One person....or neko...can change everything

Marks POV

(Mark’s POV)
I didn’t know what to do. I was scared. I wanted to tell him everything was going to be all right, but my mouth didn’t work. I just stared. When he looked at me the second time. I knew he was using me for something. I didn’t know what, but I wasn’t sacred anymore. Once I saw Jack hit the ground, and lay still, I knew I had to help him. But how?
I looked around the house. I even looked in the ‘studio’ (that’s what Wade, the other guy and Jack called it.) Nothing was there. I hoped that maybe if I waited, he would be ok. “You know that won’t happen Markiplier! Get a grip on yourself! Anything that repels demons!” I looked in the bathroom, and looked at myself for a few moments.
Jack was there. wasn’t Jack....he had blood on him, and a suit, and he looked glitched out like when you break a phone. I backed away slowly, not knowing what this...this thing would do to me.
“Hello Mark. It’s me Jack! Come here!” The Jack but not Jack said. I realized. Anti won the fight with Jack.
“Let him go!” I said.
“Aw. I just wanted to play for while! Is that too much to ask?” Anti asked.
“P-Please just g-go away!” I murmured.
“No.” Anti growled, moving towards me slowly.
“GO AWAY!” I screamed as I ran out the door into the studio. I slammed and locked it, panting. “WADE!! BOB!” I screamed. I heard knocking.
“Just let me in...please Mark?” Anti asked on the other side.
“NO!” I screamed.
“ I won’t hurt you! You can trust me right?” He asked.
“JACK!?” Wade yelled.
“Guess again...” Anti teased.
“Anti. I thought Jack had gotten rid of you!” Wade asked.
“No. He just trapped me in that infernal mirror!” He screamed.
“Let Mark go you butthole!” Wade yelled.
“OH FINE! NO ONE LETS ME DO ANYTHING FUN!” He screamed. He opened the door. I ran out and stared at him.
“Run, Mark, run.” Wade advised. “Take Jack’s phone! I'll call you when he’s ok!” He urged.
And run I did.