Nerdy and the Beast

Chapter Eighteen

Liam did as Emma asked and brought her new findings about the coordinates to Kamon and Natasha.

“You know, you two are truly terrible at pretending to be actual human beings,” Liam told them, slapping Emma’s notes onto the desk. “We brought Emma with us to help find this place, and you don’t even listen to her.”

“You’d best watch your tone with me, Bardot. I still own you.”

“You need to set a heading for these coordinates,” Liam said, so that he didn’t just grab the quill on the desk and ram it through Kamon’s eye.

“She’d better be right this time,” Kamon warned.

“She was right the first time, you just ignored what she told you,” Liam said irritably. He drew a breath as Kamon shot him a dark look. “Just do as she instructs. It’s a miracle that she hasn’t already suspected you’re a pack of ruthless bandits and tried to abandon ship.”

“Oh, I get the feeling she’s plenty distracted enough,” Natasha said silkily. “Thanks to our sweet, pretty Liam.” She radiated derision and Liam pointedly ignored her.

“Coordinates, Kamon.”

“Yes, yes, I fucking heard you. Natasha, take these to Gilbert and have him set the course.”

Mission accomplished, Liam turned to leave the cabin. To his annoyance, Natasha sidled up next to him, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

“Is your soft little crumpet too scared to come talk to us now?”

“Go away.”

“I’m just trying to make conversation,” Natasha pouted. “Maybe I’ve been too hard on the poor dear. I should pay her a visit and apologize.”

“Stay away from her, Natasha.”

“So protective. She’s not even here to swoon at your feet.”

Liam rounded on her, pinning her with a stare so cold it actually made her take a slight step back. “Stay away from Emma. Don’t talk to her, don’t even look at her. If you threaten her, if you try to hurt her, I will end you, Natasha.”

“Kamon wouldn’t be happy to hear of you threatening me-“

“I could throw you off this ship right now and Kamon would replace you in a week. Stay away from me, and stay the hell away from Emma.”

Liam left her standing on the deck, returning to Emma’s room. She was having Duncan help her organize her loose journal pages when he arrived.

“Well, we’re heading toward the coordinates you gave me,” Liam said.

“Are you okay?” Emma asked, frowning. “You look tense.”

“I’m all right,” Liam said, smiling reassuringly. Being with her quickly melted away the ire he felt whenever Natasha was around. Duncan cleared his throat and Liam realized he and Emma were just staring at each other.

“Yes, Duncan?” Liam asked. Duncan walked up to him.

“Mister Liam, I know you said not to say anything but are you and Miss Emma courting now?” Duncan tried to whisper but it was still rather loud in the small room and Liam grimaced. Emma blushed but she was holding back a laugh.

“Duncan, why don’t you go keep an eye out for some dolphins?” Liam said warily. When he was gone Emma started giggling uncontrollably.

“That boy is a menace,” Liam muttered. Then he pulled Emma out of her chair and kissed her.

“That does seem like courting behavior,” she remarked, tapping him on the nose.

“I have something for you.”

“For me?”

“I got it back on Sun Isle but I forgot to give it to you. Well, actually I was too nervous to give it to you.” Liam’s ears turned a bit red and Emma beamed at him.

“Oh, you’re blushing. That is painfully adorable.”

“All right, stop it or you don’t get your present.”

She stuck her bottom lip out slightly in a pout and Liam couldn’t help but laugh.

“Okay, you can have your gift. Here.” He handed her the box of expensive tea and was pleased when a smile broke across her face.

“I know it’s not much,” he said, “but I thought you might like-oof!” He was cut off by Emma’s enthusiastic hug. Ivan uncurled from the spot where he’d been napping, chittering and bounding over to leap onto Liam’s head.

“Someone doesn’t like being left out,” Liam laughed. He found that he was feeling very happy these days, lazing away afternoons in the company of Ivan, Duncan, and especially Emma. But on the heels of that came a feeling of guilt. Emma still thought that he was a rich investor, not a petty criminal who barely ever had enough money to eat three meals a day. But it occurred to him that once this was all over, he would have some money and be free of Kamon. He could have the opportunity to better his life, assuming that for Emma this wasn’t all just part of the whirlwind adventure. He kept trying to warn himself that to expect anything different was a dangerous line of thinking, but his own feelings were far surpassing a fling in the jungle; even if he didn’t know what the future would hold.

Because he knew their time together might be fleeting, he spent as much time with Emma and Duncan as he could, usually with Ivan perched on his shoulder chomping away on fruit. At least he knew the little monkey would still be with him when this was over.

One evening he sat behind Emma on the bed, braiding and unbraiding her hair as she pored over her journals yet again.

“Where did you learn how to braid hair?” she asked, half turning in her seat to shoot him a half smile.

“I have a younger sister,” Liam admitted. Emma raised her eyebrows.

“You never told me that.”

“I haven’t seen her in about a year. Her name is Laure. I think that you’d like her. Anyway, after our mother died I took over fixing Laure’s hair for her in the morning.”

“That’s so sweet,” Emma laughed.

“This is probably going to sound like a stupid question but, I wanted to ask you if you’d, perhaps, want to join me in the morning, to watch the sunrise. I’m usually awake before the sun comes up; I…don’t always sleep that well. But it’s kind of nice watching the sun come up.”

Emma smiled, setting aside her journal to plant a kiss on his cheek. “I’d love to.”

As Liam left for the evening, Emma walked him to her door and he leaned in the frame for a moment. “Can I confess something to you, Emma?”

“I suppose.”

“I’m sure your predecessor was a great museum curator, but I’m very glad that it was you I met.” He brushed his fingers gently along her cheek. “And I think that you’re going to do amazing things.”

Her cheeks turned pink and she gave him a sunny smile. Liam bent his head and kissed her. “Good night, Emma,” he murmured. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Liam was leaning against the rail at the bow of the ship when Emma found him in the morning. She smiled a little shyly as she came to stand beside him. He brushed his thumb across her hand when she rested them on the rail. They stood in comfortable silence as the sun burst over the horizon.