Nerdy and the Beast

Chapter Seventeen

Finally, Emma felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. It took a fiery meteor of an argument to do it, but finally they were able to admit their true feelings to each other. It wasn't exactly a romantic sunset on a beach, but honestly Emma wasn't sure she expected that between her and Liam. Not in the situation they were in.

It was pleasant holding hands on their way to port, but they paused just before they entered town and looked at each other. They let go of each others hands, but he gave her a reassuring smile. It was nothing personal this time. It was just for the best if they didn't have to explain themselves to the crew. Especially Natasha and Kamon. Everyone looked bitterly disappointed when they made it back. Kamon's brow furrowed in confusion when he saw how disheveled Liam and Emma looked with their muddy clothes, still damp from the water.

"Did you two go for a swim?" Kamon asked.

"Yes," Liam said dully. "It was a hot day."

"We didn't find anything," Emma said, "But we did manage to translate that last bit that was stumping us."

"Translate," Kamon scoffed. "We're well past that now. Lucky for you two, who were skipping around the jungles all this time, we actually found something."

"Found something?" Emma frowned.

Kamon waved his hand and a couple crew members brought an ornate looking chest covered in sand over. Emma's heart skipped a beat. Had she been wrong? She knelt down and opened up the chest. She expected to see gold or jewels inside, but instead she found that it was full of stones and empty liquor bottles. Among the garbage was a piece of parchment with something scrawled onto it.

"Recognize it?" Kamon asked.

"It's Cantaciran," she confirmed.

"What does it say?"

"I don't know off the top of my head," she said. "I'd have to go back to my desk and reference my notes. But in regard to the original translation-"

"It doesn't matter," Kamon said.

She stood up and was about to say something in her own defense for once, but Kamon's threatening gaze made her shrink back a bit. Instead, Liam stepped up. She wanted to reach out and pull him back from getting in the captain's face, but she held back.

"Will you just let her speak for once?" Liam said. "Just for once. We wouldn't have wasted our time here if you listened in the first place."

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Kamon growled.

He looked over at Emma, then back at Liam.

"We can talk about this later," he grumbled. "I need a drink."

He started back towards the ship and everyone followed him, except for Natasha. She was hesitating, green eyes looking between Liam and Emma. She didn't say anything, however. She just flipped her hair over her shoulder and followed everyone back to the ship. Emma gave Liam's hand a light squeeze before they joined the group.

That night, Duncan hid out in Emma's room again while she cleaned herself up. There wasn't much of an option in terms of a bath, but she was able to wash the mud off her skin and hair with a bowl and a washcloth. She ran the warm cloth over her face, sighing at the feeling of being clean again. Duncan was reading one of her books with Ivan the monkey perched on his shoulder. He had been caring for the monkey while Liam was occupied, so it didn't get turned into lunch or something.

Emma wrapped herself in her robe and bent over to give the monkey a little tickle, smiling when it squeaked and ran up her arm to sit on her shoulder. Her hair was open, and the monkey nuzzled into it like it was a blanket. There was a knock at the door, but this time she knew it was Liam. She let him in and they exchanged a sort of intimate smile. Duncan was there, however, and they had to be a little subtle.

"Where's Ivan?" he asked as Emma closed the door behind him.

Emma brushed her hair to the side to reveal the monkey hiding there, and as soon as it saw Liam it leapt over and clung to him.

"Sweet thing," Emma cooed. "I'll be honest, I didn't strike you as an animal lover."

"I'm not sure I am," he said. "But I've got a soft spot for this one. Among other things."

Emma blushed, and Duncan seemed to notice there was a shift between them.

"Should I leave the room?" he asked. "Do you two need to be alone?"

"No, Duncan," Emma laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hmm, okay," he said. "Do you want to play cards again?"

"I think we've had a bit of a long day," Liam said. "Maybe tomorrow."

"You two are no fun," Duncan said, wrinkling his nose. "I'm gonna find a snack and go to bed. Have fun making heart eyes at each other."

They watched the boy leave in a huff, then both laughed. Even Ivan made a sort of squeaking noise that sounded like a laugh. With Duncan out of the room, however, Liam pulled Emma in by the waist into a deep kiss. It left her a bit lightheaded, but it was a good feeling.

"You haven't changed your mind about me yet?" she asked.

"Not at all," he said. "Have you?"

"Definitely not."

He smiled and placed a kiss on her hand. Emma wasn't sure how any of this would play out when they arrived home, but for now she felt like she was in the clouds. If he dropped her the second they landed at port, at least she had a whirlwind romance on the voyage.

"I started translating this note," she said, sitting on the edge of the bed and opening her journal up to her notes.

