

“Draco chase me!” The five year screamed as she ran, her wild hair flowing in the breeze. The small boy giggled from behind his mother’s legs, unsure whether he was allowed to go. His mother pushed him forward gently, her way of telling him to go enjoy himself. He smiled and ran over to the large oak tree, looking for the girl.

He stood there, scratching his head in confusion as he looked for her. A pair of arms wrapped around his waist, pushing him to the ground. Draco made an ‘oophm’ sound as he collided with the ground, the other person on top of him.

“You are so silly, Draco! I was hiding behind the tree!” the little girl beamed, showing Draco a toothless grin.

He scowled, patting down his new blazer, knowing his father wouldn’t be impressed if he returned home dirty. His family were neat freaks and liked everything, including their son to be perfect. Of course Narcissa turned a blind eye to this condition sometimes, so that Draco could be a normal child, even if just for a moment.

“Well your a stupid girl! So there…” he stuck his tongue out at her. This girl was strange, she was actually fun. Every girl he’d played with in the past just wanted to play witches, but this one, this one was unique. She rolled around in the mud and liked to play pretend Quidditch with him.

“Friends?” she held out her pinky finger for him to take.


“Oh bugger off, Draco!” Emerald hissed, pushing students out of her way. She was in a blinding bad mood, and the boy following her, wasn’t helping matters. In fact he was digging himself a deeper grave with every word he spoke.

Draco had decided to ask Pansy out of a date, not knowing that Emerald would be mad. Draco was of course oblivious to his friends feelings for him, the betrayal she felt at his outright cocky gesture.

“What’s your problem?!” he shouted after her as she continued to storm away from him. This caused her to stop dead in her tracks. She turned and stared him dead in the eyes. After knowing her for so long, he knew it was something he’d done. She opened her mouth, her finger raised as if she was about to reply, but she decided against it. She didn’t want to tell Draco the full story, she would never hear the end of it.

“Just leave it, Draco. Really, it’s not worth the hassle.” she shook her, before turning on her heel, heading back to the dungeons.

Draco was left standing there, confused, wondering what her issue was. He sighed, not imagining his 5th year to be filled with drama. He thought that Emerald would be her happy go lucky self, but no such luck, he was lumbered with a moody bitch.

Pansy strolled past, her hair and make up done to perfection and even Draco had to admit, she looked good. His day was beginning to a look a lot brighter already. Little did he know a certain Brunette was in the common room, sobbing her eyes out.

Someone was watching over Emerald, and that person cackled in glee at the girl’s despair. It would only be soon enough before her life really hit rock bottom.

Emerald hiccuped, looking the mirror. Her eye make up was smeared across her cheeks, her eyes bright red. They stung as she tried to cleanse away the traces of her make up so that no one could tell she’d been crying, especially over him.

Her task was always in the back of her mind, eating away at her. She knew that it was unavoidable as her father’s life depended on her succeeding. Draco would be devastated when he realised what she had to do, what she was being forced to do.

It had been arranged after her mother died, a way for her father to save his own skin. The girl didn’t blame her father for his cowardice, in fact she applauded him for being able to betray his family they way he had. Her father had made a deal with the devil and it was time for him to reap the benefits.

Her father repulsed her at times, she felt physically sick every time he tried to apologise for his actions. Emerald wished she could transform into a bird and escape her life, sometimes she wished Draco could go with her. They could run away and be happy, live a free life without any fear.

Her cat Opi mewled at her feet, bringing her out of her thoughts. He was holding a letter in his mouth, patiently waiting for his favourite toy. He was dark grey with cloudy blue eyes. He looked like any other cat but he was special, he held certain magical properties. Opi had been a christmas present from her father two years ago. At the time she hadn’t understood why he was so special, but he had proven his worth over time. The cat could read a person’s thoughts, tap into their mind, like he was reliving their memories.

Snape was more than aware of the cat but he kept quiet. He didn’t want to arouse any suspicious as to why a 5th year student would need such a thing.

Emerald took the letter from Opi as she petted him. He purred happily as he settled down at her feet, content once more. She flipped it round, her fingers fumbling around with the wax seal. It was her family’s emblem, the one her father had as a ring. She automatically knew it would be bad news, something that she wasn’t going to like. She wanted to pretend she hadn’t received the letter but she knew her father would find other, less subtle means to contact her.

Dear Emerald,

I do apologise for my writing so early in the year, but it is of great concern. I have to let you know that he grows restless and his patience is running out with me. I had a meeting with him the day before last, and he was adamant that your task should go ahead as planned, in fact, he insisted upon it. He wanted me to mention that your affection for the Malfoy boy hasn’t gone unnoticed and he isn’t one bit pleased.

I just want you know that I’m truly sorry for the pain I’ve caused you Emmy…if I could do things differently or trade places with you, please know I would. The reason why I had to do this, is because of your mother, I made her a promise. A promise that I would keep you safe and so far I have succeeded, but my dearest, I am afraid that time is coming to an end.

I can’t keep you safe anymore on the outside world. I want you to know that I have gone into hiding for the moment until the situation dies down. Don’t worry because I’ll be okay, you have to look out for yourself now. Please know that I am trying to find a way for you to escape this horrible fate because I don’t want to see you through your life away.

Be happy, speak to the boy. Do things that other girls your age do because there will come a time when you have to put foolish things aside and become a woman. I just don’t want that to come quicker than we anticipated, love.

I’ll write soon.



Emerald wiped the lone tear that had slipped from her eye, it had smudged some of her father’s handwriting, causing her to become more upset. She had a feeling that this would be the last contact with her dad for a long time. She was officially alone in the world.