Oh No, Aliens

Chapter Two

Things had gotten out of hand since the UFOs arrived. Every Leon Air corporate office had erupted in people cancelling their trips to the big cities that had been hit, and at that point even a commercial airline giant like them was starting to suffer. Not that the CEO seemed concerned. For a man who was rapidly losing business, Michael Porter seemed pretty pleased with himself. Jack was on his third coffee run of the day for him, and with four iced coffees in hand he burst into the conference room just before the executive meeting about the aliens had started.

"Ah, Jack," Michael grinned. "Thanks for the coffee."

"Cutting it a little close, don't you think?" Jerome, the CFO, glanced at the clock as it just hit 9AM.

"Cut the kid a break," Michael laughed, patting Jack on the back. "You know, maybe you should start sitting in on our meetings."

"Me?" Jack frowned. "Oh, uh. I mean, yeah. Yes. Sir. Thank you. I'd appreciate it."

Jack had been working as an apprentice and personal assistant for Michael Porter for a year now. He had impressed the billionaire while working as a waiter at a steakhouse, doing some quick mental math on the spot when they asked. After talking for a few days, Michael asked Jack to come work under him as a personal assistant, learning the ropes along the way.

Jack wasn't sure he was built for corporate life. It took years of therapy to get his severe anger problems under control, and the 9-5 grind wasn't helping. Always talk of money, money, money, and more money. There was nothing soothing about it, but the money was good. Maybe even worth it.

Until the UFOs. When attacks started on random people in the streets, Jack started feeling uneasy.. His tiny studio apartment in Brooklyn didn't have much breathing room, but at least things were still intact. People weren't dying. At least, not as far as they knew. They were just being attacked. Some were being knocked unconscious, and others would just disappear. He watched out the window as people began to scurry from place to place like rats, trying to stay indoors as much as they possibly could.

He watched and slowly stirred some honey into his tea, looking down as fur brushed against his leg. Hershey meowed up at him, demanding his dinner for the evening.

"Who says you get to be so bossy?" Jack mumbled to the black cat.

Hershey mewed again in response. Jack shook his head.

"Nope," he said. "You know the routine. First we take care of all the plants. And then it's 20 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of meditation, and then we can have dinner."

Another unimpressed meow. Jack had gotten used to it, and he wasn't giving in now. Routine was everything to him. It kept him where he needed to be. His routine started early in the morning, first with a five mile run. Then he'd come home and put together an organic protein shake and take a shower. Then came his beloved collection of plants. His apartment practically doubled as a greenhouse at this point, and each plant had a mini routine of its own. After tending to the plants, he'd finally get ready for work, putting on one of the ridiculously expensive designer suits he couldn't afford but was expected to wear. And then it was to the subway and a two block walk to-

"Hey, careful!"

There was a sudden break in Jack's routine when he caught sight of a young woman running into the street, right as a yellow cab was barreling down at 80 miles an hour. He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back onto the sidewalk, the force of it sending them both falling back into a bundle of trashbags left on the street. Well, Jack landed in the trash. The woman fell on him, perfectly protected from both the fall and the mess. Her eyes went wide as she quickly scrambled to her feet, offering Jack a hand to help him up.

"Are you insane?" Jack questioned. "You think that just because there's some flashing lights distracting everyone you can go running into Manhattan traffic?"

"I, uh-"

"Be careful next time, yeah?" Jack said, brushing dirt off himself.

She nodded and he started to walk off, but he noticed she stared a little longer than normal. She jogged to catch up to him.

"Hey, you dropped this," she said.

He turned back to her and saw that she was holding his work badge. She looked at it for a few moments before slowly handing it back.

"Thanks," he said, clipping it back on his belt. "Can't scan in to the building without it. Take care."


He didn't think much of the encounter as he walked into work, still trying to fix himself up as best he could. Mildred was the dinosaur who worked at the front desk, who just glared at Jack as he walked in.

"You child-genius techies just get sloppier and sloppier with your clothes," she said. "No respect for the dress code."

"Good morning to you too, Mildred," he said. "Is Michael in yet?"

"Yes, and he wants to see you," she said.

Jack froze, giving her a nervous nod before running into the elevator. Sure enough, Michael was waiting for him, waving him into his office.

"Jacky, kiddo, you stink," he exclaimed. "Want to tell me why Hugo Boss is starting to look more like Hugo Butt?"

"I fell in trash," Jack said flatly.

"Wonderful," Michael said. "It's alright, most of your work can be done from home today. I just want to talk to you about a quick little something."


"You know our main trade here at Leon Air is commercial aircraft," he said. "Do you know why we had such rapid success?"

"We developed aircrafts that can make a commercial flight in two thirds of the time," Jack said.

"Yes, and how did we accomplish this?" he asked.

"Uh... science?"

"Well, yes," Michael chuckled. "Some very experimental methods of development. Very, very experimental. Jack, I'm sure you're like everyone else in wondering why I'm so chipper in such a strange time. Am I right in thinking this?"

"I suppose. A little."

"I'm letting you in on a little secret," he said. "These 'visitors'? Let's just say it's not the first time we've met them."

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean," Jack said.

"Where did you think I got my hands on such experimental technology, huh?" Michael grinned. "You think a deadweight human could've made it. No, I took some things left behind in my yard one night. And I experimented. And now, Jack? Now they're here. They've seen what I've done, and they have finally come to bring me my reward!"


"I know it must seem awfully confusing to hear me tell you all of this," Michael said, "But when I took you in, I knew exactly what sort of role you'd be good for. Organizing all those meetings, making coffee runs... it was all busy work. But you stuck around for me, and finally, your time has come. You've got a seat waiting for you on my board."

"I'm overwhelmed," Jack admitted.

"Well, you're very welcome," Michael said. "No go home, take a shower before you bring flies into my office."

Jack nodded and turned on his heel to leave. He wasn't sure he had been thanking Michael. He was telling the truth when he said it was overwhelming. Overwhelming that his boss wasn't just corporate crazy, but crazy crazy. And possibly the cause of all this. And Jack wasn't about to be part of that board room meeting.