Status: No more updates until Innocenece's rewriting is complete.


Part One - Candace Chapter 5

I stayed up much later than I normally would have. Mike had told me all about his trip home, and everything that had happened since he last left here. As he talked to me, I was growing more tired as the minutes past. There was something very soothing about Mike being there with me. I felt safe. It wasn't hard to fall asleep as he kept talking.

I woke up the next morning feeling the sun on my face. I had never closed the blinds to the window last night. The blanket warm from the sun's rays, I was so comfortable, I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to. My eyes fluttered open and almost gasped, but held it in. Mike's face was only inches from mine. His hot breathe on my face.

His arms were holding me tightly to him, so I couldn't really move. I tried to move back a little, but found Mike had a firm grip on me. His skin touching mine felt like a ragging fire underneath my skin, but not in an uncomfortable sort of way. I was more than happy to have Mike this close to me, to be holding me, but then I snapped out of it.

This was Mike, my best friend. He shouldn't have been this close. I have fallen asleep about a foot away from him last night, hadn't I? So why were we this way now? I tried to inch away from him without waking him up from his slumber, but he grip tightened on my waist as I moved. Sweat started to bead my face as I got more nervous about the situation.

A small shuffling noise could be heard from behind me. "Hello?" I whispered trying to figure out who was in my room. If it was parents, or Aiden, what would I say? What would I do?

Gloria appeared at the end of the bed. "Yes Miss?" She had a very large grin on her face. She was laughing at me.

"Help me!" I said urgently.

She giggled again. "Yes Miss."

She came over and helped me pry Mike's arms off of me. Thankfully, he didn't wake. I crawled slowly off the bed and swung my legs off the bed. Mike stirred a little, but didn't wake once again. I thought back to the night before. The last thing I remember was Mike telling me about the last day of school. I was wrapped up in the blanket, lying down, while Mike was sitting up. I don't remember anything from then on. I didn't quite get how we got that way we were in, in the bed.

Gloria was smiling at me from the end of the bed. "Oh shut up!" I hissed. She giggled again and left the room. I slinked over to the closet and got some nice clothes I could wear to Aiden's. When I returned to the bedroom, Mike was still in the same position. "Heavy sleeper." I said aloud. I just wished that he could have woken up first rather me so I wouldn't of had to go through all of the embarrassment I was going through now.

The shower was cold when I got in, making me shiver violently. After a few moments, the water got warm, then hot. The steam filled the room as I washed my hair, staying in longer than I should I have. The clock above the counter said I still had thirty minutes before I had to be at Aiden's when I got out. I quickly changed into my clean clothes.

I peered out the bathroom door before entering. Mike was now awake, sitting up in bed. He was looking at the picture I had thrown on the floor the night before. He looked up at me as I closed the bathroom door with a click.

"Good morning." He jeered.

"Good morning. You might want to go get dressed. We have breakfast at Aiden's this morning. Well—if you want to go."

Mike looked at my outfit in awe. He had never seen me in a dress before. The dress was a light yellow and white print. A white belt high on my middle, and small straps to keep it up. The hem just barely passing my knees. My hair bundled in a loose bun on the back of my head, left my neck to feel the breeze.

"I'd love to go." He stood and looked down at himself. He seemed a bit embarrassed that he was only wearing pajama pants. "I'll go get dressed and meet you downstairs."

Trevor answered the door. This was usual. Aiden and Amy were usually in the kitchen, and Ryan and Clark were usually in the front yard playing soccer. Trevor was the only one left. I really don't know what he ever does, but it never is anything exciting. That I know of.

Trevor welcomed us inside and talked with Mike for a minute. I stayed with him, not wanting to leave him by himself in this large house. Trevor led us to the kitchen where Amy and Aiden were. Aiden had a towel over his shoulder, cutting us some apples. Amy was at the oven, checking on something.

"Good morning!" I called to everyone. I sat on my normal stool at the counter, dragging Mike along, making him sit down as well. Aiden came over to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Good morning." He looked me up and down. "Is that a new dress?"

"Yes, why, thank you."

Aiden and Mike nodded at each other. "Good to see you." Aiden said.

