Heaven's a Lie

Do you walk in the shadow of men who sold their lives to a dream?

Six Months Later

“I’ve never seen this place so busy!” October laughs as she walks into what used to be our parents bar. Since their passing, I’ve taken over Black Magic. I’ve opened it up to fellow hunters, which is why we are always so busy now. Now we aren’t just catering to locals and typical tourists. We are catering to people that are looking for things that go bump in the night. “It’s nice to see hunters again. I miss that life.”

“You were 11 when they got out, how much of that life do you actually remember?” I shoot a sideways glance over to my sister as I clean a glass. “Mom and Dad are rolling in their graves, I’m sure of it. They never wanted either of us in this life.”

“That’s why they keep pushing us to be doctors.” She chuckles. “You never were going to be a doctor, were you?”

“I dropped out of school, officially, a month before I attacked you.” I inform my sister. “I stopped going to class months before that. I was on academic probation. I realized being a doctor wasn’t in the cards for me. It was nothing I ever wanted for myself.”

“Who changed your mind?” She smirks. “Because you were almost done with med school and were about to start your residency. Someone had to have changed your mind. So who?”

Before I can reply, two men walk into the bar. Two men I never thought I’d see again. “Out of all the bars in all the towns, you two boys walked into mine.” I smile as I watch Dean and Sam Winchester walk over to the bar and sit down in front of me and October. “What brings you to the Big Easy?”

“I didn’t want to come but Sammy here has forced my hand.” Dean informs me. “He thinks your mother can help us with a little something.”

“You boys are six months too late for any help from our mother.” October informs the brothers. “Her and our father passed away six months ago.”

“Seriously?” Sam questions. “I’m sorry guys, what happened?”

“October, can you please check the bar in the basement?” I ask my little sister. “I want to make sure there is enough whiskey down there.”

“Sure.” October looks at me with questioning eyes but does what I ask.

“What the hell was that about?” Dean questions after October leaves. “I know you are protective of Tobi but that’s something else.”

“She doesn’t know how our parents truly died.” I sigh. “She thinks it was a car accident. But that’s furthest from the case.”

“What are you hiding, Ace?” Sam asks.

“Our parents sold their souls to get out of the game.” I start off. “They got the typical ten years. About two month before their deaths, not too long after seeing you Dean, I started hearing things. It sounded like dogs but I could never see them. It got to the point where I wouldn’t sleep. I nearly killed Tobi with a fucking meat cleaver. Parents were no help, they made me feel even crazier. But a month before, I booked myself into a mental hospital. One morning, I woke up and found out my parents were dead and my sister was in critical condition.”

“What happened to Tobi?” Dean questions me. “What does she think happened to her?”

“She was attacked by a hellhound.” I reply to the first question. “She thinks she was hiking with friends and was attacked by wolves.”

“You have wolves down here?”

“Of the were variety.” I shrug. “She bought it. It’s a miracle she survived.”

Both boys looked at me, but it was Sam that asks the question. “Miracle or did you sell your soul to make sure she lives?”

“I don’t like what you are accusing me of.” I narrow my eyes at him. “It was a miracle she survived a hellhound attack.”

“You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, Ace.” Dean sighs. “We all know you’d do anything for Tobi. Like I’d do anything for Sam. So tell us, how long do you have?”

“I asked for a year.” I reply. “I’ve got six months left. You can’t tell October though. She has no idea.”

“Acacia!” Dean lets out a frustrated groan, fingers going through his hair. “How can you not tell her? She deserves to know!” He exclaims before turning to Sam. “Aren’t you glad I told you?”

“What!?” I question the men. “Is that why you’re down here looking for my mother?” I question the two. “You seriously sold your soul for Sam? Months ago, you told me how it tore you up inside that your dad did this to you. And now you are putting those feelings onto Sam? ARe you out of your fucking mind?”

“At least I told my brother what I did for him.” He counters. “What’s going to happen when you croak in six months suddenly? What’s Tobi going to think?”

“Suicide.” I shrug. “I’ve already been in a mental hospital, it’s a nice cover.”

Dean looks tortured but sighs. “Sam wants to know if there is any way you can help me get out of my contract?”

“Do you want to get out of your contract?” I question him.

“If I find a way out, he dies.” He’s quick to inform me. “But Sammy thinks there could be a loophole.”

“And you thought my mom could help you out?”

“She was the master at Crossroad demons.” Sam shrugs. “Could you have learned something from her?”

“She taught me a few things and left a few books from our time as hunters.” I reply. “I could look up a few things for you. If you boys want to stick around for a few days.”

“We have a case a couple states away,” Dean informs us. “We’ll come back in a couple days. Call us sooner if you find anything.”

“Will do.” I smile. “Can I get you anything for the road?”

“Do you guys sell your mother’s infamous fried chicken?” Dean asks with a wide grin.

“I’ll cook it up myself.” I tell him. “Also please don’t tell Tobi about any of this when she comes back up from the basement?”

“She deserves to know.” Sam states. “Tobi deserves to know.”

“You know about Dean’s deal, right?” I ask. “How does that make you feel?” Sam’s quiet. “She’s about to start med school, she deserves to be happy. Now let me get in that chicken and cook you boys up some fried chicken and mac n cheese.” I put on a fake smile before disappearing into the kitchen to cook up some comfort food...
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chapter title credit: Glitter and Gold by Barns Courtney.
