Help me!"

I leaned in close to her, smiling. I sniffed the air. Fresh blood. It smelt so...tempting. The vanilla smell even stronger now that there was fresh blood spilt. "I can only do one thing."

As she watched me come closer, my mouth watering with anticipation, her eyes got wider, more frightened. She screamed as I sunk my teeth into her neck. Marissa, Mike, and Addison joined me, feeding on some part of the warm body. The blood was warm in my mouth, better tasting than I thought it would have been.

In no time, her body went limp, and she was dead. Drain of all her delicious blood.