Mike returned his greeting. I couldn't really hear them because Amy had come over to me, practically screaming. "How cute are you! Stand up, stand up!" I stood up, showing off my dress. She took my hand twirled me around. "How darling."

"Thanks Amy."

"…pretty surprised." Mike was saying. Aiden laughed as he clapped Mike on the back. Mike laughed too. They both seemed at ease with each other. I was surprised. I would think they would be hostile towards one another. They both did love me after all, didn't they?

Aiden took the towel off of his shoulder and put it on the counter. He sat down in my seat next to Mike. They were talking in hushed voices, so I came closer to them. They both side glanced at me, and then stopped talking.

I took the towel Aiden had put down and went to where he was chopping up apples. They both watched me as I picked up the knife. Aiden was just about to say something, but I talked before he could. "I can do it. Don't worry. I won't chop off my finger."

Aiden relaxed back into his chair. "Alright, go ahead."

"I didn't know you could cook." Mike said, surprised.

"I'm learning." I answered, slicing an apple in half. The whole time I was cooking with Amy, Aiden had one eye on me. He was still really protective about me. I wouldn't be surprised if he was outside my bedroom window last night.

They started to talk once again in their hushed tones. I still couldn't understand what they were saying. Maybe they were talking about what I had said last night. Just thinking about it made my heart sink into my stomach. I regretted saying all of those things to Mike, especially to Mike. He didn't need to be burdened with my problems. I gave up trying to hear them and put my full attention into helping Amy. If I asked Mike or Aiden, they would tell me what they were talking about.

"So what are we cooking this morning?" I asked Amy. She opened the oven to show me. A wave of heat hit my face, making my eyes water, but I still saw what was in the oven. Rising cinnamon rolls were centered in the oven. I could taste them already. The thing I was making with the apples was a fruit salad. There was melon, apples, grapes, and an assortment of berries.

Aiden and Mike kept looking at me and watching me as I helped in the kitchen. This seemed to be a new routine of mine, helping in the kitchen. I found that I really liked to cook, and always wanted to learn more. It was an exciting feeling. I kept trying to listen in on Mike and Aiden with no luck.

Before I knew it, we were done cooking and we were setting the table. Mike helped me with this as Aiden and Amy went to go get the food. "So…what were you guys talking about?"

Mike didn't look up from the plate he was putting down. He knew I was going to ask this. "We were just catching up on some things, that's all." Mike smiled at me before disappearing back into the kitchen. I stared after him, wondering if he was telling the truth.
Amy came back carrying the salad, Aiden behind her carrying the cinnamon rolls, and Mike carrying the glasses. Trevor, Clark, and Ryan came in just as we all sat down. We all dug in as the chatter between us all got louder and louder. It was like we were one, big happy family.

There was much talk as we all ate our food, and lots of thank you to me, Aiden, and Amy for preparing it for us all. I was sometimes surprised that the Westcotts would eat three meals a day that tasted almost like plastic to their stomachs, for me. I was very grateful to have two families to be there for me.

I was the first to finish, excusing myself to go to the bathroom. I fixed my hair and unwrinkled my dress before going back into the dining room. When I came back, Aiden and Mike were the only ones left at the table. "Where did everyone go?" I asked.

"Mom went to work, and the others went out." Aiden said matter of factly. I could tell that something was bothering him. How could I not notice it before? His eyes seemed to be sad, but the color of them bright green. His posture was more slump than usual.

I sat back down on my chair. I watched Aiden as he finished his fruit salad. Mike picked up his dishes and left to bring them to the sink. "What is wrong?" I asked Aiden as soon as Mike was gone.

Aiden looked up startled. "Nothing, why?"

"Don't lie. I can tell. What is it?"

Aiden looked down at his plate. He pushed his food around a little before he spoke. "Do you remember my dream?"

I shuddered. How could I forget? "Yes."

"Well—I had it again, only it went a little farther than it had before." Aiden looked up at me to see my expression. He obviously didn't see anything he didn't like because he continued. "It was much worse."
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: I have been taking people's advice and adding things here and there to make this story better than it was originally. When people said the part seemed kind of awkward...I tweeked it so it wasn't. When someone said it was wioerd and unreasonable that someone acted a certain way...I changed it. That was my choice, and I thank all of you who have given critasicism to make my writing better.