Status: AVOID

Music, Baby


Hello Me-From-The-Future,

Hope you're doing well ;)

We sure hope you are over here. Today, I have decided to start this little book thing where I will put all of my musings and intrigues about music. Some (most) will be my own songs.. as I think the opportunity to really dig into the lyrics and explain what I was going through when I wrote them would be truly a cathartic process. Especially when there's some shit I REALLY need to just shake off my shoulders. But in here, I get to go crazy. I will be raw and honest and what the fuck ever.

Erykah Badu's "Certainly" is playing in my ears right now. Over the summer, I enjoyed the "flipped-it" version more.. I think it's funny how preferences naturally change over time. I mean, have you ever noticed songs coming up on your Spotify radio that you don't necessarily enjoy at first, but, all of a sudden, one of the songs strikes home! And you're like damn!! I'm so glad Spotify radio exists and I got to randomly discover this person. Thanks for throwing them in my face sporadically for the past 2 months, Spotify!! That's realistically like 1 in 100 artists they send your way, but still. It's so special to discover new people.

I was spunkier this summer. So I get why I gravitated towards the "flipped-it" version of the song first.. But, since then, my music taste has changed so drastically and unpredictably.. The only telling thing about this is that Erykah Badu will probably be in my music life for a very long time. It's also thrilling to wake up all of a sudden and realize an artist is traveling through time with you. Your preferences between and within their albums changing ever so slightly as to slowly include -- fuck -- everything! And, WAPOW, you've discovered an artist who will possibly travel with you throughout the rest of your time, too. (Even if they stop releasing music, you will relish this stuff).

So I guess the above is a little snippet as to what the rest of this mosh-posh of ideas will look like.. I think I've warned you away at, like, every point possible. So if you're still reading this, I don't know, you might know me or something. In which case... go away.
