Status: No more updates until Innocenece's rewriting is complete.


Part One - Candace Chapter 6

As she watched me come closer, my mouth watering with anticipation, her eyes got wider, more frightened. She screamed as i sunk my teeth into her neck. Marissa, Mike, and Addison joined me, feeding on some part of the warm body. The blood was warm in my mouth, better tasting than I thought it would have been.

In no time, her body went limp, and she was dead. Drain of all her delicious blood. I let go of her head, letting it lull to the side. Marissa clapped her hands with delight. "Finally!" she said. She went to the small table on the side of the room, coming back holding a book with gold lettering that read When Meeting a Vampire. "Now they are mine!"

The book was old, and had a page that was torn out. I had only seen it too often. "It isn't yours, Marissa. We all had a deal. We would share it. That is why we all killed the human."

"I don't care about some dumb ass deal!" Marissa spat at me. She stood with Mike at her side. "We are going to share it." She gestured toward Mike, then herself.

Addison stood and got in Marissa's face. "I don't think so!"

Marissa brought her hand up and slapped Addison on the face. "Well I do, now get out of my way."

I bent down to help Addison. She got up quickly, not fazed by the slap. Together, Addison and I followed them outside. It was a full moon. Marissa gave a small wave and two large black wings popped out of her spin, making her take flight with Mike on her heals. We followed her, not too far behind.

She didn't go far. We followed her to Candace's house and inside. The place was trashed. Things thrown everywhere, doors off their hinges. We followed her up the stairs and into Candace's bedroom. There was a large pool of blood on the floor by the double doors that lead out to the balcony. A knife was sitting beside it.

"Give the book to me." I said. I couldn't stop staring at the pool of blood. I could smell it from here. It smelt like Candace's. It didn't make any sense. Now I felt panicked and I wanted to help Candace. I felt the shire panic in even nerve of my body, willing me to find out where she was. The blood that was in front of me was recent and Candace was dying. I loved her and I need to save her!

"What book?"

I looked back at where Marissa had been standing, but she was no longer there. Mike and Candace were on the couch, holding each other close. Both had red eyes. I was so confused. "Addison…" I started to say. I turned around and Addison was gone too.

"You broke my heart Aiden, you broke my heart." Candace said, standing in front of me. Her eyes were no longer red, but were sad and seemed to be broken. I could almost feel the despair coming off of her body. I did this to her? One of her hands were clutched at her stomach, a large red stain on the shirt she had been wearing. Blood.

I had done this to her? I broke her heart?