Status: Work in progress!

Untitled SW Fan Fiction


The two immaculately dressed republic army officers sat patiently waiting in the antechamber to the office of the most powerful man in the galaxy. General Garsh Korsok was a tall man who's hair and beard had gone grey many years ago. He had visited the office of the Supreme Chancellor many times but he still felt a sense of anxiety every time he came here. A highly decorated career military man he'd worked with many previous Chancellors but there was something about Chancellor Palpatine that was different. There was an inexplicable ambiance about the man, whilst very amiable there was a sense that you would not want to find out what happens should you disappoint him, especially given his high expectations. The man accepted nothing less than top work and had no time, and patience allegedly, for anything less. "Relax sir," piped up the other officer, a much younger and pleasantly attractive woman with an athletic figure and blonde hair tied up. "You know he can always tell when you're like this and he always grills you a lot harder." Captain Tori Vandomen, his aide-de-camp had accompanied on most of his visits to the senate building. The General let out a deep sigh and adjusted his collar without acknowledging his subordinate.

Soon the doors opened and they were greeted by the familiar sight of Mas Amedda, the vice chair of the Galactic Senate and the Chancellors right hand man. He was non-human and very tall, taller than the General. His skin was blue and he had two large tusks that protruded from the top of his head. He also had two growths that extended from the back of his head down to his shoulders from which another two large tusks extended down his chest. As always he was clothed in the ornate gold robes of his office. "The Chancellor will see you now," his voice was deep and authoritative. The two officers stood up and walked into the Chancellors office. As always it was immaculate. The room was large and oval shaped. Works of art adorned the walls and in the centre there sat a large holoprojector flanked by matching regal sofas on either side. Behind them the floor sloped upwards to a raised section at the other where there wast an ornate desk with a chair that looked more like a throne. A window stretched across the length of the wall behind them showing the beautiful Coruscant cityscape. Either side of it were security, what was behind them neither the General or the Captain knew.

The Chancellor was already sat down at one of the sofas and immediately rose to greet the new arrivals. "Good to see you again General, Captain," he began. The three of them exchanged pleasantries before getting comfortable around the holoprojector. Amedda had already locked the door behind them and took up his usual position standing next to the Chancellor. Korsok thought to himself for a moment that in all his years he hadn't once seen Amedda sat down. After a couple of minutes of idle chatter, Captain Vandomen placed a small device on the holoprojector and immediately infront of them a life size projection of a human male appeared, also wearing a republic army officer uniform. He looked mid to late twenties, physically fit with generically styled short dark hair and a slight stubble beard. No distinguishing features. The Chancellor remained silent inspecting the man for a moment. "Tell me about him, General."

"Sir, this is Lieutenant Lomos Sampaio," he began. "Born right here on Coruscant, twenty eight galactic years old currently serving in an assault recon commando division. His unit is currently doing covert recon ops in the outer rim. Fourth generation army officer, mother passed away when he was a child and his father a couple of years ago, he was also an only child and has no spouse or children. Joined the army as soon as he was old enough, graduated training with honours and shortly after the war started was fast tracked through officer academy. After a short stint as a platoon leader with the clones he was hand picked to join the commandos and has been with them ever since." Over the next hour, the four of them discussed in intimate detail the past and present life of Lieutenant Sampaio.

"I've seen enough," the Chancellor said rising from his seat. "Thank you General, Captain," he continued acknowledging them both. "I have all the information that I require on the Lieutenant, that will be all." The two officers rose with him, these meetings always ended rather abruptly. Leaving the data disks they'd brought on the table they were escorted out by Amedda. They walked in silence back to the hangar bay and the waiting speeder, Vandomen wondering the whole time why several times they were reporting on seemingly random soldiers to the Chancellor. She'd asked the General once and been fiercely shot down but that did nothing to temper her curiosity.

* * *

The room was small, dark and windowless, only one door lead in or out and the only item in the room was a secure holoterminal. Infront of it stood a figure wearing a black hooded cloak, the hood pulled down enough to obscure the identity of the person. The holoterminal lit up and on it stood a figure of a woman dressed in military gear. "I have another one for you," the hooded figure began in a slow, deep tone. "Usual terms." A hand stretched out from under the cloak to connect a handheld device to the terminal, a light flickered for a few seconds before disappearing. The hologram projection of the woman nodded and the transmission cut without a word, plunging the room once again into darkness.