Status: I do not own these characters.


Chapter one


I Park Jimin have a confession to make. I have been in love with Jungkook. It has been five years since we got together, and I hope that this love never fades. Right now I sit here and look over at his sleeping face and am just so happy. It wasn't always happy times though. We struggled a lot over the years. Jungkook didn't always like me either I really had to work to become his friend. Once we were friends the rest of our feelings grew and developed over time. I will tell you some of our story now.

When we first formed BTS I noticed how cute and shy JK was. I would always try to hug or touch him. JK would always push away to avoiding being hugged, or pinch my hand when I would touch him. He would always say things like, "Go away!" or "Don't touch me." I would try to talk with him and get him to warm up to me. I put in a lot of effort into getting him to like me. We met in 2013, and it took months before he would even try to meet my eyes. To be honest I had to ignore him before he would pay attention to me. When I use to put in so much effort to interact with him on stage before and get pushed away, well I changed tactics and would walk right by him and go see Tae or Hobie.

Things started to change after about three months of me ignoring him. He started to kind of follow me around then. It was kinda cute really he was like a puppy begging for attention. He went so far as to push others out of the way to sit next to me. We slowly started to chat a bit when he would sit by me or during practice when he needed help with dancing. He was painfully shy. We would do vlive and I would tell JK I like him and he would get embarrassed and change the subject fast.

We shared a room for a while and I would help wake him up most days. Kinda got into a routine with me waking him up before I would go wash up in the mornings. He was not a morning person by any means. Hobie would pick on me saying I babied him. I couldn't help it I liked being by his side. The group often played games to decide room arrangements or who would cook meals. JK was not very good at games. He would often get stuck making the group breakfast but he would take extra care with my meals. I struggled with my weight a lot, a big insecurity of mine.

In an interview in 2014 a nice lady was interviewing us and the topic was on friendship. I had told her a cute story about how I had caught JK crying when he missed his family. I had hugged him that day to comfort him. I had gotten to see a softer side of JK at that time and I was so happy. He told her about the time he saw me cry in our room. That was a little embarrassing I being older than JK was caught being depressed. JK had come in and lay with me while rubbing my back in comfort. Being in the dorms meant we didn't see any of our friends or family much. I think that night is when I started to like JK. I had laughed and explained to her how we shared a room and a bit of our routine was me waking him up now.

He pouted at me then, "You didn't wake me up this morning." I had to tease him a bit, "You mean you wanted me to?" He was looking only at me, "Yeah, I almost slept in.." I couldn't help but smile, "Awe you should have told me." I looked away to the interviewer to keep from blushing at how cute JK was acting. I continued speaking glancing back at JK," We honestly have so much in common. We are always sleepy, timid, hate to lose but most of all, we love to dance!" JK took a chance to chime in, "We also study Japanese together!" I decided to be silly, "The only thing I am about is JUNGKOOK LOVE!" Then I threw him my best pouty lip face, "But you are not.." He jumped to the bait, "That's not true! I like you too!" I was a bit shocked by his declaration so I asked, "REALLY?! You really like me?"

He was a bit sheepish with his next reply but he wore a smile when he spoke, "Sure I do. The only difference between you and I is that you tend to focus on one thing while I juggle things around. We both work hard but just a bit different in that sense." I nodded in agreement before speaking, "I can only focus on one thing at a time multitasking is not my strong suit. Its why you are so awesome you are able to work on singing, dancing, drawing and even playing the guitar!" JK shrugged looking dubious, "But I always end up only being okay at it instead of perfecting it." I leaned over laughing and hugging JK, "I even LOVE those qualities about you!" JK's face heated and he lightly pushed me away, "Go away. Its too hot!"

After that interview JK and I became friends and could easily talk with each other. I was also close to the others in the group and they would praise me for being able to talk with JK now. Tae had noticed other things though, he sat outside with me while the others cleaned. He leaned back and spoke, "Jungkook really has become attached to you." I was sitting there my elbows on my knees resting my head in my hands, "Yeah he is really great once you get to know him." He spoke with a bit more edge, "He looks at you all the time, like he is lovesick or something."

I tilted me head in thought for a moment. He was always making effort to get close to me more than the others. I smiled at the thought I felt very important to JK. I spoke fondly, "He just looks to me a bit more than you guys. I share a room with him right now is all,and so we talk more." Tea sighed, "Well he should try and get along with everyone so well." I shrugged and got up, "I guess that's true, but I don't mind that he is attached to me. I adore his cute side." Tea got up and headed to the door, "Well I will suggest to RM that we should do a room change next week. Its time to switch it up anyway." I sighed but nodded. We headed inside RM was lounging on the couch talking with Hobie and Tae went over to sit next to RM to discuss the room change.

I had gone over to find JK finishing putting away the dishes from dinner. I walked over and put an arm around his shoulder, "Hey JK, finishing up?" He nodded his head and spoke shyly, "Yeah I am. Jin and Yoongi helped though." I smiled, "I am glad they helped. Ready to go to the room?" He nodded his head shyly, "Yeah." We waved to the others as we passed by them and went to our room. Tae was looking at us as he talked with RM. Hobie just waved and smiled, "Night!"

We got to the room and JK went and grabbed a few manga and laid down. I decided to test my boundaries and see if I could get away with touching JK more. I laid down next to him and put my head on his shoulder so I could read with him. My arm was on his back my hand resting on his shoulder. He tensed a bit beneath me and spoke quietly, "What are you doing?" I smiled because he wasn't mad and pushing me away, "I want to read with you. Am I too heavy?"

He relaxed a bit and let out a sigh, "Its fine, you aren't heavy at all." We laid like that for a good thirty minutes he would take his time turning the pages making sure I had time to read. I glanced at him to see he was concentrating on the book. I moved my fingers to trace lazy designs on his shoulder and back. He didn't seem to mind so I moved my hand to the side of his neck. I'm not sure if he did it unconsciously but he tilted his head a bit more towards me to were his head rested against mine. I smiled he was willingly leaning into my touch.

I was proud of myself JK was letting me touch him more and more without flinching. I have gotten to were I can put an arm around his shoulders, pat his back, and ruffle his hair. This is the first he has let me touch him like this. JK turned the page still reading. I decided to be a bit mean so I put my lips near his ear and blew cool air. He flinched a bit and spoke, "Jimin-ssi that tickles." I grinned, "I didn't know you were ticklish." JK was quiet so I did it again. He flinched again and turned his head fast. When he turned his head our noses touched as well as our lips. His eyes were wide and shocked, I am sure I looked much the same to him. It was our first kiss.
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I am trying out a fanfic, let me know if I should write more.