"You didn't have to start right away," he said. "You deserve a break."

"I know," she said with a sigh. "Here, lean back. You shouldn't strain your injury too much."

He protested, but she propped up some pillows and nudged him to lean back against them. He didn't seem too enthusiastic about her fussing, until she curled up next to him and placed her head on his shoulder. She opened the journal again and pointed to her notes.

"See? They're a form of coordinates," she explained. "Not the traditional kind that we know. A unique kind that the Cantaciras natives must have used. My guess is that Pierre Furieuse hid his treasure within the ruins, and he used the peoples' own language to record the location. If we find one of them, we find both."

"Good work. That was quick."

"Thank you," she said with a blush. "I mean, Duncan helped a little. The kid has promise. He just needs to learn focus and patience."

"So are you going to take this to Kamon?" Liam asked.

"Actually," Emma said sheepishly, "I was hoping you could take it for me."

"Why's that?" Liam frowned. "I thought we were practicing confidence."

"I know," she said. "It's just... they don't take what I say seriously. Maybe they're not very nice to you, but they let you finish your sentences. Honestly, I don't care whether or not I get any credit. I just want this expedition to end in success. If you tell them about the coordinates and what I found about the waterfall, maybe things can move along faster."

She held the journal out to him. He hesitated, but took it from her.

"Alright," he said. "I'll tell them. Maybe not the bit about the waterfall, though."

"Why not?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Gut feeling, I guess. Maybe it would be good if we keep that between ourselves until it becomes relevant."

Emma still wasn't sure she understood, but she nodded. Liam gave her a reassuring smile, poking her between the eyes.

"Don't look so concerned with your brows knitted together like that," he said.

"Okay. You're right."

"So," Liam said, setting the journal aside and putting an arm around her, "What do you plan to do with all your treasures and riches? New hat?"

"Oh, I don't need a new hat," she said with a laugh. "Whatever makes it to my pockets will probably go right back into the museum. There is quite a bit of restoration work that needs funding. Maybe the museum good get a nice polish as well. We've been lacking in visitors for a little while, but if we had an exhibit on the 'Abandoned Treasures of Cantaciras'... Oh, it would be incredible. I can't imagine the things we can learn from it. Pierre Furieuse may have hidden rubies and emeralds somewhere, but the real treasure is in the history we may uncover."

"You're really passionate about this," he said. "Mistgrove must have provided one hell of an education."

"I am," she nodded. "I'm luckier than some women out there. I got to join my brothers in their studies, because my father didn't want to bother finding a separate tutor just because I was a girl. That's how I met Lawrence. I was sixteen when I started working for him at the museum. He always saw my interests in history and science."

"Are your brothers involved with the museum, too?" he asked. "What do they do?"

"I... don't know," she admitted. "We're not really close. Any of us. My mother up and left one day when I was young. None of us really know why. Our father wasn't exactly a warm man, so I was raised by five or six different nannies. They never lasted too long. He didn't trust them, I guess. He was a little too eager to send me on my way when I found work. It's alright, though. I like living on my own. And I never really experienced family love, so I guess I don't feel like I'm missing out on much. I like to think of everyone at the museum to be my family now. Even the wax cavemen in the neanderthal exhibit."

"Well, the wax cavemen are lucky to have you. I'm sure everyone will be very proud and grateful when you come home."

"I hope so," Emma said. "What about you? What do you hope to do when we get back?"

He was quiet for a little bit, just absentmindedly bouncing her curls. Finally, he spoke.

"I don't know."

"That's it?" Emma asked. "You must have some reason for funding an expedition like this."

"The usual reasons," he said dismissively. "I want to hear more about your museum life. Your museum family. What was that receptionist's name? Harry? What does he have up his ass?"

"Harry is nice," Emma laughed. "He's just a little antsy and cautious sometimes."

She wasn't sure how long they had been talking, but at some point Emma must have fallen asleep curled up in his arms. She had never experienced affection like this from another person, and it was the most comforted she ever felt. Even thought he world outside was stressful and felt like it could wreck her at any moment, she felt safe.

She woke up when she felt Liam gently shake her shoulder, looking up at him. She was a bit disoriented, but he carefully moved out from under her and tucked her into bed.

"Are you leaving?" she mumbled.

"It's late," he said softly. "I can't be seen leaving your room in the morning. The crew might see it the wrong way."

"Oh. Okay."

He brushed her hair to the side and pressed a kiss against her forehead.

"Get some sleep. I'm sure we'll have lots of work to do tomorrow."

She wanted to protest, but her exhaustion betrayed her and soon she was fast asleep again.