Status: Updated Every Wednesday and Sunday

Are We Out of the Woods?

First Night There

Cecelia ruffled her hair with a towel as she walked downstairs,”My hair does not like me for introducing it to the salty air.”

“I've got to run to the store soon,”he chuckled. “I can grab you some different shampoo.”

“I'll come with,”she smiled.

He nodded,”Okay.”

They had gotten back to his house just before the sun set completely. They both had showered and dressed to stay in despite not having talked about. He couldn't help but notice the ratty sleep shirt, no bra and barely there shorts. His will power was fading and it was only the first day.

“I ordered some pizza from Johnny's,”he smiled. “I hope that it's okay we'll be staying in tonight.”

“I'm tired and that's perfect.”

He smiled,”Well you did fly across the country today.”

She nodded,”I did. And I didn't even get a nap.”

“Oh no,”he fake pouted.

She narrowed her eyes,”That's not nice. I may fall asleep eating dinner and face plant my pizza. Then what will you do?”

“Move your face so you don't suffocate and toss a blanket on you.”

“Thats rude. My face would break out so bad,”she sighed shaking her head. “What a horrible thing to say.”

He chuckled,”I wouldn't really.”

He slid a beer her way and she shook her head,”No thanks. Underage.”

“I won't tell if you don't,”he smiled.

She wrinkled her nose,”Well really it's because I don't like beer.”

“Oh. Well I have coke or water,”he said heading to the fridge.

“Coke is fine,”she called back.

The doorbell rang on his way back and he headed for it. He pulled money out of his wallet before grabbing the pizza and paying plus tip for it. He sat her drink on top and headed back into the living room.

“Pizza,”he smiled.

“Good. I'm starved.”

He sat the boxes down and handed her the drink. He headed back into the kitchen to grab some plates and a roll of paper towels. She was mid bite when he returned.

“Sorry,”she said around the bite and shrugged.

He chuckled,”It's fine.”

He handed her a plate and sat down beside her. She took it and laid the piece on the side and grabbed a few more.

“How's school going?”he asked loading his own plate.

She gave another shrug,”It would be better if I could settle on something.”

“You don't have an idea about what you'd like to do?”he asked.

She sighed,”No. I changed majors last year mid semester. I have no idea what I'm gonna do.”

“Nothing calls to you?”

“A lot of things call to me,”she laughed softly. “Like traveling the world now that I've had a taste. Exploring everything.”

“Maybe you would be suited for a tour manager or something of the like,”he smiled.

She snorted,”I can barely take care of myself. I don't think I would be great at it.”

“Well there's always PR. You could start your own firm and travel instead of sitting in an office.”

She shrugged,”Again I would be in charge of someone.”

“So you need something that you're not in charge of someone but allows you to travel?”he asked.

She nodded,”Basically.”

“Easy. Start your own travel blog. Get in touch with some place that would love to be featured.”

“One problem.”

He raised an eyebrow,”That is?”

“Over protective brother.”

“He's in a band,”Matt reasoned. “He can't always be there to watch you.”

“I know. But I can't leave Penny either.”

“You're not making this easy,”he chuckled.

Her head flopped back,”I wish I could figure it out.”

“You're still young,”he smiled. “You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do with your life.”

“If you mention the age,”she sighed.

“Well you are technically still a teenager,”he sighed. “So yes you have all the time to figure it out.”

“The next five months can not pass by quickly enough,”she took a sip of her coke.

“You mean you're actually looking forward to your birthday?”he acted shocked.

She swatted at him,”Yes. For the sole purpose of me not being a teen anymore.”

“You're only a teen in age,”he smiled. “You certainly do not look like a teen.”

Her cheeks turned pink. She was hoping he would see her as anything other than her age when she walked downstairs without a bra and the mini shorts. It had worked. She needed him to see her and not her age.
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I love them together lol. The easiness they have with each other.